How could I install Gems from git repositories? - ruby

I need to install gem form git repository. repository contains .gemspec file. In my gem file i have following code:
gem 'echo_server', :git => ''
When i am running bundle install gems are installer in .bundeler and not showing in gem list.
my question is:
How the gem will be available in system, so that i can use in require ?
There are some similar SOQ but it does't help me.

It is not showing up when you type gem list because it is not being installed like a regular gem. You can require it like you would any other library because Bundler knows about it and will set it up for you. You should see it in your $LOAD_PATH:
See the Bundler documentation on this for more information.
If instead you want to install it as a regular gem from the Git repository, you can clone the repository and then build and install the generated gem. For example:
gem build echo_server.gemspec
gem install echo_server-X.Y.Z.gem
There is also specific_install.


Can't install gem using Bundler's Rakefile install task when developing a custom gem

I'm developing a couple of private gems and I think I don't understand correctly the PATH/GEM_PATH and/or Bundler/RVM installation flow, would love if someone could chip in.
I have a repository with two gems (A & B for simplicity sake). I've developed the gems using the scaffolding + following the guidelines provided by this bundler tutorial.
Thanks to the Bundler project I have a few Rakefile tasks like rake build, rake install, rake install:local and rake release. Because of the private nature of these gems I can't release them to RubyGems (and we haven't looked into hosting our rubygems).
My machines are using RVM to manage ruby versions and Bundler version 1.15.1
What I want to do: Assuming a new machine/developer trying out the project, ideally we would cd into each of the subfolders (currently 2, gem A and gem B), run rake install and after that we should have the gems available system wide for the current user.
What is happening: The gems are built and work properly, but they are only available inside the subfolder of each gem i.e. gem A is only available inside the subfolder A and gem B is only available inside subfolder B.
What I've tried: So, after rake build/install/install:local a new .gem file is generated under pkg. I've tried to manually install the "compiled" file using gem install pkg/A.gem, gem install --local pkg/A.gem and gem install --local --user-install pkg/A.gem without success. (there are plenty of SO questions/answers about this)
I believe this has something to do with the PATH variables, but like I said before I don't fully understand the way they are managed. I get the following results from these commands:
# Our gem
> gem which A
# Pry, available globally
> gem which pry
I've been lost and frustrated for far too long now, any help is appreciated. Also open to hear suggestions of better private gem installation flows :)
Yes, it has something to do with your PATH variables. Your installation seems to be good.
I advise you to first affirm your gems installation path with:
echo $GEM_HOME
The double check your PATH to ensure its present and also confirm that the GEM home is also where the gem got installed into from the rake install
echo $PATH
If not, put it in your path and you should be fine with something like this:
echo PATH=$PATH:$GEM_HOME >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Build your gem as per that guide you linked. You should end up with a gem file. Distribute this as you see fit (I use rsync/crontab to download newer gem versions but anything goes). User can install the gem as follows:
gem install --user-install /path/to/your/file.gem
This will install the gem in the user's ~/.gem/ruby/<version>/gems/<your-gem-name> directory.
Tried it with an empty gem (foodie, as in that example guide) and it works fine. But if you don't specify the --user-install parameter it will try to install in the system ruby dir (/usr/lib/ruby/gems...)

Where does Bundler install gems pulled from Github?

I want to put a debugger in a file for testing, but can't find where Bundler installs gems pulled from Github on my local machine.
I've looked at this thread which shows how to setup a local file repo to pull from, but I would rather avoid this as my situation is a one off debugging scenario.
I use rbenv for my ruby and gem management. When I pull in a gem from a git repo, it places the files for the gem here:
On my machine bundler installed the gem in:
gem which [GEM] doesn't work on its own, but bundle exec gem which [GEM] does.

Bundler: using shared gem when it exists, rather than downloading from gem server

Say, I have Gemfile like following.
gem 'gem_A'
# gem_A has no additional dependency
gem 'gem_B'
# gem_B depends on gem_B_1 and gem_B_2
When I run bundle install, I want Bundler to do the following.
If a gem already exists in "local system-wide gems", it copies the gem from local.
If a gem doesn't exist in local, it looks for GEM_REPOSITORY.
I looked for some related articles, and found some of likely-answers like
Ruby Bundler multiple sources in Gemfile
But none of the above looks like the answer for me.
Using source repository priority does't work. Because in the example above, if dependent gem (say, gem_B_1) exits in local but the target gem (gem_B) doesn't exist in local, it'll download both of above from the remote repository.
Are there any work around for doing this?
If not, don't you guys think it's necessary considering the cost of the implementation and the effect?
This is the current behavior.
When running gem install, directly or via bundle install, gem will first build a dependency graph with all the needed gems. If the gem is found locally it will use it, otherwise it will try to download it from the specified source.
If you want, try it yourself.
bundle gem gem_a
bundle gem gem_b
cd gem_a
vim gem_a.gemspec
spec.add_dependency 'multi_json', '~> 1.10.1'
or any dependency you want to the gem and run bundle install.
cd ../gem_b
vim Gemfile
and add
gem 'gem_a', path: '../gem_a'
then run
bundle install --verbose
you will see that the multi_json or whatever dependency of gem_a uses the local version and does not download anything.
This is of course also true for gems from remote sources.

Ruby: How to Install a Plugin in a Git Repository

I'm not new to programming, but brand new to Ruby. Everything's working, but I'm still missing a key concept: how do you install a plugin and where/how do you include it in an app?
I'm trying to use the Facebooker2 plugin: In the readme, step 1 is to "Install facebooker2 as a plugin in your rails app." I've run the command git clone to download a read only version of the repository.
Do I then bundle that up using Bundler, or do I need to create a gem file in some way? Do I simply
use gem to install it, or do I need to compile it into a gem?
Any help (terminal commands or otherwise) are extremely helpful.
I looked at the repo and it's set up as a gem. You can simply add
gem 'facebooker2'
to your Gemfile (in the root of your project) and run
bundle install
to download it and add it to your list of installed gems, both in development and in production.
Rails used to include the concept of plugins (added to your /vendor/plugins directory) but that's been dropped in favor of gems.
If you're source is source '' but the gem you need is specific to github and not part of the library, then you can add the git method to your gemfile. You can also select a specific branch version. For example, here I have the gem cancan being pulled from the github repository on the 2.0 branch.
gem "cancan", :git => "git://", :branch => "2.0"

Using bundler with "--path vendor", why are gems specified with ":git" not locally vendored?

I'm using bundler and have a Gemfile that looks like this:
source ''
gem 'sinatra', '1.3.1'
gem 'httparty'
# ...etc...
gem 'my_custom_gem', :git => ''
When I run bundle install it fetches the necessary gems, including my custom gem, and installs them in the system gem directory. So far, so good. However, an issue arises when I try to vendor them into a project-local directory. When I run
bundle install --path vendor
It creates the "vendor" directory in my project root and installs all the regular gems there. So I see directories like
But it does not vendor the gem specified with a 'git' parameter. I expect to see but do not see anything like
It continues to use the system-installed version of this gem. Any explanation for this? Any clean way to get this custom gem vendored as well?
Not supported right now, hopefully coming in Bundler 1.1:
For now you'll have to do:
cd vendor/ruby/1.8/gems/
git clone git://
or similar
