Issue with dotNerInstaller Getting error "The installation package could not be opened. Verify..." - windows

When I create exe within the C:\Program Files\dotNetInstaller\bin folder, and run it, it works perfect, install perfect, but when I try to install that exe from any other location/path, the error appears "The installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it. etc....."
I created an exe and moved to another XP system, on that system, it again gives me error ?
whats the solution ? Is there any admin rights issue ?
I have tried with both TRUE and FALSE of Administrator_Required option.
any idea how can I solve this issue ?

The issue is resolved now.
I should have written #CABPATH\ in the MSI->Package field. Before I was writing #TEMPPATH\

I think you can should add the location:
C:\Program Files\dotNetInstaller\bin
in the PATH environment variable. Follow the steps: Go to
My Computer->Right click->Properties->Advanced System Settings
->Click Environmental Variables. Now click PATH and then click EDIT.
In the variable value field, go to the end and append ';' (without quotes) and then add the above path.


Joomla "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0"

Here is a weird problem i'm facing; after updating Joomla to the latest version, website failed to up load but, as i've made a backup manually from these folders:
and all the root files, after restoring the backup still the website is not loading and just says
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0" !
Any suggestion? Thank you.
Apparently, the version of jBlog you are using is loading its attempting to load its own classes twice.
Let's assume the jBlog developers already fixed it and you carelessly ignored the warning to ensure all your extensions are compatible before updating.
Are you able to access administrator? Simply go there and upgrade jBlog including any modules.
Else, the issue lies within a plugin. In order to access the administrator and perform the update, you will need to manually disable the offending plugin.
A simple way is to rename its folder: start from plugins/system then plugins/content hopefully you'll have spotted it by then. Look into the subfolders of each and spot any that may be relevant to jBlog (or grep through the folder to locate the specific string)
If you have console access, simply run
# grep -rl jblogerror plugins/system
and you should see all the files that include such string, just rename their main plugin folder. But you could also do all this through ftp and guessing.

What is "lrelease"?

I am trying to make a naoqi package with qipkg (I dont know if this problem is specific to aldebaran naoqi or if it is a general windows problem)
qipkg make-package Pepper-Demo.pml
but I get the folowing error:
NotInPath Could not find executable: lrelease
qipkg deploy-package is working as it should.
I solved it with the folowing steps:
Check if there is a .exe file called lrelease in the folder at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Softbank Robotics\Choregraphe Suite 2.5\bin
If not, search for the file on your computer using search in file explorer.
The error message displayed in which folders it searched for.
Go to the first folder it searched in (or create it) and paste the lrelease file.

E0611 error on import when I know the file exists

With pylint, I'm getting an E0611 error on an import when I know the file exists and the script runs fine. Suggestions? I annotated the image below with the error.
Try this:
In VS Code Preferences > Settings, change the "python.linting.pylintPath" to the virtual env path "/bin/pylint"
Removing all ignored files (in the __pycache__-folder, etc.) using the command git clean -dfx fixed the issue for me. (Warning: Ensure you do not have any important git-ignored files which you want to keep before executing this command.)

"The selected directory is not valid home for Lua SDK"?

I'm new here so I apologize if this question is breaking some rule or something. But this is becoming a problem for me. I downloaded Intellij and downloaded the lua plugin for it. Well, now I'm trying to configure lua sdk but everytime I put in the location for it, it says "The selected directory is not valid home for Lua SDK"
What is the valid home? What am I doing wrong?
The problem might be that your lua.exe file is actually named luaXX.exe where XX is the version.
In my case it was lua53.exe. I renamed just the lua53.exe file to lua.exe; I didn't rename the rest.
So at first I had:
After renaming the file I have:
With this changed, the Intellij plugin detected the folder as a valid home.

Wix-Installer-How can I get setup.exe's current directory?

I'm using setup.exe and setupbld.exe (from %WixProramFolder%\bin)to make a
bootstrapper for my installer. Everything is ok except:
I want to get current directory of setup.exe but:
When I use property "CURRENTDIRECTORY", I will get wrong value if I run
command line in cmd.exe: "C:>"D:\setup.exe"". "CURRENTDIRECTORY" is "C:\"
but "D:\" is true.
When I use property "SOURCEDIR", setup.exe will extract setup.msi to
"%Temp%{ProductID}\setup.msi" and "SOURCEDIR" is "%Temp%{ProductID}\" but
expected is "D:\"
Anybody can help me? It make me headache this time :-(
Sorry about my English.
I had this same issue last week with a DB backup that I needed to restore as part of the install. I didn't want to include in the installer as it is likely that it will be updated and even when compressed is ~168Mb.
In the end I included the file into the installer so that it got installed to the application install directory and set Compressed="no" on the file so it is an external dependency. This is not ideal but the only way I could get it to work.
