Looping on array - ruby

I'm having some trouble figuring out the right way to do this:
I have an array and a separate array of arrays that I want to compare to the first array. The first array is a special Enumerable object that happens to contain an array.
Logic tells me that I should be able to do this:
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
[[2,4,5], [3,6,7]].each do |m|
! m.include?(n)
Which I would expect to return
=> [2,3]
But it returns [] instead.
This idea works if I do this:
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
! [2,4,5].include?(n)
It will return
=> [2]
I can't assign the values to another object, as the [1,2,3] array must stay its special Enumerable object. I'm sure there is a much simpler explanation to this than what I'm trying. Anybody have any ideas?

You can also flatten the multi-dimensional array and use the Array#& intersection operator to get the same result:
# cast your enumerable to array with to_a
e = [1,2,3].each
e.to_a & [[2,4,5], [3,6,7]].flatten
# => [2, 3]

Can't you just add the two inner array together, and and check the inclusion on the concatenated array?
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
!([2,4,5] + [3,6,7]).include?(n)

The problem is that the return value of each is the array being iterated over, not the boolean (which is lost). Since the array is truthy, the value returned back to delete_if is always true, so all elements are deleted. You should instead use any?:
[1,2,3].delete_if do |n|
![[2,4,5], [3,6,7]].any? do |m|
#=> [2, 3]


sorting unique values in an array with Ruby

Is there a way to write a method in Ruby which takes an array of items and returns the array without any duplicates. Without using Ruby’s uniq method?
So, the output of this array [1,5,"frog", 2,1,3,"frog"] will be [1,5,"frog",2,3]
You are getting an unexpected end-of-input because you are using parenthesis instead of braces to denote the block. Try:
my_array.to_a.select{ |i| i != i }
But even this isn't quite what you'd expect. Here is an alternative:
my_array.group_by{|item| item}.keys
Hope that helps
my_array = [1, 5, "frog", 2, 1, 3, "frog"]
uniques = []
my_array.each do |x|
uniques << x unless uniques.include?(x)
This iterates through my_array and only pushes to uniques elements it doesn't include.

Unexpected result with splat operator

I have a hash, whose values are an array of size 1:
hash = {:start => [1]}
I want to unpack the arrays as in:
hash.each_pair{ |key, value| hash[key] = value[0] } # => {:start=>1}
and I thought the *-operator as in the following would work, but it does not give the expected result:
hash.each_pair{ |key, value| hash[key] = *value } # => {:start=>[1]}
Why does *value return [1] and not 1?
Because the []= method applied to hash takes only one argument in addition to the key (which is put inside the [] part), and a splatted/expanded array, which is in general a sequence of values (which coincidentally happens to be a single element in this particular case) cannot be directly accepted as the argument as is splatted. So it is accepted by the argument of []= as an array after all.
In other words, an argument (of the []= method) must be an object, but splatted elements (such as :foo, :bar, :baz) are not an object. The only way to interpret them as an object is to put them back into an array (such as [:foo, :bar, :baz]).
Using the splat operator, you can do it like this:
hash.each_pair{|key, value| hash.[]= key, *value}
sawa and Ninigi already pointed out why the assignment doesn't work as expected. Here's my attempt.
Ruby's assignment features work regardless of whether you're assigning to a variable, a constant or by implicitly invoking an assignment method like Hash#[]= with the assignment operator. For the sake of simplicity, I'm using a variable in the following examples.
Using the splat operator in an assignment does unpack the array, i.e.
a = *[1, 2, 3]
is evaluated as:
a = 1, 2, 3
But Ruby also allows you to implicitly create arrays during assignment by listing multiple values. Therefore, the above is in turn equivalent to:
a = [1, 2, 3]
That's why *[1] results in [1] - it's unpacked, just to be converted back to an array.
Elements can be assigned separately using multiple assignment:
a, b = [1, 2, 3]
a #=> 1
b #=> 2
or just:
a, = [1, 2, 3]
a #=> 1
You could use this in your code (note the comma after hash[key]):
hash = {:start => [1]}
hash.each_pair { |key, values| hash[key], = values }
#=> {:start=>1}
But there's another and more elegant way: you can unpack the array by putting parentheses around the array argument:
hash = {:start => [1]}
hash.each_pair { |key, (value)| hash[key] = value }
#=> {:start=>1}
The parentheses will decompose the array, assigning the first array element to value.
Because Ruby is acting unexpectedly smart here.
True, the splash operator will "fold" and "unfold" an array, but the catch in your code is what you do with that fanned value.
Take this code into account:
array = ['a', 'b']
some_var = *array
array # => ['a', 'b']
As you can see the splat operator seemingly does nothing to your array, while this:
some_var, some_other_var = *array
some_var # => "a"
somet_other_var # => "b"
Will do what you'd expect it does.
It seems ruby just "figures" if you splat an array into a single variable, that you want the array, not the values.
EDIT: As sawa pointed out in the comments, hash[key] = is not identical to variable =. []= is an instance Method of Hash, with it's own C-Code under the hood, which COULD (in theory) lead to different behaviour in some instances. I don't know of any example, but that does not mean there is none.
But for the sake of simplicity, we can asume that the regular variable assignment behaves exactly identical to hash[key] =.

