Magento 2 on login getting message This website is excluded from customer's group - magento

I have created one group from admin then assign that group to the specific customer. Now whenever I am trying to log in with that customer getting message "This website is excluded from customer's group.".
I have found this exception is throwing from the observer vendor/magento/module-customer/Observer/CustomerGroupAuthenticate.php. And my group entry is in the database table customer_group_excluded_website
Can you please tell me is there any configuration in magento admin from where we can add specific groups into this table customer_group_excluded_website ?
Thank You!

If you go to
Admin Panel -> Customers -> Customer Groups -> [ Select your customer
related group ] -> Excluded Website(s)
Make sure the website from where you are trying to login with this customer group should not be selected in Excluded Website(s)
I hope if will helpful for anyone else. :)


Order email sent to customer but displays "customer not notified" in order comments section in Magento in admin panel

I have implemented 2 payment system in my website. Once the admin submit shipment, then the status is automatically changed to dispatched and the customer receives an email.
But in order comments section it is displaying as "Customer not notified" .
Can you please help me why these kind of issues are happening in Magento
You've probably not set the notification template for that status.
1) Go to:
System -> Order Statuses
2) Find the "dispatched" status
3) In the options select order status notification
In Magento 2 "Order Status" is located in Stores -> Settings -> Order Status

Magento - products not showing after changing data in product details fields

My task was to change existing products in shop with new one, so all that i have changed is NAME,
SKU, and URL key in GENERAL section and description field in PRODUCT DETAILS.
After i have done that, items are successfully edited in backend but they dissapear from frontend.
The only way to get to them in frontend is to enter complete address of that specific product in the address bar.
I have tried everything that i could found on the forum up to this date, and it didn't work for me.
Tips like reindexing, status - enabled, availability - in stock...
If someone has an idea, please, share it with me.
Thank you all.
You can try the below things:
1. Check the product quantity,in stock and enable status and catalog visibility.
2. Re indexing
3. delete the entry from url rewrite management for your product
4. rename the "var" folder
Solution for my problem was in associated products section. I had configurable product, but i didn't had associated (simple product) for that configurable product. So i had to create some simple product for related configurable, and then they appeared in frontend.
Thank you all.

Magento - Group Product not Working

I am trying to add new Group product in magento. I am able to add it but when i try to edit group products ( when i click on Associated Products ) section not loading. I mean I am not able to edit products under group products and I am able to see products on frontend but then when I click on product to see all description of group product, it shows me "Processing Error "
is there any one help me.
Please go under the admin section and click on system->index management and then re-index all magento indexes.
Please also check the logs into magento code at following location:-

magento - make customer's company mandatory in admin screens

I am trying to make company name mandatory in Magento CE1.7. I have found many of the front end places to make changes, but I am not able to find the related files to modify in the backend admin panel.
link in admin console:
here are the related front end files that I have identified for changes.
related link - for front end...
You should be doing this through the backend - specifically the database.
Going to Admin -> Customers -> Attributes -> Manage Customer Address Attributes will show you the company field. Once you click in, you can see the required field however as this is a system attribute the 'Values Required' field is disabled.
You can override this by either using your developer toolbar and removing the disabeld="disabled" attribute from the select tag or, you can go to the database directly and go to the table eav_attribute. Then look for company under attribute_code and change is_required from 0 to 1.

products not showing up in magento frontend

I am facing a problem in magento store, when any new customer group is added by admin site and if it is assigned to customer, for that particular customer no product showing, the page displaying like "There are no products matching the selection."
Please suggest me how this problem can resolved? or why this is arising?
The solution I got by
click on promotion->catalog price rule->apply rule
This is some how related with Indexing. and group or any rule created on that group will get apply on front end successfully.
Check this link. I got my imported products shown up by disabling all and then enabling all again.
