Detect if application is installed on users Mac OS X from browser - macos

How can I detect from a browser if an application is installed on a users Mac OS X.
I want to achieve, that if the user clicks the download button then if he has the application installed it downloads a specific file which can be opened with this application, and if the user don't have the application, then he is prompted that he needs to download the application first to view the actual file.

This link solved my question.
Thanks goes to Doug Stephen for providing the link, here:
Determine if an app exists and launch that app on iOS
This link was also helpful to move on with the parsing.


Installing MagicDraw “libjvm.dylib” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified on mac M2 pro

I installed MagicDraw 190_sp3 on my mac but it couldn't be opened. When I try to open it shows the error that the developer couldn't be verified. Can anyone help me in this regard, please?
Is your macOS showing an error alert like below?
If so, your app is not signed and notarized.
If you’re certain that an app you want to install is from a trustworthy source and hasn’t been tampered with, you can temporarily override your Mac security settings to open it.
If you still want to open an app for which the developer cannot be verified, open System Preferences. Go to Security & Privacy. Make sure Allowed apps downloaded from is set to App Store and identified developers. Click the Open Anyway button in the General pane to confirm your intent to open or install the app.
The warning prompt reappears, and if you're absolutely sure you want to open the app anyway, you can click Open.
The app is now saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it, just as you can any authorized app.
See this KB from apple for details
Thanks for your answer kakaiikaka.
I did all of those steps but it was still showing the problem, then I found out the problem was with my JDK version on my JVM. So, I installed JDK version 8 and again tried to open this and it worked as a charm!

Cannot change Apple ID in App Store for downloading Yosemite

I want to download the latest version of Mac OSX (Yosemite). But, the app store doesn't let me change the user id for authentication.
Interestingly, I don't know whose apple ID is prepopulated into the text box. I have used my macbook all by myself until now!
I tried to logout and login again. But didn't work.
Does anybody know how should I fix this and download Yosemite?
The Problem is the way Apps are tied to IDs.
A step-by-step guide to solve this problem:
Go to the app listed in the App Store as needing an update (usually in the /Applications folder).
Right click the app then click “Show Package Contents”.
Go into the “Contents” folder, then into the “_MASReceipt” folder.
Delete the “receipt” file (you may need to enter a local administrator username and password).
Please note that the app will still work as intended.
Theres a pretty good explanation in here:
In the MacAppStore's task bar go to Store and then log out. Then try it again.
(I have changed my ID to new one in Mac System.
Apple ICON > System Preference > Sign Out > New ID.
And then I changed the App Store ID like below.)
Open App Store
In the top main menu, Select Store > Logout
And the Sign In with new ID

iTunes connect: Cannot find the upload the mac os x app icon

It's been few days now that I have been looking for the section where you upload the Icon.
I have done this for iphones and it is in the modal screen when you clik edit.
Mac has very similar Itunes connect interface, but that piece is missing for me:
Im so confused, please advise. Here is the default icon:
I found the related documentation, it states:
If you are adding an OS X app, the Uploads section displays only one
option, Desktop Screenshot, which is required and shown next. You will
not be asked to provide a large icon when adding your OS X app because
it will be uploaded later as part of the binary.
Documentation Link

Download and run dmg file from unidentified uploader

I have made a dmg file for my uploader desktop application. This dmg is ported on my website from where i download the same using the Safari Browser. However, when i try to execute it from the downloads folder, the system does not execute it and throws a message stating its from an unidentified developer. Hence, in Security & Privacy settings, i opted to allow download. I cannot expect all the users to do this setting. What modifications do i need to do inorder to make the dmg to run without any such errors/warnings. I am a novice at this, kindly requesting for some help.
You can install an unverified app on mac by right-clicking the DMG and selecting open, this will pop up a warning but as opposed to doubled clicking, there is an option to continue.
See this article for screenshots -
The only other option is to pay Apple to become a verified developer, and then have your app reviewed and added to the Mac app store.

Open app automatically at system startup in dock

I have a MAC OS X application and I want to launch my app automatically in the dock when user opens his PC. I know a user can explicitly select an app to "alway open on startup" but what if user dont select that option. Thats why I want to do it automatically (myself) once he/she install my app. Later he can remove my app from launching at the startup though. Kindly suggest me some solution or guide me to the right path. Not very familiar with Mac development.
Take a look at Daemons and Services Programming Guide. What you are looking for is an agent.
