Windows Phone 7.5 / 8 push notifications and PhoneGap - windows-phone-7

we developed a mobile application with PhoneGap. So far it runs fine with WinPhone, iOS, Android and Firefox OS.
We now want to add Push notifications to the app. Basically we can choose which server backend to use. Since the project is already JS-heavy (ember.js) we started with Node.js and are using node-apn and node-gcm to send notifications to iOS and Android.
Is it even possible to have a PhoneGap application register with the MPNS? So far it seems to me that only native C# Applications can register with their server as a valid endpoint (the node.js plugin for MPNS requires this endpoint to send notifications).
It seems Pushwoosh's phonegap plugin works for windows phone, but only with their service. Or did I misread something there?
The reason we wanted to have a self controlled notification server is to push notifications to Firefox OS. None of the push-services seem to support this OS yet.
Any thoughts on this topic are welcome, thx in advance.

The Cordova Push Notifications Plugin added support for Windows Phone 8 recently.
With this plugin, you can now receive and handle Push Notifications on Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 devices conveniently.


No attachments possible on teams bot on android

On Android devices Teams is not showing a paperclip to send images when talking to a bot?
Manifest has been configured with supportFiles: true
On iOS or Windows it was never an issue.
Its a blocking problem, since my customers wants to use Android devices.
#sammydeprez Sending and receiving files through Teams Mobile App is not supported as documented here.

Receive Push Notification in Windows with delphi application?

I would like to create a Windows application in Delphi 10 enabled to receive push notifications.
I have seen that in Delphi 10 there is the BaaS provider to which to hook services like Kinvey, Parse, EMS. But I found serious problems, too many to summarize them here.
I have seen that Windows 10 can receive push notifications like in the Pushsafer client. In this case it is a question of developing a UWP App.
Delphi 10 (Tokyo) allows you to create a UWP App but it's a dark world for me.
I have looked for examples by sea and by mountains but it seems that it is not a very treated subject.
The question then is how to create a UWP App in Delphi enabled to receive Push notifications from Pushsafer or WNS?

Is there a way to opt-out from WP8 when submiting an Windows Phone app?

I have a Windows Phone app build using the 7.1 SDK that works great on WP7 but does not work at all on WP8 (I am using multicast using UDP and WP8 can join the group but send/receives no message for some reason, other people having the same problem: UDP multicast group on Windows Phone 8).
Is there a way to opt-out from WP8 when I submit my app? I just want the app to be available t WP7 users. I am looking for something like the 256MB opt-out option.
No, there's no way to opt-out for 3rd party apps to opt-out from WP8. A few apps using 1st party APIs on WP7 were opted out from WP8 while they upgraded to WP8, but that's mostly it.
It sounds like you've hit a nasty application comptability bug in your app. Is there a way to get your code to work on WP8? If it's a minor enough change I'd suggest you use a runtime check to apply some WP8 specific code. More on sharing code between WP7 and WP8 can be found in this article #!co-development-and-porting-guide.html
if (IsRunningOnWP8)
// add some WP8 specific UDP Magic
public bool IsRunningOnWP8
return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 8;
There is no way to opt-out from having your 7.1 app published and downloadable for Windows Phone 8.
An app targeted to run on Windows Phone 7.1 will run in a quirks mode on Windows Phone 8.0. This means that API's that introduced breaking changes will preserve their old behavior when running 7.1 apps.
There are some caveats, however, which are documented at

Windows Phone 7 push notification when the app is not running

I am trying to implement push notifications in windows phone 7.5
I bind the channelUri in App.xaml when the application starts up.
I can then switch my app to background and receive toast notifications based on the Uri.
But this requires me to first go the app and then make it to background.
Can I receive the toast without the app running? That is when the channelUri is not bound.
Is this a default behaviour in Windows phone 7 or whether I am missing a point here?
If this is the behaviour, how can I send some form of notification/ information to the phone when the app is not running?
I did see this Windows Phone 7.5 - Push Notifications when app is tombstoned.
I know the Channel is active up to 30 days, is it the same when I use only emulator?
App should be associated with a channel so as to receive notification and even when app is not running, if the notification channel is active, then the application will receive the toast
I think you are missing the point. In order to receive toast notifications you don't have to have the app running in the background. Toasts (and Tile notifications) are meant for when the app is not running at all. So, start the app to get a push-uri and then send that to the service. In theory you won't need one again after 30 days. When it comes to the emulator it will be available as long as the emulator is running. Once you shutdown/close the emulator, the push-uri is gone and you would need to re-request one. (Generally speaking, nothing is saved on the emulator and so closing and opening the emulator is like getting a new device everytime.)
Hopefully this helps

launch an app from a URL on Windows Phone 7

I know that on the iPhone you can register a URL prefix such as myapp://blah which, when opened in safari, will open up your application.
Is there anything like this for Windows Phone 7?
Unfortunately not, applications can only be launched by the user from the application list or home screen. I suspect that the hooks are there in the operating system because the YouTube application is launched when attempting to view a video on the YouTube website from the browser and the user is prompted to install the app if they haven't already got it installed. But unfortunately, this approach isn't publicly available.
You may give Receive Push Notifications in an Application for Windows Phone a try.
