Magento 1 CE - How to create a diferent category for each Multistore - magento

Thank you for reading..
I have created a multistore site based on 4 diferents subdomains and so on, everything works, i have diferent logo and design for each site, but i need to enable and disable categories already created for each site, is this possible?, i dont mean root category, i need to show a category for one site, and other category for other site, is this possible via admin panel or at least via code?
I have tried to create root category and disable category by category for each store view.

Yes. Its possible but quite complicated. let me explain you how you reach that.
You need to create one custom category attribute and just set the value in which you want to display that category.
In category page (coding side) you just need to check this attribute value and write your condition according to that.

Create a new Root category into magento admin
Admin >> Catalog >> Manage Categories
Now Go to Manage Store in
Admin >> System >> Manage Stores
Click on your new Store for which you need to set different category.


Can not view products in admin of magento

I am new to magento and i need little help....
Actually I added simple products in magento and was trying to add some configurable products,The simple products were working fine.
While working on configurable products something happened and I can not see any products in manage products area.
I have checked the database and products exists there.
What should I do to fix this issue.....Kindly help
you can see associated product
just click on that
then you can see yoursimple product list ,,if not then click on reset filter
Go to catalog manage products and check if the fields are blank and click search
The simple products will not show if you do not have the attribute set that links the simples to the configurable. What is the attribute you are using? Check in the simples if this is set to be a value. Then go back to the Configurable, go to the associated products and click on 'Reset'. They should now show.

How to hide category in joomla for certain users?

Description: I’ve two top level Categories SiteContent and UserArticles.
SiteContent contains all the site pages (Home, About, Contact) and UserArticles contains 5 categories (Music, Movies, Sports, Entertainment and Other).
I’ve created a user with access level as Manager, who will be reponsible for posting content in the UserArticles categories. He has no rights to edit main SiteContent pages.
What I want to do ? Ans: When the Manager logs in using administrator panel, he should see only UserArticles category and the related articles. He should not be able to view SiteContent category and its respective articles.
What I’ve tried? Ans: I’ve edit the SiteContent - Category Permission for Manager changed to Create - Not Allowed, Delete - Not Allowed, Edit - Not Allowed, Edit State - Not Allowed, Edit Own - Not Allowed. But the category SiteContent (Category and Articles) are shown for user Manager; its only disabled. I want them to be completely removed and show only UserArticles category and its respective articles.
Thanks in advance.
This isn't possible with core Joomla but could make a layout override and include access checks for this. The theory of the Joomla administrator is that if you have access to the back and and to a particular manager that you can see it all but not do everything.

How to add categories and products from admin and how to show at front end of the website?

I am using magento version 1.7 , I created some categories and products
but both are not visible at customer end as you can see in below image..
Take a look #
Creating and Assigning Root Categories to Store
Magento Adding a New Category and Product (youtube)
You also need to clear those 'yellowish' warning at top of page and clear cache
Clear your var/cache and reindex your data through admin pannel.

Single Cart multiple websites in Magento

We have 5 websites (each with different store views and design) running on a single Magento installation (1.7) and all are set on different domains. Now we want to share the customer data and shopping cart across all 5 websites but it's not working. We have already set Persistent Shopping cart to true and Share Customer Accounts to Global but it's not working.
Any help in this regards will be appreciated.
You need to create 1 website, 1 store and 5 store view in it. Different theme/skin can be assigned at store view level.
For Product sharing issue. you can create 5 store and then each store have separate store view. On each store we can define separate root category.
In this way cart and customer data can be shared.
As suggested by Faisal, we should use 1 website, 1 store and multiple store views to share the cart content.
In our scenario, all store views were set to different domains thus cart sessions were not carried forward if customer wasn't logged in. To over come this, all we had to do was set "Cookie Path" to / in System > Configuration > Web > Session Cookie Management
I've made it different way and it works:
I have single installation with multple domains and store and single SSL
I have main web site where i have all products from my other websites and it set with SSL.
1. Share customers account between multi-store:
You can configure this feature here:
System -> Configuration -> Customer Configuration -> Share Customer Accounts ->Global
2.Share the cart content between Magento multi-store websites:
Magento uses separate cart sessions for each store. To use one website on the checkout session you need to modify the "Mage_Checkout_Model_Session" class.
Copy this file: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php
to: app/code/local/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php.
After that add the following source code to the class:
class Mage_Checkout_Model_Session extends Mage_Core_Model_Session_Abstract
public function getCheckoutStoreId()
return self::CHECKOUT_STORE_ID;
Change CHECKOUT_STORE_ID value "1" to your Magento store ID with all products ans SSL.
Next, find all such elements in the file:
and change them to:
And that is it!
Clear Magento cache and check your store. Now your Magento will use one cart for different multi-domain stores websites.
There are 3 limitations of this solution:
1. All prices in the cart will be from the store you selected (using CHECKOUT_STORE_ID). So if you have different prices for different stores it will not work in the cart.
2. The currency in the cart will be the same as in the store you selected.
3. The link for editing items in the cart will will not redirect customer to original cart website.

Magento 5 products on home page with all options

I want to build a shop using magento, but I will only have 5 products with all the options (size, quantity, colour and so on) on the home page, maybe some on has done something similar and could point me to the right direction?
I googled :)
Perhaps the easiest way to achieve this is to create a category with those 5 products and set is as the homepage of your webshop. You can find this option under System > Configuration > Web > Default Web URL.
So instead of using the default cms value, use the following value:
The category ID is visible on the category edit page in the admin.
Managing this page is just like you would normally treat your product list / category pages.
try to download the magento and install the demo store....
And u can use this to aswer the basic.
