magento - make customer's company mandatory in admin screens - magento

I am trying to make company name mandatory in Magento CE1.7. I have found many of the front end places to make changes, but I am not able to find the related files to modify in the backend admin panel.
link in admin console:
here are the related front end files that I have identified for changes.
related link - for front end...

You should be doing this through the backend - specifically the database.
Going to Admin -> Customers -> Attributes -> Manage Customer Address Attributes will show you the company field. Once you click in, you can see the required field however as this is a system attribute the 'Values Required' field is disabled.
You can override this by either using your developer toolbar and removing the disabeld="disabled" attribute from the select tag or, you can go to the database directly and go to the table eav_attribute. Then look for company under attribute_code and change is_required from 0 to 1.


Magento 2 on login getting message This website is excluded from customer's group

I have created one group from admin then assign that group to the specific customer. Now whenever I am trying to log in with that customer getting message "This website is excluded from customer's group.".
I have found this exception is throwing from the observer vendor/magento/module-customer/Observer/CustomerGroupAuthenticate.php. And my group entry is in the database table customer_group_excluded_website
Can you please tell me is there any configuration in magento admin from where we can add specific groups into this table customer_group_excluded_website ?
Thank You!
If you go to
Admin Panel -> Customers -> Customer Groups -> [ Select your customer
related group ] -> Excluded Website(s)
Make sure the website from where you are trying to login with this customer group should not be selected in Excluded Website(s)
I hope if will helpful for anyone else. :)

Magento 1 CE - How to create a diferent category for each Multistore

Thank you for reading..
I have created a multistore site based on 4 diferents subdomains and so on, everything works, i have diferent logo and design for each site, but i need to enable and disable categories already created for each site, is this possible?, i dont mean root category, i need to show a category for one site, and other category for other site, is this possible via admin panel or at least via code?
I have tried to create root category and disable category by category for each store view.
Yes. Its possible but quite complicated. let me explain you how you reach that.
You need to create one custom category attribute and just set the value in which you want to display that category.
In category page (coding side) you just need to check this attribute value and write your condition according to that.
Create a new Root category into magento admin
Admin >> Catalog >> Manage Categories
Now Go to Manage Store in
Admin >> System >> Manage Stores
Click on your new Store for which you need to set different category.

Magento adding a new filed on the registration panel

Hi guys i'm trying to add a new field in magento registration panel named hospital address and i need to add more fields... i've done this with some changes in magento core files like register.phtml AccountController.php config.xml Grid.php Account.php CustomerController.php edit.phtml everything has been working but at the end i have found that admin can edit the hospital address but customers can't edit this when they login to account edit page is any one here know this issue and have a solution ? here is the full script
Since magento is based on entitiy attribute model. You can not manage the attribute of the registration field directly. If you are a software developer you can create attribibute in database and change in your code in the same way. If you are not a software developer you can install a module which provide facelity to manage your resistration page. You can search on google by keyword "magento registration field manager" and found verious module for the registration field management.

Magento - New Order mail

I am using Magento 1.6.2.
I need to edit the new order mail. Which file is the template for the items? I need the specific file where the items are being generated and formatted.
I already found it.
To edit the New Order email you go into System -> Transactional Emails and click on 'Add New Template'.
Then you load in the existing New Order template by selecting 'New Order' from the drop down menu in the Template input field and click the 'Load Template' button. In the Template Information section you assign a new name to your new template and make the modifications to it before hitting 'Save Template'.
To apply it you go to System -> Configuration -> Sales and Select the Sales Emails option.
In the Order tab you apply your newly saved template to the New Order Confirmation Template dropdown.
Do the same for New order from Guest if you are allowing guest checkout.
The email templates are located under /app/locale/en_us/template/email and /app/locale/en_us/template/email/sales.
The disappointing thing about email templates in Magento is that they expect store owners to manage these using the backend rather than by editing the template files. Of course, you can always just edit the templates directly, but make sure to keep backups of them before updating to a new version of Magento.
It ends up being a lot of work, and from what I've seen, mostly clients do little more than update the logo. If your client wants to have fully custom email templates, expect a good 20+ hours to get them right (cross email client compatibility, client changes, etc).

Magento - Custom options of configurable product do not show in admin

I have configurable products set up in Magento ver with custom options for colour or design of the item.
On the front end this shows up and works perfectly but when you go to the checkout page you cant see the custom option you selected and also in admin and invoice email it does not show the custom option so it is impossible to complete the order for customer.
You can view an example on our site here:
If you where to select say a 5 pack in colour green all we see in checkout and in admin is the item name ie. eco multi coloured 5 pack but it does not show the extra custom option of colour.
Even after updating to latest version of Magento ver. I still get this problem.
Any ideas..?
Thanks for your time
Did you create those extra options in the "content management system" of Magento or did you add some code to achieve this?
Magento is really picky in how you create your product line. In most cases you could group the products or set some extra options. In this case you could create one product, the green lantern, and make a new group of products which exists of 5, 10 or more lanterns.
