What is "lrelease"? - windows

I am trying to make a naoqi package with qipkg (I dont know if this problem is specific to aldebaran naoqi or if it is a general windows problem)
qipkg make-package Pepper-Demo.pml
but I get the folowing error:
NotInPath Could not find executable: lrelease
qipkg deploy-package is working as it should.

I solved it with the folowing steps:
Check if there is a .exe file called lrelease in the folder at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Softbank Robotics\Choregraphe Suite 2.5\bin
If not, search for the file on your computer using search in file explorer.
The error message displayed in which folders it searched for.
Go to the first folder it searched in (or create it) and paste the lrelease file.


Error when installing Gurobi package Julia

I downloaded Gurobi and verified that my license is working.
I'm trying to add the Gurobi package to Julia, but it seems that the dll file can't be found, even though my GUROBI_HOME variable is okay.
Here is the output of Pkg.build("Gurobi") :
Found GUROBI_HOME = C:\gurobi902\win64
Does this point to the correct install location?
on Windows, this might be C:\Program Files\gurobi810\win64\
alternatively, on Windows, this might be C:/Program Files/gurobi810/win64/
on OSX, this might be /Library/gurobi810/mac64/
on Unix, this might be /home/my_user/gurobi810/linux64/
Note: this has to be a full path, not a path relative to your current
directory or your home directory.
We're going to look for the Gurobi library in this directory:
That directory has the following files:
We were looking for (but could not find) a file named like
libgurobiXXX.so, libgurobiXXX.dylib, or gurobiXXX.dll. You
should update your GUROBI_HOME environment variable to point to the
correct location.
Have you tried to look for the specific dll in your hard disk and update the GARUBI_HOME accordingly, as per error message? Did you double-check that this specific dll exists on that folder?

Where does Steam store library directories?

In Steam, we can configure multiple directories/folders where it will look for applications. It is found in the menu Steam->Settings->Downloads->STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS dialog.
Where can I find those settings if I'm looking programatically from outside Steam?
I'm more interested in the location for the Windows client.
Found it. On Windows they are stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\libraryfolders.vdf, and you also have to add Steam's install folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam
Here's a sample Python script to extract the information:
import re
with open(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\libraryfolders.vdf") as f:
folders = [r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam"]
lf = f.read()
folders.extend([fn.replace("\\\\", "\\") for fn in
re.findall('^\s*"\d*"\s*"([^"]*)"', lf, re.MULTILINE)])
I found it here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\config.vdf
There's a line in that file:
"BaseInstallFolder_1" "{YourSteamLibraryFolder}"
So I just open it with Notepad then Ctrl+F search 'Base'.
If that line is not in there:
Open Steam. > Sign into you account. > 'Steam'. > 'Settings'.
Then click on 'Downloads'. > 'STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS'.
Make an empty folder somewhere.
Browse to the empty folder you made. > Click on 'SELECT'.
If you then look at the config.vdf again; there should be a line like this:
"BaseInstallFolder_1" "{YourNewEmptySteamLibraryFolder}"
If Steam hasn't been installed in the default location in Windows, you can find it in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, on path SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve\Steam. Here's how I found it in Kotlin:
private val steamFolder: File = File(WinRegistry.getString(
You can then find the libraryfolders.vdf and config.vdf files, as per the other answers.
In each of those library folders you'll find files called appmanifest_<id>.acf, where <id> is the id of the game (find it in Properties / Updates on Steam). If you're looking for a particular game, that will help to determine which folder the game is in, if there's more than one game install location.

"The selected directory is not valid home for Lua SDK"?

I'm new here so I apologize if this question is breaking some rule or something. But this is becoming a problem for me. I downloaded Intellij and downloaded the lua plugin for it. Well, now I'm trying to configure lua sdk but everytime I put in the location for it, it says "The selected directory is not valid home for Lua SDK"
What is the valid home? What am I doing wrong?
The problem might be that your lua.exe file is actually named luaXX.exe where XX is the version.
In my case it was lua53.exe. I renamed just the lua53.exe file to lua.exe; I didn't rename the rest.
So at first I had:
After renaming the file I have:
With this changed, the Intellij plugin detected the folder as a valid home.

Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lex failed with exit code 1

I am trying to include a file in my resource bundle the files contains the following:
*extra line*
The files is called:
The error I get is:
IExpenseReporter/tessdata/eng.cube.lm:6: premature EOF
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lex failed with exit code 1
This file goes along with the newest version of tesseract (OCR). Does anyone have an idea what is causing this error and how to fix it?
Make sure you select the "Create folder references" option when adding the tessdata folder to your project.
From the documentation:
NOTE: This library currently requires the tessdata folder to be linked
as a referenced folder instead of a symbolic group. If Tesseract can't
find a language file in your own project, it's probably because you
created the tessdata folder as a symbolic group instead of a
referenced folder. It should look like this if you did it correctly:
Note how the tessdata folder has a blue icon, indicating it was
imported as a referenced folder instead of a symbolic group.
Trashing the current folder and adding it again as a folder reference should solve the problem.
XCode "thinks" this is a lex file and try to process it by calling lex. However, lex finds and unbalanced quote and thus a premature end of file.
You should try to call the designated tool explicitly.
I had this issue and I found that copying the folder "tessdata" from the language zip into the project directory rather then into Xcode fixed the issue.

appledoc Exception: at least one directory

After wasting some time to figure out what goes wrong, I finally have to ask for help. I want to use appledocs from Gentle Bytes. I followed every step of the quick install guide, but I´m not able to compile the project.
Here is what I´ve done:
1. cloned it from git://github.com/tomaz/appledoc.git
2. installed the templates to ~/Library/Application Support/appledoc
3. tried to compile the project
Everytime I try to compile, I get following error:
ERROR: AppledocException: At least one directory or file name path is required, use 'appledoc --help'
What do I have to do now?
Sounds like you've compiled it just fine and are now running the program. If it's a command-line program try command-option-R in Xcode to provide some arguments (i.e. names of files that you want to process).
The error means you didn't give it source paths: after all switches, you must give it at least one path to your source files. Can be either file or directory. In later case it will recursively scan the dir. Here's example
appledoc <options> ~/MyProject
Above example will use ~/MyProject directory as a source. You can also add multiple source paths. Note that you need to give the tool few options, see this page for minimum command line and other usage examples.
You either have to copy appledoc executable to one of directories in your path, as suggested by Caleb, or use full path to it when invoking (for example: /path/to/appledoc)
