How to display dynamic case statement in Ruby - ruby

How would I write a case statement that would list all elements in an array, allow the user to pick one, and do processing on that element?
I have an array:
array = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]
Ultimately I'd like it to behave like this:
1) a
2) b
3) c
4) d
Choice =>
After the user picks 3, I would then do processing based off the choice of the user. I can do it in bash pretty easily.

Ruby has no built-in menu stuff like shell scripting languages do. When doing menus, I favor constructing a hash of possible options and operating on that:
def array_to_menu_hash arr
Hash[ { |e, i| [i+1, e] }]
def print_menu menu_hash
puts 'Choices:'
menu_hash.each { |k,v| puts "#{k}) #{v}" }
def get_user_menu_choice menu_hash
print 'Choice => '
number = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
menu_hash.fetch(number, nil)
def show_menu menu_hash
print_menu menu_hash
get_user_menu_choice menu_hash
def user_menu_choice choice_array
until choice = show_menu(array_to_menu_hash(choice_array)); end
array = %w{a b c d}
choice = user_menu_choice(array)
puts "User choice was #{choice}"
The magic happens in array_to_menu_hash:
The [] method of Hash converts an array with the form [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ] to a hash {1 => 2, 3 => 4}. To get this array, we first call each_with_index on the original menu choice array. This returns an Enumerator that emits [element, index_number] when iterated. There are two problems with this Enumerator: the first is that Hash[] needs an array, not an Enumerator. The second is that the arrays emitted by the Enumerator have the elements in the wrong order (we need [index_number, element]). Both of these problems are solved with #map. This converts the Enumerator from each_with_index into an array of arrays, and the block given to it allows us to alter the result. In this case, we are adding one to the zero-based index and reversing the order of the sub-arrays.


Iterating over an array of arrays

def compute(ary)
return nil unless ary { |a, b| !b.nil? ? a + b : a }
Can someone please explain to me how compute adds the inner array's values?
To me it seems that calling map on that array of arrays would add the two arrays together, not the inner elements of each array.
map basically iterates over the elements of the object:
foo = [
['a', 'b'],
['c', 'd']
]{ |ary| puts ary.join(',') }
# >> a,b
# >> c,d
In this example it's passing each sub-array, which is assigned to ary.
Looking at it a bit differently:{ |ary| puts "ary is a #{ary.class}" }
# >> ary is a Array
# >> ary is a Array
Because Ruby lets us assign multiple values at once, that could have been written:{ |item1, item2| puts "item1: #{ item1 }, item2: #{ item2 }" }
# >> item1: a, item2: b
# >> item1: c, item2: d
If map is iterating over an array of hashes, each iteration yields a sub-hash to the block:
foo = [
{'a' => 1},
{'b' => 2}
]{ |elem| puts "elem is a #{ elem.class }" }
# >> elem is a Hash
# >> elem is a Hash
If map is iterating over a hash, each iteration yields the key/value pair to the block:
foo = {
'a' => 1,
'b' => 2
}{ |k, v| puts "k: #{k}, v: #{v}" }
# >> k: a, v: 1
# >> k: b, v: 2
However, if you only give the block a single parameter, Ruby will assign both the key and value to the variable so you'll see it as an array:{ |ary| puts "ary is a #{ary.class}" }
# >> ary is a Array
# >> ary is a Array
So, you have to be aware of multiple things that are happening as you iterate over the container, and as Ruby passes the values into map's block.
Beyond all that, it's important to remember that map is going to return a value, or values, for each thing passed in. map, AKA collect, is used to transform the values. It shouldn't be used as a replacement for each, which only iterates. In all the examples above I didn't really show map used correctly because I was trying to show what happens to the elements passed in. Typically we'd do something like:
foo = [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]{ |ary| ary.join(',') }
# => ["a,b", "c,d"]
bar = [[1,2], [3,4]]
bar.collect{ |i, j| i * j }
# => [2, 12]
There's also map! which changes the object being iterated, rather than returns the values. I'd recommend avoiding map! until you're well aware of why it'd be useful to you, because it seems to confuse people no end unless they understand how variables are passed and how Arrays and Hashes work.
The best thing is to play with map in IRB. You'll be able to see what's happening more easily.
I think I figured this out myself.
map selects the first array of the array-of-arrays and pipes it into the block. The variables a and b therefore refer to the first array's inner elements, rather than the first array and the second array in the array-of-arrays.

