Ruby : trying to install rubyXL gem from file - ruby

I am just starting with Ruby on Rails and need to use the RubyXL gem ( I was told by one of the other devs to use bundle install. I cannot seem to get the syntax correct however, if I run "bundle install ./rubyXL-1.2.10.gem" I get ""install" was called incorrectly. Call as "bundle install".". How do I use bund

If you need bundler you can add
gem 'rubyXL', :path => '_path_to_file_'
to your Gemfile

You want gem install ./rubyXL-1.2.10.gem.


How could I install Gems from git repositories?

I need to install gem form git repository. repository contains .gemspec file. In my gem file i have following code:
gem 'echo_server', :git => ''
When i am running bundle install gems are installer in .bundeler and not showing in gem list.
my question is:
How the gem will be available in system, so that i can use in require ?
There are some similar SOQ but it does't help me.
It is not showing up when you type gem list because it is not being installed like a regular gem. You can require it like you would any other library because Bundler knows about it and will set it up for you. You should see it in your $LOAD_PATH:
See the Bundler documentation on this for more information.
If instead you want to install it as a regular gem from the Git repository, you can clone the repository and then build and install the generated gem. For example:
gem build echo_server.gemspec
gem install echo_server-X.Y.Z.gem
There is also specific_install.

Ruby gem for Mozenda

Has anyone worked with Mozenda in ruby on rails project before?
I am looking for gem or wrapper of Mozenda API.
Searched online there were two library 'mozenda' and 'mozenda-api'.
Unfortunately, both cannot be found when i tried to install them.
Install one of them as a git repo by adding the proper record into Gemfile:
gem 'mozenda', :git => ''
gem 'mozenda-api', :git => ''
Then issue:
$ bundle install

Install gems in a Rakefile

I've searched around the Internet, what is the syntax for installing a gem in a rakefile? the only way I've been able to is to skirt around the issue and use a exec() function e.g.
cmd = "gem install geoip"
There has to be a better way for this.
Does not seem to work for me
Bundler is used to download gems. Rake is just used to run tasks with the Ruby code itself
You would create a Gemfile, give it a source like this
source ''
and add the gems you want like this
gem 'rails'
then run bundle in the directiory with the Gemfile and it gets all of the gems you need.

Ruby 1.9 - no such file to load 'win32/open3'

I'm running ruby 1.9.2 on Windows and am trying to port code that worked in Ruby 1.8. The code uses Open4.popen4 which previously worked fine. With 1.9.2 I have done the following:
Installed POpen4 via gem install POpen4
Required POpen4 via require 'popen4'
Attempted to use POpen4 like:
Open4.popen4("cmd") {|io_in,io_out,io_er| ... }
When I do, I get the error:
no such file to load -- win32/open3
If I try and install win32-open3 (gem install win32-open3) I get the error:
win32-open3 requires Ruby version < 1.9.0
Does anyone know how I get around this problem?
Haven't used it, but this might work:
gem "win32-open3-19", :platforms => :mingw, :git => ""
to my Gemfile didn't exactly work.
Here are the steps that solved this for me:
Add this to the Gemfile -> gem 'win32-open3-19', :platforms => :mingw
Run bundle to install win32-open3-19
That was it. For me the git location was unncessary and didn't work.

Installing a gem from Github with Bundler

I am trying to use the instructions here to install a pre-released version of a gem with bundler.
The "bundle install" output lists the gem as getting installed, but "gem list" fails to find it.
My Gemfile:
source :gemcutter
gem 'sinatra', '1.1.0', :git => ''
gem 'RedCloth', '4.2.3'
Here is a gist with the rest of my sample code.
Has anyone gotten this scenario to work?
NOTE: I am also using RVM (on OS X). bundle show does list the gem (and dependencies) as existing, but I am not able to properly resolve them.
I would look at the load paths, and further debug from there, example:
...(master) $ irb
irb(main):001:0> $LOAD_PATH.count
=> 8
irb(main):004:0> require 'bundler/setup'
=> true
irb(main):005:0> $LOAD_PATH.count
=> 112
Bundler configures the load path for you, this means not all the gems are included on your load path by default.
Additionally, from the bundler git help:
Because Rubygems lacks the ability to handle gems from git, any gems installed from a git repository will not show up in gem list. They will, however, be available after running Bundler.setup.
Best regards, hope this helps
Bundler might have installed it locally to your app. This could vary wildly, depending on OS and whether you are using RVM.
What is the output of bundle show sinatra?
In my case, sinatra was installed here:
Sinatra doesn't show in the gems list, but the server launches correctly if I execute rackup.
Gems installed via bundler on Engine Yard go to a different folder to isolate them.
it's usually /data/APP_NAME/shared/bundled_gems
To be sure, check your .bundle/config file on your APP folder at Engine Yard
It looks like there is an issue using Shotgun and Bundler (git repositories only).
If I use rackup to start up my app, all is well. I am going to investigate a little more and then file a bug with one (or both) of the projects.
