Cannot change Apple ID in App Store for downloading Yosemite - macos

I want to download the latest version of Mac OSX (Yosemite). But, the app store doesn't let me change the user id for authentication.
Interestingly, I don't know whose apple ID is prepopulated into the text box. I have used my macbook all by myself until now!
I tried to logout and login again. But didn't work.
Does anybody know how should I fix this and download Yosemite?

The Problem is the way Apps are tied to IDs.
A step-by-step guide to solve this problem:
Go to the app listed in the App Store as needing an update (usually in the /Applications folder).
Right click the app then click “Show Package Contents”.
Go into the “Contents” folder, then into the “_MASReceipt” folder.
Delete the “receipt” file (you may need to enter a local administrator username and password).
Please note that the app will still work as intended.
Theres a pretty good explanation in here:

In the MacAppStore's task bar go to Store and then log out. Then try it again.

(I have changed my ID to new one in Mac System.
Apple ICON > System Preference > Sign Out > New ID.
And then I changed the App Store ID like below.)
Open App Store
In the top main menu, Select Store > Logout
And the Sign In with new ID


Cannot change Apple ID into App Store

I use Mac OS: 10.9.2. When I update Xcode to 5.1.1 the App Store ask the apple ID. I had log out the current apple ID and login my account but it also ask pass word of the old apple ID(I can not click into the field Apple ID to change the name). Please help me to change apple id or delete the old.
Finally, I can resolved this. I move to trash all the versions of Xcode which I have in Application. Then go to App Store to install new version of Xcode with my Apple ID.
This happens because the app was downloaded using another Apple ID and xcode is tied to that account.
How to solve this ?
Sign in into Mac App Store with “your current ID account” and check under Purchases menu, whether you have xcode.
Also check in System Preferences » App Store » What ID shows below “Automatic download apps purchased...”
If xcode is present under your current ID Purchases (grayed out saying INSTALLED), feel free to erase the app from your HD. An install button must be shown after and you can download and update the app again.
If the above doesn't work, you can get rid of the greyed out Apple ID email by making following selection
Applications » xcode (right click on Show Package Contents) » Contents » and delete the file inside “_MASReceipt” folder (do a backup before just in case).
xcode will still work, you must get rid of the grayed login name.This will work if xcode is already in your curent Apple ID
I was having the same issue.This happens because the app was downloaded using another Apple ID and xcode is tied to that account. If you installs new app then there wont be any issue.
Go to Applications -> xCode -> Click Show Packaged Content ->
Content -> _MASReceipt -> Receipt. Delete this receipt file. Do not
worry xcode will still work.
Now try to update xcode from app store. You will be able to get app
store id login popup without grayed apple id.
Still you might face some issues as I faced. I got this error. If you are also facing some issue then continue following 3,4 and 5 steps.
Go to application -> Move xCode to trash.
Go to trash -> Put Back xCode.
Go to app store and update the xCode.
It worked for me :)
Refer :-
For me, the locked-in Apple ID was from a former employee. Following steps eventually fixed it for me:
Go to Settings » Users & Groups » Delete the old user account
Start Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions
In the App Store menu, hit Store » Sign Out / Sign In
There's a "Sign Out" option in the App Store app under the "Store" menu.
It looks like this:

How to update Xcode with a new Apple ID?