What are the differences between "each", "foreach", "collect" and "map"? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
what's different between each and collect method in Ruby [duplicate]
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
It seems like there are a lot of ways to loop over an Enumerable in Ruby. Are there any differences between each, foreach, or in collect, map or other similar methods?
Or is there a reason I shouldn't use certain methods in certain situations?
collect/map are equivalent. They differ from each in that each only executes the block for each element, whereas collect/map return an array with the results of calling the block for each element. Another way to put it might be, each is expected to do something with each element, whereas map is expected to transform each element (map it onto something else).
You could use collect or map anywhere each is used, and your code will still work. But it will probably be slightly less efficient because it collects the results in an array, unless your Ruby implementation realizes it doesn't have to bother creating an array because it's never used.
Another reason to use each instead of map or collect is to help out anyone reading your code. If I see each then I can be like okay, we're about to use each element of the data to do something. If I see map then I'm expecting to see new data being created, based on a remapping of the old data.
With regards to map vs. collect I would say it's a matter of preference, but you should pick one and stick with it for consistency.
Using pry and Rubinus (it's easier to read ruby code) take a look for yourself
$ pry
[1] pry(main)> cd Enumerable
[2] pry(Enumerable):1> show-method collect
From: .../rbx-head/kernel/common/enumerable18.rb # line 4:
Owner: Enumerable
Visibility: public
Number of lines: 9
def collect
if block_given?
ary = []
each { |o| ary << yield(o) }
[3] pry(Enumerable):1> show-method map
From: .../rbx-head/kernel/common/enumerable18.rb # line 4:
Owner: Enumerable
Visibility: public
Number of lines: 9
def collect
if block_given?
ary = []
each { |o| ary << yield(o) }
[4] pry(Enumerable):1>
So nope not for these two.
map and collect iterate over a collection. For each object it executes your block then collects the result. The each methods do not collect the results
Array#collect (and Array#map) return a new array based on the code passed in the block. Array#each performs an operation (defined by the block) on each element of the array.
I would use collect like this:
array = [1, 2, 3]
array2 = array.collect {|val| val + 1}
array.inspect # => "[1, 2, 3]"
array2.inspect # => "[2, 3, 4]"
And each like this:
array = [1, 2, 3]
array.each {|val| puts val + 1 }
# >> 2
# >> 3
# >> 4
array.inspect # => "[1, 2, 3]"

Strange ruby for loop behavior (why does this work)

def reverse(ary)
result = []
for result[0,0] in ary
assert_equal ["baz", "bar", "foo"], reverse(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
This works and I want to understand why. Any explanations?
If I were to rewrite this using each instead of for/in, it would look like this:
def reverse(ary)
result = []
# for result[0,0] in ary
ary.each do |item|
result[0, 0] = item
for a in b basically says, take each item in the array b and assign it to expression a. So some magic happens when its not a simple variable.
The array[index, length] = something syntax allows replacement of multiple items, even 0 items. So ary[0,0] = item says to insert item at index zero, replacing zero items. It's basically an unshift operation.
But really, just use the each method with a block instead. A for loop with no body that changes state has to be one of the most obtuse and hard to read thing that doesn't do what you expect at first glance. each provides far fewer crazy surprises.
You are putting the value in ary at the first location of result. So lets say we had the array:
a = ["baz", "bar", "foo"]
So a[0,0] = 5 will make a equal to [5, "baz", "bar", "foo"]
Since you iterate over the entire array, you are inserting each element into the beginning of the result array while shifting the existing elements, thus reversing the original one.

