Yesod ghc.exe not responding when doing "yesod devel" Windows - windows

I was starting to read about Yesod on Yesod website, and I tried to install it on Windows.
I followed the following steps :
I installed Haskell-Platform from their website for Windows.
I added C:...\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin on my Path (where "..." means my HOME folder).
I opened my Command Prompt and typed "cabal update"
Then I did "cabal install cabal-install" to install the newest version.
Afterwards, I executed "cabal install yesod" and everything worked fine.
Called "yesod init" and it created my projet.
Finally called "yesod devel" and the problem started.
Once I call "yesod devel" I have the following error :
Desktop\yosod>yesod devel
Yesod devel server. Press ENTER to quit
Configurating yosod-0.0.0 (yosod is the name of my application)
yesod: src\System\Win32\Notify.hs:(136,1)-(146,45): Non-exhaustive patterns function actsToEvent
Rebuilding application... (using Cabal library)
Starting development server...
Starting devel application
Exit code: ExitFailure 255
(Then there's a window popup saying : ghc.exe not responding)
"ghc --version" is 7.4.2
"cabal --version" :
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library
I tried reinstalling everything and I had the same error.
Thank you for your help.

The upstream bug should now be resolved.


install redmine on windows 10 have failed

hello there i'm trying to install redmine on windows 10 ,i have tried to install with bitnami and it have error on
installing gems any one will give me a solution on installing redmine
on windows 10. i prefer to use iis web server
,also i have tried "windows web platform installer" with "helicon zoo"
and had error on finding file , and i have tried to install it without
package manager and it failed on
step 4.3 so i skipped but again it failed on step 5.2 when executing
"ruby dk.rb install"
i haven't used ruby ever before am i missing something
thanks in advance
ps , i have added error snapshot in bellow
if you are installing Redmine in your local system which has OS Windows 10, you no need to install all the required set of Softwares separately, you can go and download the Bitnami Redmine here
the download is an installer you can easily install all the software includes Database aswell.
I think this will helps you.
I do not know why you are trying to install redmine the ways you quote usually first check if it is already installed via command prompt and write, gem list.
If not installed, gem install 'redmine' or gem update 'redmine'
I would do a check to see if redmine is actually still an active gem.

Trying to lauch Appcelerator "Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading"

I was using the appcelerator and it asked me to upgrade, after this, the program was not responding, I closed it while the program was installing an update and when I tried to launch again, the program returned an error:
"Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading" [...]
Now I can't open the appcelerator.. and there aren't any process running for I can close and stop the "download"(if there is some download in process).
I don't know if there is some download in process and neither your progress...
I found a way to resolve.
Just delete ~/.appcelerator /.installing file
The problem is about Appcelerator Command Line . Make sure that you nstall the Appcelerator Command Line properly .
Follow the steps to Install the Appcelerator Command Line .
1. Ensure that you have Node.JS installed
node --version
If it works, you will see a version such as v0.10.37.
2. Install the Appcelerator CLI
sudo npm install appcelerator -g
3. After installation, you need to run setup to kick things off.
appc setup

Yesod fails to install in OSX 10.6.8 with Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0

I can't install yesod.
Doing a cabal install yesod-bin or cabal install yesod fails because it
fails to build shakespeare.
I tried with all versions of shapeare >= 2.0, as required by yesod-bin.
Below are all outputs.
My environment:
OS X 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2
Haskell-platform 2014.2.0.0
cabal-install using version of the Cabal library.
This corresponds to a fresh install of the HP, ghc, and cabal I did
before trying to install yesod.
The developer of Shakespeare suspects that be a bug of HP and suggested I
try a clean install of GHC as explained in
However, the bindist available there doesn't work with my OS 10.6.8
I have a large screen output from those trials that you can check on the
Shakespeare github page corresponding to the thread I started there
If you prefer, I can paste it here as well.
I already looked on the yesodweb page, sent a mail to the Haskell mailing list, to the Shakespeare developer and googled around. Anybody here that faced (and solved?) this same issue? or that could reproduce it?
I also asked the Shakespeare developer for help on hack a fix on that library. Not sure yet if that is an easy task though. Still waiting for his reply on that.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Solved!
The quickstart from the yesod site wouldn't work as I said at the beginning of this thread because the shakespeare package didn't get built.
That's because those steps suggest installing yesod-bin globally and only
afterwards start the sandbox.
Reversing those steps does the work.
More concretely, what I did was
mkdir yesod
cd yesod
wget https ://
cabal update
cabal install alex happy (actually I had these already installed)
cabal sandbox init
cabal install network
cabal install primitive-0.6 (idem)
cabal install yesod-bin
And at this point shakespeare built fine and yesod got installed. I went then further and did
export PATH=./.cabal-sandbox/bin/:$PATH
in order to get yesod running:
yesod init --bare
cabal install -j --enable-tests --max-backjumps=-1 --reorder-goal (probably not necessary; followed blindly init's suggestion)
cabal install --run-tests
yesod devel
That lead to a minor configuring of FirstWebServer-0.0.0..., which triggered a recompile of a few libraries and a rebuild of the application and finally a working Welcome Yesod page at localhost:3000
More details on the Haskell-cafe mailing list under the thread
https: //

