iTunes connect: Cannot find the upload the mac os x app icon - xcode

It's been few days now that I have been looking for the section where you upload the Icon.
I have done this for iphones and it is in the modal screen when you clik edit.
Mac has very similar Itunes connect interface, but that piece is missing for me:
Im so confused, please advise. Here is the default icon:

I found the related documentation, it states:
If you are adding an OS X app, the Uploads section displays only one
option, Desktop Screenshot, which is required and shown next. You will
not be asked to provide a large icon when adding your OS X app because
it will be uploaded later as part of the binary.
Documentation Link


Missing icon in Mac App Store review screen

I have a Safari App Extension that uses SKStoreReviewController to request the Mac App Store rating screen:
The screen looks like it should have the app icon on the left side, but it doesn’t. I’ve tried setting ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME in Xcode to a valid asset name, but no change. Is this meant to work? If so, how do I get the icon there?
Don't know if it's the same issue but looks like using SKStoreReviewController on iOS seems to trigger similar behaviour. Does this issue also occur in the released version?
SKStoreReviewController not showing app icon in development

drag & drop photos from app "Photos" to third party app under OS X El Capitan

I got a lot of support requests from my Mac App Store apps describing drag & drop photo from Apple's app "Photos"(what a xxxx name they are using as an app!) to my app appears impossible under OS X El Capitan. That was ok in iPhoto ages.
The sandbox settings of my apps are all YES to these entitlements:
What I have to do is asking user drag & drop photos to their desktop first then drag & drop again to my app.
Anyone got this kind of problem for your third party apps and how can we fix it in OUR upgrade?
Currently the Photos app uses File Promises when dragging files. (There is talk that this maybe will be changed because very few app handle file promises.)
You find more information about this in Drag and Drop Programming.
For dropping promised files on to application icon in Dock see my answer here.
I created a sample project to demonstrate how you can do it here:

Can't get icon to load on Mac Store from binary

So I tried both the old standby - here:
Attempt 1:
How can I set the icon for a Mac Application in Xcode?
Attempt 2: Also tried the new way, which is filling out the Images.xcassets...
Results: both times in the App Store the icon is greyed out. Both times the art is shown on the Mac binary .app that's placed in my production folder.
Would sure appreciate an answer!!
Ah found the answer... another post had the solution...
Mac app icon not displayed in itunes connect
Looks like iTunes currently has a bug that needs you to submit the app in order to get the icon loaded. no biggie.