Strange ruby for loop behavior (why does this work)

def reverse(ary)
result = []
for result[0,0] in ary
assert_equal ["baz", "bar", "foo"], reverse(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
This works and I want to understand why. Any explanations?
If I were to rewrite this using each instead of for/in, it would look like this:
def reverse(ary)
result = []
# for result[0,0] in ary
ary.each do |item|
result[0, 0] = item
for a in b basically says, take each item in the array b and assign it to expression a. So some magic happens when its not a simple variable.
The array[index, length] = something syntax allows replacement of multiple items, even 0 items. So ary[0,0] = item says to insert item at index zero, replacing zero items. It's basically an unshift operation.
But really, just use the each method with a block instead. A for loop with no body that changes state has to be one of the most obtuse and hard to read thing that doesn't do what you expect at first glance. each provides far fewer crazy surprises.
You are putting the value in ary at the first location of result. So lets say we had the array:
a = ["baz", "bar", "foo"]
So a[0,0] = 5 will make a equal to [5, "baz", "bar", "foo"]
Since you iterate over the entire array, you are inserting each element into the beginning of the result array while shifting the existing elements, thus reversing the original one.

How to display dynamic case statement in Ruby

How would I write a case statement that would list all elements in an array, allow the user to pick one, and do processing on that element?
I have an array:
array = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]
Ultimately I'd like it to behave like this:
1) a
2) b
3) c
4) d
Choice =>
After the user picks 3, I would then do processing based off the choice of the user. I can do it in bash pretty easily.
Ruby has no built-in menu stuff like shell scripting languages do. When doing menus, I favor constructing a hash of possible options and operating on that:
def array_to_menu_hash arr
Hash[arr.each_with_index.map { |e, i| [i+1, e] }]
def print_menu menu_hash
puts 'Choices:'
menu_hash.each { |k,v| puts "#{k}) #{v}" }
def get_user_menu_choice menu_hash
print 'Choice => '
number = STDIN.gets.strip.to_i
menu_hash.fetch(number, nil)
def show_menu menu_hash
print_menu menu_hash
get_user_menu_choice menu_hash
def user_menu_choice choice_array
until choice = show_menu(array_to_menu_hash(choice_array)); end
array = %w{a b c d}
choice = user_menu_choice(array)
puts "User choice was #{choice}"
The magic happens in array_to_menu_hash:
The [] method of Hash converts an array with the form [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ] to a hash {1 => 2, 3 => 4}. To get this array, we first call each_with_index on the original menu choice array. This returns an Enumerator that emits [element, index_number] when iterated. There are two problems with this Enumerator: the first is that Hash[] needs an array, not an Enumerator. The second is that the arrays emitted by the Enumerator have the elements in the wrong order (we need [index_number, element]). Both of these problems are solved with #map. This converts the Enumerator from each_with_index into an array of arrays, and the block given to it allows us to alter the result. In this case, we are adding one to the zero-based index and reversing the order of the sub-arrays.

Why does Array#each return an array with the same elements?

I'm learning the details of how each works in ruby, and I tried out the following line of code:
p [1,2,3,4,5].each { |element| el }
And the result is an array of
But I don't think I fully understand why. Why is the return value of each the same array? Doesn't each just provide a method for iterating? Or is it just common practice for the each method to return the original value?
Array#each returns the [array] object it was invoked upon: the result of the block is discarded. Thus if there are no icky side-effects to the original array then nothing will have changed.
Perhaps you mean to use map?
p [1,2,3,4,5].map { |i| i*i }
If you want, for some reason, to suppress the output (for example debugging in console) here is how you can achive that
[1,2,3,4,5].each do |nr|
puts nr.inspect
The block form of Array#each returns the original Array object. You generally use #each when you want to do something with each element of an array inside the block. For example:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].each { |element| puts element }
This will print out each element, but returns the original array. You can verify this with:
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
array.each { |element| element }.object_id === array.object_id
=> true
If you want to return a new array, you want to use Array#map or one of its synonyms. The block form of #map returns a different Array object. For example:
=> 25659920
array.map { |element| element }.object_id
=> 20546920
array.map { |element| element }.object_id === array.object_id
=> false
You will generally want to use #map when you want to operate on a modified version of the original array, while leaving the original unchanged.
All methods return something. Even if it's just a nil object, it returns something.
It may as well return the original object rather than return nil.