Building XDebug For Use by MAMP?

I'm using MAMP on Mac OSX Mavericks. I'd like to install the latest XDebug, v2.2.4. Per the XDebug Wizard, I downloaded the XDebug 2.2.4 source. I have many versions of phpize installed on my system - one that is in /usr/bin/, and many others that come with MAMP. MAMP supplies the required phpize for each version of PHP it includes.
Seeking to use the correct phpize, per the XDebug Wizard instructions - - I ran the phpize for PHP 5.5.3 via:
..and got this output:
grep: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php/main/php.h: No such file or directory
grep: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php/Zend/zend_modules.h: No such file or directory
grep: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php/Zend/zend_extensions.h: No such file or directory
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:
Zend Module Api No:
Zend Extension Api No:
Just in case this was not an error (since it appeared that I was following XDebug Wizard directions), I then ran configure via:
./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/bin/php-config
...and I ran:
...but got this error:
fatal error: 'php.h' file not found
What is the correct way to build XDebug on OSX for use by MAMP?
Thanks very much in advance to all for any thoughts or info.
I had a similar issue and it was resolved after installing XCode and the Command Line Tools for XCode. I already had XCode installed, but I recently moved over to a new machine so I had to open it back up and it updated some things. Then I opened Terminal and ran the command...
xcode-select --install
That popped up a prompt to install the command line tools which I did and it resolved my issue.
Incase anyone else stumbles across this from Google...
My issue was the wrong phpize binary was found on the path.
I was able to resolve this using the Xdebug FAQ, specifically this section:
When Xdebug wizard asks you to run phpize, instead find and run phpize in your MAMP directory. For me, this was:
After this, you should see an output similar to your tailored installation instructions.
Then find and run php-config in your MAMP directory (Note: this command must be run from where you have Xdebug stored on your machine). For me, this was:
./configure --with-php-config=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.1.19/bin/php-config
You'll see a bunch of output... Followed by a, "Build complete." message.
Now you can return to your tailored installation instructions (be sure to skip the next step, Run: ./configure).
Try installing autoconf using brew : brew install autoconf

Installed trigger app, installed node.js, trigger says it can't run npm on Mac

New Mac user account. I install the (TriggerToolkit) app for the Mac. It fires up a tab with the apps. I can run the iOS simulator from it - so it is plausibly working installation. I have installed node.js from the node.js website, using the Mac package.
I have node.js as /usr/local/bin/npm (version 1.1.43).
It is found when I type "npm" at a command line.
The path "/usr/local/bin" is on my $PATH.
"/usr/local/bin" is set in my /etc/paths file, system wide.
So the npm executable should be findable by any user, at any time (before or after login, running a terminal, etc).
When I use the web page for the web run, it's OK, until it tries to run npm.
[DEBUG] running run_web((), {})
[DEBUG] Running: npm install
[DEBUG] failed to run npm: do you have Node.js installed and on your path? while running run_web((), {})
[ERROR] failed to run npm: do you have Node.js installed and on your path?
I guess that the problem must be something to do with an assumption about the path for npm. What's the assumption? What can I symlink to make this work?
Note that npm is found by "forge run web". This is something specific to the way that is working.
Update: this is fixed as of v1.4.6:
Previous answer:
Unfortunately I think the error message here isn't great and reflects a general problem with starting the node app.
We are aware of one issue with dependencies which started occurring after Node 0.8. Can you check what Node version you have:
node --version
If it's 0.8, then a temporary workaround to this problem is to use the command line tools and:
forge build
Then manually update development/web/package.json to refer to express 2.5.10, then
forge run web
Sorry for the trouble, we'll report back here when that's fixed