Install IPA with iTunes 12

I have an IPA signed for ad-hoc distribution. I can install it fine with Flash Builder. I'd like to install a release version via iTunes 12, though. Dragging it onto:
The device name
The app section
The app list
The Home Screens section
...does not work? Does anyone have any idea how to do this with the new iTunes 12?
Note : If you are using iTunes 12.7.0 or above then use Solution 2 else use Solution 1. Solution 1 cannot be used with iTunes 12.7.0 or above since Apps section has been removed from iTunes by Apple
Solution 1 : Using iTunes 12.7 below
Tested on iTunes 12 with Mac OS X (Yosemite) 10.10.3
Also, tested on iTunes with Mac OX X (El Capitan) 10.11.3
This process also applicable for iTunes 12.5.5 with Mac OS X (macOS Sierra) 10.12.3.
You can install IPA file using iTunes 12.x onto device using below steps :
Drag-and-drop IPA file into 'Apps' tab of iTunes BEFORE you connect the device.
Connect your device
Select your device on iTunes
Select 'Apps' tab
Search app that you want to install
Click on 'Install' button. This will change to 'Will Install'
Click on 'Apply' button on right corner. This will initiate process of app installation. You can see status on top of iTunes as well as app on device.
You can allow new apps to install automatically by enabling checkmark present at bottom.
Solution 2 : Using iTunes 12.7 and above
You can use diawi for this purpose.
Open in desktop/system browser
Drag-and-drop IPA file in empty window. Make sure that last check mark are unselected (recommended due to security concern)
Once the upload is completed then press Send button
This will generate a link and QR code as well. (You can share this link and QR code with Client)
Now open Safari browser in iPhone device and enter this link (Note that link is case-sensitive) OR You can scan the QR using Bakodo iOS app
Once link is loaded you can see app details
Now select ‘Install application’
This will prompt an alert asking permission for installation. Press on Install.
Now you can see the app installation begins on screen.
iTunes 12.7 ( Xcode needed )
You cannot install a release ipa directly on your device. Ipa generated withAppStore Distribution Profile requires to be distributed from App Store or TestFlight. However, I found that app panel was removed even for installing ad hoc ipa from iTunes 12.7. I found a workaround to install ad-hoc apps which might help to them who cannot install even ad hoc ipa. Please follow the instructions below,
Connect your device
Open Xcode and go to Window -> Devices
Select the connected device from left panel
Brows the IPA from Installed Apps -> + button
Wait few seconds and its done!
From iTunes 12.7 apple removes App Store, So we unable to for find App option
We have another way to install iOS app using iTunes 12.7 as below
1)drag and drop your .app file to iTunes.
2)It will create .ipa file, you can find that at ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/
3)connect the device you want to install that app.
4)drag .ipa file from finder to iTunes on my Device section as shown in below section.
I don't remember this being very difficult with iTunes 12, but at least for iTunes 12.8 (and likely for the previous couple of minor versions also) it's pretty straightforward even though the Apps button is not there, as demonstrated in the below two steps:
While your device is connected to your laptop/desktop click the device icon on iTunes 12.8:
Drag your .ipa file from Finder or Desktop and drop it into the "On My Device" area.
Wait for the sync to finish and the app is on your device!
For newest iTunes 12.7 and above can easily install IPA by copy and paste
Select and copy your .ipa (cmd+c or ctrl+c)
Connect phone to laptop
Open iTunes and select your device tab on top left of iTunes
Select the music tab
Paste the ipa (cmd+v or ctrl+v) not drag
In my case Drag & Drop didn't work.
I had to first Sync iTunes with the iOS device (Sync button on the bottom right)
I had to add the IPA file through iTunes menu bar: File -> Add to Library...
I had to press the "Install" button for my app in the "Apps" screen
I had to press the "Apply" button on the bottom right
Edit: See Jayprakash Dubey's answer for iTunes 12.7
From the menu shown in the following screenshot, choose Apps. You can drag and drop you IPA file in the next view.
After that, go to your device's page, you'll see the list of apps, install your app and press Apply from the bottom bar.
Tested on iTunes
1.Open the iTunes select the “Apps” section with in that select the “Library”
2.Now drag and drop the file AppName.ipa in this Library section (Before connecting your iOS device to your computer machine)
3.Now connect your iOS device to your computer machine, we are able to see our device in iTunes…
4.Select your device go to “Apps” section of your device and search your App in the list of apps with "Install" button infront of it.
5.Now hit the “Install” button and then press the “Done” button in bottom right corner, The “Install” button will turn in to “Will Install” one alert will be shown to you with two options “Don’t Apply”, “Apply”, hit on option “Apply”.
6.The “App installation” will start on your device with progress….
7.Finally the app will be installed on your iOS device and you will be able to use it…
IPA file are generally executable file for iOS app.
Approach used to install IPA in iTunes 12 is different as compared to lower versions.
Simply, add IPA file into iTunes library and search for IPA in apps section of connected device.
Click on install and Apply.
I found a solution for Windows users. All the other solutions i tried didn't work for Windows.
I have been searching about the same problem for a few days. iTunes make obligation to update itself to iTunes newer version for ios 11 phones and iTunes 12.7 version doesn't have apps section so i couldn't download anymore my ad hoc app ipa file and provision files to iPhone.
I just found out that there is an iTunes version (12.6.3) Apple published which won’t be prompted to download new versions of iTunes and you can use this version to download your app. You can dowload it from this link:
Apple say if you have a newer version of iTunes you can just download this one over it but I couldn't do it like this. First, I removed iTunes from my computer, then I removed the iTunes folder from my musics folder (you probably don't need to do that) and I downloaded iTunes for 64 bit PC from the link I wrote above. And with this iTunes i can use Apps section again and it doesn't force me to update it. So it works like the good old times.
For iTunes and above you can install the apps by Copying the IPA file and Paste it (Cmd+V or Edit -> Paste in iTunes) in any categories as Music/Films/TV Programmes etc. The app will be installed automatically on your iPhone screen.
Tested on 29 Nov 2019.
Since iTunes 12.7 doesn't have "Application" section so it can't be done.
As a workaround I've found this answer.
I simply installed "Apple Configurator 2". Than:
Run application
Connect device
Unlock device
Drag IPA file to visualisation of device in "Apple Configurator 2"
Confirm action
I didn't had to "sign in" as described in on linked question answers
For iTunes 12.7.0 and above, you just need to Cmd+c your app and Cmd+v into your device on iTunes. Any tab works, including Summary, Music, Movies.
For the macOS Catalina 10.15.3 and onwards iTunes is no longer present in the system. all iTunes contents are added in Finder itself. So instead, open the Music app and drag-drop IPA as mentioned below.
installation itunes music ipa
Do not use any service similar to as it can potentially have huge security implications. Using this kind of process and with some clever coding skills, a third party can inject extra stuff in you application. And they are basically charging you for something that you can do yourself.
In iTunes 12.7.x, it is still possible to install an ipa directly on a device with a simple drag-n-drop. Look at #ganesh ubale' solution here or the other answers at or
The Apple developer web site also have detailed information about how to configure a web site for installing an IPA wirelessly (by simply sharing the download link).
I just reset the device (erase all settings) and sync up with iTunes and now I can drag the app over to the phone library on iTunes (even though there is no apps tab). Once you sync. the app is then on the phone.

Detect if application is installed on users Mac OS X from browser

How can I detect from a browser if an application is installed on a users Mac OS X.
I want to achieve, that if the user clicks the download button then if he has the application installed it downloads a specific file which can be opened with this application, and if the user don't have the application, then he is prompted that he needs to download the application first to view the actual file.
This link solved my question.
Thanks goes to Doug Stephen for providing the link, here:
Determine if an app exists and launch that app on iOS
This link was also helpful to move on with the parsing.
