Trying to lauch Appcelerator "Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading" - appcelerator

I was using the appcelerator and it asked me to upgrade, after this, the program was not responding, I closed it while the program was installing an update and when I tried to launch again, the program returned an error:
"Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading" [...]
Now I can't open the appcelerator.. and there aren't any process running for I can close and stop the "download"(if there is some download in process).
I don't know if there is some download in process and neither your progress...

I found a way to resolve.
Just delete ~/.appcelerator /.installing file

The problem is about Appcelerator Command Line . Make sure that you nstall the Appcelerator Command Line properly .
Follow the steps to Install the Appcelerator Command Line .
1. Ensure that you have Node.JS installed
node --version
If it works, you will see a version such as v0.10.37.
2. Install the Appcelerator CLI
sudo npm install appcelerator -g
3. After installation, you need to run setup to kick things off.
appc setup


How Do I Solve "Trufle Init 'command not found'" Terminal Issue on Mac?

I'm trying to set up the tools needed to develop a decentralised application.
I would need to input truffle init to my terminal as part of the process. I've tried multiple times to solve the "command not found" message I keep getting when I input truffle init, but I have not found a solution. I'm not sure if there are any other ways I could bypass this issue. It seems as though a lot of the developer tools I've tried to install for blockchain development have been difficult to install or integrate with my Mac.
Thank you for any assistance provided.
Have you tried to install truffle globally?
sudo npm install -g truffle#latest
Please verify that you have installed truffle properly using
truffle -version

Appcelerator CLI - can't login

I've reinstalled my Windows machine and I have installed the Appc CLI from npm (did not install Appcelerator Studio this time).
When I do appc setup I get to the login phase, and after entering my credentials it's stuck. Even tried closing the console window and starting a new one and doing appc login - again entering my credentials and it's stuck....
What am I missing?
If I run the following appc login -l trace then after putting my username and password I see that it does not go beyond Get the registry...
I also faced the same problem with node v10.15.0 & googled about the problem. I found lots of posts suggesting me to clean the installation of node & delete all the related directories from Program Files or User Profile or Appdata. I did the same & reinstalled node v10.15.0 and then installed appcelerator cli. But i couldn't able to get it working.
After that, i discussed about it with one of my colleague & he suggested to install some earlier version of node ( 8.11.4 instead of 10.15.0 ). I tried it after cleaning previous installations & This time i ended up with success.
So try with earlier versions of node.
Try to run the below commands in Administrative command prompt.
rm -rf ~/.appcelerator
rm -rf ~/.titanium
npm uninstall -g titanium
npm uninstall -g appcelerator
npm install -g appcelerator
appc config set proxyServer null
appc use latest
appc setup

Q: Error when installing "node-red-contrib-composer" using "Manage Palette" feature

When I try to install the plugin using the "Manage Palette" feature of node-red the installation fails with a general error: "Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded". The work-around for me was to install the plugin from the command line inside the .node-red user settings directory.
Note beyond, I am able to install other plugins via "Manage Palette" without problems. So, I don't think it is a general issue with my setup or the way I am using node-red.
So I am wondering, if I am missing something or this is a bug?
Here is how to reproduce the issue:
Install hyperledger composer and fabric as described in the development guide - I am using Ubuntu LTS 16.04.3 (64-bit) and Node.js 8.9.1
Allow unprivileged users for installing global npm packages (this one is missing in the development guide, btw!) - I used npm-g_nosudo for the setup
Install node-red - Execute npm install -g node-red as unprivileged user (no need for --unsafe-perm at this point)
Start node-red - Execute node-red on the command line with the user account used to run hyperledger composer and fabric
Try to install the node-red-contrib-composerplugin using "Manage Palette"
This is a known issue, see
and is due to this issue in node-red

react native is not set up after setting up the PATH variable

I am setting up react native on mac. I have installed node along with npm.
node version is v6.11.4
npm version is 5.4.2
I have install react native, command shown on the below image. And also export the PATH, then also it shows an error that react-native command not found. Could anyone help?
After running npm install -g react-native --verbose, it shows following:
I believe the command to get react-native-cli version is react-native -version which will show CLI version and the version of any react-native project directory you are in
I've seen this very error happening to a colleague of mine back in India. For some reason their ISP restricted the network to a level they couldn't access the NPM registry fully and the only way around it at that time was to use a VPN. Sadly I can't provide you any more info as this happened a couple of years ago.
You may want to change your DNS settings to override your ISPs' to see whether this helps but the reason why installation of react-native-cli is failing is that you can't access the NPM registry so it's a problem with your network provider rather than your machine.

Installed trigger app, installed node.js, trigger says it can't run npm on Mac

New Mac user account. I install the (TriggerToolkit) app for the Mac. It fires up a tab with the apps. I can run the iOS simulator from it - so it is plausibly working installation. I have installed node.js from the node.js website, using the Mac package.
I have node.js as /usr/local/bin/npm (version 1.1.43).
It is found when I type "npm" at a command line.
The path "/usr/local/bin" is on my $PATH.
"/usr/local/bin" is set in my /etc/paths file, system wide.
So the npm executable should be findable by any user, at any time (before or after login, running a terminal, etc).
When I use the web page for the web run, it's OK, until it tries to run npm.
[DEBUG] running run_web((), {})
[DEBUG] Running: npm install
[DEBUG] failed to run npm: do you have Node.js installed and on your path? while running run_web((), {})
[ERROR] failed to run npm: do you have Node.js installed and on your path?
I guess that the problem must be something to do with an assumption about the path for npm. What's the assumption? What can I symlink to make this work?
Note that npm is found by "forge run web". This is something specific to the way that is working.
Update: this is fixed as of v1.4.6:
Previous answer:
Unfortunately I think the error message here isn't great and reflects a general problem with starting the node app.
We are aware of one issue with dependencies which started occurring after Node 0.8. Can you check what Node version you have:
node --version
If it's 0.8, then a temporary workaround to this problem is to use the command line tools and:
forge build
Then manually update development/web/package.json to refer to express 2.5.10, then
forge run web
Sorry for the trouble, we'll report back here when that's fixed
