Is there a way to opt-out from WP8 when submiting an Windows Phone app? - windows-phone-7

I have a Windows Phone app build using the 7.1 SDK that works great on WP7 but does not work at all on WP8 (I am using multicast using UDP and WP8 can join the group but send/receives no message for some reason, other people having the same problem: UDP multicast group on Windows Phone 8).
Is there a way to opt-out from WP8 when I submit my app? I just want the app to be available t WP7 users. I am looking for something like the 256MB opt-out option.

No, there's no way to opt-out for 3rd party apps to opt-out from WP8. A few apps using 1st party APIs on WP7 were opted out from WP8 while they upgraded to WP8, but that's mostly it.
It sounds like you've hit a nasty application comptability bug in your app. Is there a way to get your code to work on WP8? If it's a minor enough change I'd suggest you use a runtime check to apply some WP8 specific code. More on sharing code between WP7 and WP8 can be found in this article #!co-development-and-porting-guide.html
if (IsRunningOnWP8)
// add some WP8 specific UDP Magic
public bool IsRunningOnWP8
return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 8;

There is no way to opt-out from having your 7.1 app published and downloadable for Windows Phone 8.

An app targeted to run on Windows Phone 7.1 will run in a quirks mode on Windows Phone 8.0. This means that API's that introduced breaking changes will preserve their old behavior when running 7.1 apps.
There are some caveats, however, which are documented at


how to dial a number and a code in winphone

In a windows phone app, how can I dial a number and then a code after the phone answers similar to the Nokia Conference app? It seems to be using something different than the PhoneCallTask which does not allow you to do anything special. Thanks
I can assure you that this is NOT possible in WP7 or WP8 for average mortal developers.
Apps like Nokia Conference app get special (OEM) access to libraries that us muggles don't get.
For example the phone call intercept library and SMS intercept libraries.
Perhaps, just perhaps, in WP 8.1 you will be able to create a phone dialer app and be able to allow the user to assign your app as the default phone dialer. Then maybe you can do what you're asking. Currently in the WP7 and WP8 worlds though, this is black magic.
MSDN Question: Windows phone programmatically intercepting incoming phone calls through app
Reference MSDN - Certification Requirements - Phone Functionality Section 5.3
5.3.1 - Phone calls: The app must not delay or prevent the user from initiating a phone call, answering an incoming phone call, or ending a phone call.
You can apparently do this with a VIOP call

Windows Phone 7.5 / 8 push notifications and PhoneGap

we developed a mobile application with PhoneGap. So far it runs fine with WinPhone, iOS, Android and Firefox OS.
We now want to add Push notifications to the app. Basically we can choose which server backend to use. Since the project is already JS-heavy (ember.js) we started with Node.js and are using node-apn and node-gcm to send notifications to iOS and Android.
Is it even possible to have a PhoneGap application register with the MPNS? So far it seems to me that only native C# Applications can register with their server as a valid endpoint (the node.js plugin for MPNS requires this endpoint to send notifications).
It seems Pushwoosh's phonegap plugin works for windows phone, but only with their service. Or did I misread something there?
The reason we wanted to have a self controlled notification server is to push notifications to Firefox OS. None of the push-services seem to support this OS yet.
Any thoughts on this topic are welcome, thx in advance.
The Cordova Push Notifications Plugin added support for Windows Phone 8 recently.
With this plugin, you can now receive and handle Push Notifications on Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 devices conveniently.

How to test/debug WP app simulating INDIA culture and language?

Using BugSense I have notice that my app is getting a lot of "NullReferenceExceptions" from country code "IN" (I think it is India). This Exceptions are form different WP7 OS versions, and using different phones (lumia 710, 610, SAMSUNGSGH-i917) - the common factor is IN country code.
Unfortunatelly I don't knows how to test it. In my phone emulator there is no INDIA language.
This Exception also appears on "NOKIARM-820" with Windows8 OS.
how to test my app simulating INDIA culture and language?
how to test my WP7 app on Windows8 phone emulator?
I don't think there is any 'culture' or 'language' based simulation/emulator available.
If you want to test a wp7 app on wp8 run any wp8 emulator(wvga,wxga,720p). But you will face some problems with 720p screen size emulator because wp7 app doesn't scale up with this size.
So, you got to upgrade your app for wp8. Don't worry it's just a click away.

if I use a BlankApp(xaml) Template in Metro Apps and develop my desired UI , will it work accordingly in Windows phone also?

1) What I have understood that if you develop a application in metro style, it work in desktop, tablet and also phone?
2) I can understand if I use a standard template like grid template for developing my metro style app, that grid view will be converted to listview because of visual state transitions and will work in Windows phone. but my doubt is if we use a blank app template and develop whatever UI I developed as per client requirement will it be able to render or show up in windows phone?
A WinRT app (I assume that is what you mean by Metro) will run on the desktop/tablet and theoretically a Windows Phone 8 device without code changes. First, note that we are talking about Windows Phone 8 (not the current Windows Phone 7) and that it runs, not that the UI layout will be exactly right.
You can design the app however you like, whether it conforms to the Metro design or some other look altogether. If it is developed on WinRT, it should be code compatible with the phone as well.

Marketplace in Windows Phone 7 Emulator

I'm just wondering if there is a way to download some apps for the emulator. The thing is that we're about to start our own application and we want to make sure we're doing everything 'Windows Phone 7 Compliant'. I want to go through some apps and see what / how they do stuff; like going to the settings, animations, navigations, etc.
Chris is correct, there's no marketplace access in the emulator.
The best thing you could do to check compliance of your app is to review the UI Design Guidelines and App Certification Requirements.
Please note that, you will not able to donwload app there, but this code will help to see MarketPlace on the Emulator.
Create a Sample Console App, Add Reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Files\microsoft shared\Phone Tools\CoreCon\10.0\Bin\Microsoft.Smartdevice.Connectivity.dll 
In the main method paste following code.
DatastoreManager datastoreManager = new DatastoreManager(1033);
Platform platform = datastoreManager.GetPlatforms().Single(p => p.Name == "Windows Phone 7");
Device device = platform.GetDevices().Single(d => d.Name == "Windows Phone Emulator");
Guid appID = new Guid("{5B04B775-356B-4AA0-AAF8-6491FFEA5630}");
if (device.IsApplicationInstalled(appID))
RemoteApplication app = device.GetApplication(appID);
I got the appid by using ILSPy for Windows Phone Library.
Links which helped me.
No, you can't today. You can check out design guidelines at
Windows Phone 7 devices have started appearing in the market. You should plan to get hold of one. I have done most of my Windows Phone 7 app development using the emulator. When I got my hands on a device few weeks ago, I started testing testing the apps and found a number of issues related to performance, network connectivity, etc. Therefore, it is really beneficial to test applications on a real device before submitting to the Marketplace.
Though the question was initially targeting Windows Phone 7, it might be interesting to other visitors to know that the WP8 emulator does have marketplace access.
