"The selected directory is not valid home for Lua SDK"? - windows

I'm new here so I apologize if this question is breaking some rule or something. But this is becoming a problem for me. I downloaded Intellij and downloaded the lua plugin for it. Well, now I'm trying to configure lua sdk but everytime I put in the location for it, it says "The selected directory is not valid home for Lua SDK"
What is the valid home? What am I doing wrong?

The problem might be that your lua.exe file is actually named luaXX.exe where XX is the version.
In my case it was lua53.exe. I renamed just the lua53.exe file to lua.exe; I didn't rename the rest.
So at first I had:
After renaming the file I have:
With this changed, the Intellij plugin detected the folder as a valid home.


Joomla "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0"

Here is a weird problem i'm facing; after updating Joomla to the latest version, website failed to up load but, as i've made a backup manually from these folders:
and all the root files, after restoring the backup still the website is not loading and just says
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare jblogerror() in on line 0" !
Any suggestion? Thank you.
Apparently, the version of jBlog you are using is loading its attempting to load its own classes twice.
Let's assume the jBlog developers already fixed it and you carelessly ignored the warning to ensure all your extensions are compatible before updating.
Are you able to access administrator? Simply go there and upgrade jBlog including any modules.
Else, the issue lies within a plugin. In order to access the administrator and perform the update, you will need to manually disable the offending plugin.
A simple way is to rename its folder: start from plugins/system then plugins/content hopefully you'll have spotted it by then. Look into the subfolders of each and spot any that may be relevant to jBlog (or grep through the folder to locate the specific string)
If you have console access, simply run
# grep -rl jblogerror plugins/system
and you should see all the files that include such string, just rename their main plugin folder. But you could also do all this through ftp and guessing.

Can't make Dracula theme work on Vim [os: W10]

So, I followed the instuctions in their website, there's a .vim/pack/themes/start path with the dracula folder there with everything and I add the three lines to the _vimrc (had to open as admin to be able to save changes) file in my FilesProgram/Vim folder
after that, two other files appeared, a ._vimrc.un~ and _vimrc~ and now when I try to open vim it gives the following error
Error detected while processing C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc:
line 41:
E919: Directory not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/opt/dracula"
line 43:
E185: Cannot find color scheme 'dracula'
Can anybody tell me where Is the mistake and how to fix it?
We have a cascade of mistakes, here.
The first one was made by the Dracula maintainers, who forgot not everyone uses the same system as them and therefore only provided instructions for "Unix"-like systems and not for Windows (and even those are incorrect anyway).
The second one was made by you, who blindly followed "Unix" instructions on Windows despite the many incompatibilities between those systems.
The third one was also made by you, who edited the system-wide C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc instead of your C:\Users\Edrods\_vimrc.
Follow these steps to fix your setup:
Create C:\Users\Edrods\vimfiles\.
This directory is where all your configuration is supposed to happen. Don't do anything Vim-related anywhere else.
Whenever you see ~/.vim/ mentioned in a tutorial or README.md, replace it mentally with C:\Users\Edrods\vimfiles\.
Create C:\Users\Edrods\vimfiles\vimrc.
This is your main configuration file.
Whenever you see vimrc, .vimrc, or _vimrc mentioned in a tutorial or README.md, replace it mentally with C:\Users\Edrods\vimfiles\vimrc.
Revert any change you may have performed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\.
Whatever line you have added to C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\_vimrc must be moved to C:\Users\Edrods\vimfiles\vimrc.
Whatever file or directory you may have added to C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\ must be moved to C:\Users\Edrods\vimfiles\.
The goal is to return C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\ to its pristine state and forget that directory even exists. It is off-limits.
Put the dracula directory where it belongs:
Add these lines to your vimrc (remember what I said earlier about mentally replacing it with the correct path?) if they are not there already:
syntax enable
colorscheme dracula
(Optional) Tell the maintainers of that colorscheme to fix their installation instructions.

What is "lrelease"?

I am trying to make a naoqi package with qipkg (I dont know if this problem is specific to aldebaran naoqi or if it is a general windows problem)
qipkg make-package Pepper-Demo.pml
but I get the folowing error:
NotInPath Could not find executable: lrelease
qipkg deploy-package is working as it should.
I solved it with the folowing steps:
Check if there is a .exe file called lrelease in the folder at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Softbank Robotics\Choregraphe Suite 2.5\bin
If not, search for the file on your computer using search in file explorer.
The error message displayed in which folders it searched for.
Go to the first folder it searched in (or create it) and paste the lrelease file.

borland c unable to include header file

I have a very old C project that must be opened using borlandc. my machine runs win 8 so I have installed dosbox to run borlandc
the problem is that when i build the project, there exist too many errors, all are in the form: "unable to include file "xxx.h"
kindly be noted that:
- all these header files are existing in the INCLUDE folder
- I have created the cfg file and set the correct path to that folder for the compiler, so as for the linker
- I have set the environment variables
and still have the same errors
can anyone help me with that?
Check the bcc32.cfgfile.It must be in the same directory as that of the bcc32.exe file..
Check this here.

Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lex failed with exit code 1

I am trying to include a file in my resource bundle the files contains the following:
*extra line*
The files is called:
The error I get is:
IExpenseReporter/tessdata/eng.cube.lm:6: premature EOF
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lex failed with exit code 1
This file goes along with the newest version of tesseract (OCR). Does anyone have an idea what is causing this error and how to fix it?
Make sure you select the "Create folder references" option when adding the tessdata folder to your project.
From the documentation:
NOTE: This library currently requires the tessdata folder to be linked
as a referenced folder instead of a symbolic group. If Tesseract can't
find a language file in your own project, it's probably because you
created the tessdata folder as a symbolic group instead of a
referenced folder. It should look like this if you did it correctly:
Note how the tessdata folder has a blue icon, indicating it was
imported as a referenced folder instead of a symbolic group.
Trashing the current folder and adding it again as a folder reference should solve the problem.
XCode "thinks" this is a lex file and try to process it by calling lex. However, lex finds and unbalanced quote and thus a premature end of file.
You should try to call the designated tool explicitly.
I had this issue and I found that copying the folder "tessdata" from the language zip into the project directory rather then into Xcode fixed the issue.
