Ruby gem for Mozenda - ruby

Has anyone worked with Mozenda in ruby on rails project before?
I am looking for gem or wrapper of Mozenda API.
Searched online there were two library 'mozenda' and 'mozenda-api'.
Unfortunately, both cannot be found when i tried to install them.

Install one of them as a git repo by adding the proper record into Gemfile:
gem 'mozenda', :git => ''
gem 'mozenda-api', :git => ''
Then issue:
$ bundle install


Installing a modified gem? ( install gem from custom github/branch globally)

I'm new to Ruby and have searched for and tried several Gems that read .doc & .docx files. Yomu
seems the best but it's super slow. This it seems is due to server mode. I've come across a modification for this. I just can't seem to figure out how to install this modified Yomu Gem over the original on my system.
You can set a git and branch in your Gemfile for this gem (see documentation)
# Gemfile
gem 'yomu', :git => '', :branch => 'feature/servermode'

How could I install Gems from git repositories?

I need to install gem form git repository. repository contains .gemspec file. In my gem file i have following code:
gem 'echo_server', :git => ''
When i am running bundle install gems are installer in .bundeler and not showing in gem list.
my question is:
How the gem will be available in system, so that i can use in require ?
There are some similar SOQ but it does't help me.
It is not showing up when you type gem list because it is not being installed like a regular gem. You can require it like you would any other library because Bundler knows about it and will set it up for you. You should see it in your $LOAD_PATH:
See the Bundler documentation on this for more information.
If instead you want to install it as a regular gem from the Git repository, you can clone the repository and then build and install the generated gem. For example:
gem build echo_server.gemspec
gem install echo_server-X.Y.Z.gem
There is also specific_install.

Ruby : trying to install rubyXL gem from file

I am just starting with Ruby on Rails and need to use the RubyXL gem ( I was told by one of the other devs to use bundle install. I cannot seem to get the syntax correct however, if I run "bundle install ./rubyXL-1.2.10.gem" I get ""install" was called incorrectly. Call as "bundle install".". How do I use bund
If you need bundler you can add
gem 'rubyXL', :path => '_path_to_file_'
to your Gemfile
You want gem install ./rubyXL-1.2.10.gem.

Installing local Ruby gem, using bundler

Our Gemfile is as follows:
source ""
gem 'langrove', :path => "/home/user/gems/"
The .gem file is in place in "/home/user/gems/ItIsHere.gem"
But when we run bundle install, the following error is received:
Could not find gem 'ItIsHere (>= 0) ruby' in source at /home/user/gems.
Source does not contain any versions of 'ItIsHere (>= 0) ruby'
Thank You
One solution is to run gem unpack on the specific .gem you want to use
Then reference the unpacked version.
I normally keep things relative to my project
gem 'awesomelib', :path => '../awesomelib'
You didn't specify the gem version.For this reason you got you will change the code like this.
gem 'remotipart', '1.0.5', :path => "/home/user/gems/"
And check your folder :path also.
rails new app_name --skip-bundle
use bundle install --local
This will install gems from local.

Capistrano bundle install gem from git rails not finding gem?

Forked wicked_pdf and added to Gemfile
gem 'wicked_pdf', '= 0.7.2', :git => 'git://'
Capistrano deploy does
bundle install --path vendor/gems --without development
All gems show up in vendor/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems except wicked_pdf which the repo is cloned to vendor/gems/ruby/1.9.1/bundler/gems.
bundle list will show the wicked_pdf (0.7.2 156782e) but when I fire up the application via Apache/Passenger, Rails 3.1.3 cannot find wicked_pdf.
Is there something else I should be doing as part of the deploy to have the wicked_pdf build the gem and install as a separate task?
I am having exactly the same problem here (but hosting on heroku).
"In Bundler 1.0, the bundle package command only packages .gem files, not gems specified using the :git or :path options. This will likely change in the future."
Have a look at:
Bundler: `bundle package` with a :git source
and maybe use:
to install the gem.
Your problem may be that (a) you're locking it to an exact version "=0.7.2", but you don't specify a commit ID on the git repo. These two things are in conflict. It's possible that the version entry in the gemspec is no longer 0.7.2 at the tip of the branch you're pulling from git.
If you specify a git location for a gem, it's best not to specify a version, but instead the commit ID you want, i.e.:
gem 'wicked_pdf', :git => 'git://', :ref => 'commit_id_on_github_you_want'