Looping on array

I'm having some trouble figuring out the right way to do this:
I have an array and a separate array of arrays that I want to compare to the first array. The first array is a special Enumerable object that happens to contain an array.
Logic tells me that I should be able to do this:
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
[[2,4,5], [3,6,7]].each do |m|
! m.include?(n)
Which I would expect to return
=> [2,3]
But it returns [] instead.
This idea works if I do this:
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
! [2,4,5].include?(n)
It will return
=> [2]
I can't assign the values to another object, as the [1,2,3] array must stay its special Enumerable object. I'm sure there is a much simpler explanation to this than what I'm trying. Anybody have any ideas?
You can also flatten the multi-dimensional array and use the Array#& intersection operator to get the same result:
# cast your enumerable to array with to_a
e = [1,2,3].each
e.to_a & [[2,4,5], [3,6,7]].flatten
# => [2, 3]
Can't you just add the two inner array together, and and check the inclusion on the concatenated array?
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
!([2,4,5] + [3,6,7]).include?(n)
The problem is that the return value of each is the array being iterated over, not the boolean (which is lost). Since the array is truthy, the value returned back to delete_if is always true, so all elements are deleted. You should instead use any?:
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
![[2,4,5], [3,6,7]].any? do |m|
#=> [2, 3]

How to act differently on the first iteration in a Ruby loop?

I always use a counter to check for the first item (i==0) in a loop:
i = 0
my_array.each do |item|
if i==0
# do something with the first item
# common stuff
i += 1
Is there a more elegant way to do this (perhaps a method)?
You can do this:
my_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
if index == 0
# do something with the first item
# common stuff
Try it on ideone.
Using each_with_index, as others have described, would work fine, but for the sake of variety here is another approach.
If you want to do something specific for the first element only and something general for all elements including the first, you could do:
# do something with my_array[0] or my_array.first
my_array.each do |e|
# do the same general thing to all elements
But if you want to not do the general thing with the first element you could do:
# do something with my_array[0] or my_array.first
my_array.drop(1).each do |e|
# do the same general thing to all elements except the first
Arrays have an "each_with_index" method which is handy for this situation:
my_array.each_with_index do |item, i|
item.do_something if i==0
#common stuff
What fits best is depending on the situation.
Another option (if you know your array is not empty):
# treat the first element (my_array.first)
my_array.each do | item |
# do the common_stuff
each_with_index from Enumerable (Enumerable is already mixed in with Array, so you can call it on an array without any trouble):
irb(main):001:0> nums = (1..10).to_a
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
irb(main):003:0> nums.each_with_index do |num, idx|
irb(main):004:1* if idx == 0
irb(main):005:2> puts "At index #{idx}, the number is #{num}."
irb(main):006:2> end
irb(main):007:1> end
At index 0, the number is 1.
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
If you don't need the array afterwards:
ar = %w(reversed hello world)
puts ar.shift.upcase
ar.each{|item| puts item.reverse}
Ruby's Enumerable#inject provides an argument that can be used for doing something differently on the first iteration of a loop:
> l=[1,2,3,4]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
> l.inject(0) {|sum, elem| sum+elem}
=> 10
The argument is not strictly necessary for common things like sums and products:
> l.inject {|sum, elem| sum+elem}
=> 10
But when you want to do something different on the first iteration, that argument might be useful to you:
> puts fruits.inject("I like to eat: ") {|acc, elem| acc << elem << " "}
I like to eat: apples pears peaches plums oranges
=> nil
Here's a solution that doesn't need to be in an immediately enclosing loop and avoids the redundancy of specifying a status placeholder more than once unless you really need to.
do_this if ($first_time_only ||= [true]).shift
Its scope matches the holder: $first_time_only will be globally once; #first_time_only will be once for the instance, and first_time_only will be once for the current scope.
If you want the first several times, etc, you can easily put [1,2,3] if you need to distinguish which of the first iterations you're in, or even something fancy [1, false, 3, 4] if you need something weird.