I've recently changed apple ID and I've downloaded xCode on mac with another apple ID.
Not the mac store informs me there is a new version for xCode but I need to insert password of the older Apple ID, and I can't just use the new one. It seems the app is associated with the old apple ID.
I can't even download a new xCode using the new apple id, because it only gives me the option to update it with the old Apple ID.
To make the AppStore forget the old credentials with which the app was downloaded, you must remove the _MASReceipt directory in the app itself.
To do this:
Open Finder and navigate to Applications,
Ctrl+Click XCode and choose "Show Package Contents",
Expand the Contents directory and click _MASReceipt to select it,
Type Command+Delete to delete the directory permanently---you will be prompted for your credentials since this is a protected file.
Quit and restart AppStore, then find XCode. The button should now say "Free" or "Install" instead of "Update". Clicking it will update your XCode to the latest version as the currently logged-in Apple user.
Assuming you have the issue where you are getting the error
To update this application, sign in to the account you used to
purchase it.
on the App Store app, go to Store --> Sign Out
and then do the stuff suggested here
check this fix from Beartech at
The App Store used Spotlight in some way. My fix was to add the entire
HD to the "Privacy" tab in the Spotlight System prefs pane, close the
prefs and wait 30 seconds, re-open and remove your HD from the Privacy
tab. Spolight begins reindexing. Re-opened the App Store and problem
was fixed! Posting this here for others who might search later on.
Also filed a bug report with Apple.
hope this fixes the issue for you!
edit: I think this is a different issue compared to what I had. Your only option is probbaly to delete xcode, and download with your new Apple ID
To add an Apple ID account
Choose Xcode > Preferences.
At the top of the window, click Accounts.
In the lower-left corner, click the Add button (+) .
Choose Add Apple ID from the pop-up menu.
In the dialog that appears, enter your Apple ID and password, and
click Sign In.
To remove an Apple ID account
Choose Xcode > Preferences.
Click Accounts at the top of the window.
Select the Apple ID account you want to delete in the left column.
Click the Delete button (–) in the lower-left corner.
Follow link for source and detailed information.
open a folder
Finder-> Go -> Applications
then find Xcode in the folder.
Right click on the Xcode. -> Get Info
at the bottom, there is Sharing & Permissions, open it, click on the lock icon on the right corner.
make Read & Write for everyone in the list.
then wait 5-10 seconds. just try update Xcode again. it will start to updating...
As NSPostWhenIdle said: "Delete Xcode, and reinstall it using the new Apple ID."
For XCode 5
Xcode menu > Preferences > Accounts
At the bottom left, click the +
Click on Add Apple ID.
I had a somewhat similar issue. My AppleId was changed- the username - from "ab***" to "ab***". The new format requires an email address, and my AppleId dates back many years. I suddenly couldn't export anything from Xcode. How I fixed it:
Delete old AppleId
Add new AppleId.
Apple seemed to sort itself out on the backend and the only issue was Xcode hanging around to old references to defunct and/or bad usernames (to the same keyed account. Go figure.)
If you restore your device to 13.3.0 will fix your problem, it worked for me

Mac App Store claims newer version of my app is already installed

I'm trying to install my app from the Mac App Store now that it's been published. I'm using the same machine as the one I developed the app one. For some reason, the App Store claims "A newer version of this app is already installed on this computer." I haven't touched the version number since I submitted it so this is strange.
I've removed all references of the app from Applications, Library/Preferences, Library/Application Support, Library/Caches, /var, and Trash. I've also cleaned the Product from within Xcode.
Any suggestions?
I had this problem with CoBook on Mountain Lion and nothing out there seemed to work until I found this:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
To fix this problem, you need to perform two steps.
Delete all instances of your app. There are likely copies hiding in your home folder in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
Reset the user domain in the Launch Services database with
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain user
The lsregister command manages the Launch Service database, or the database that keeps track of applications installed on your Mac and what types of files they open.
It's only necessary to reset the user domain (unlike the other answer from Mat E. that also resets the system and local domain) since your XCode DerivedData exists in your individual user directory. Only resetting this domain will prevent unnecessary warnings about running an app for the first time from reappearing.
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ and delete your app's build folder.
This happened again to me but unfortunately the other solutions didn't work. This is what ended up working:
Open the App Store. From the menu bar click Store > Sign In
Click Purchases from the top of the App Store window.
Select your app in the list. Then right or control click where you see Installed then click Install.
Make sure and use the same Apple ID used for the original purchase.
This also works for free apps.

Updating XCODE using different apple account

I have MAC OS 10.7.3. xcode 4.3.1 installed using different apple id as my macbook pro was used previously by my friend. Now when i try to upgrade Xcode to 4.3.2 it asking credentials for my friends account. Unfortunately App store clearly says you can upgrade an app using the account which was used to install the app.
How can i upgrade Xcode using my credentials?
Thanks in advance.
I am sure you would have solved this by now but just posting the solution here that worked for me..
Open Finder and navigate to Applications,
Ctrl+Click the application and choose "Show Package Contents" (Xcode in this case),
Expand the Contents directory and click the _MASReceipt directory to select it, Type Command+Delete to
delete the directory permanently---you will be prompted for your
credentials since this is a protected file.
Quit and restart
AppStore, then find the application. You can update with your new id now without deleting the old version of the app
Hope this helps someone coz it took me a while to figure out !!
Unfortunately had to answer my own question,
Simple Answer: NO, You cannot update xcode installed from another account.
Solution is to delete the existing installation and re-installing from new account.
To delete the existing installation, you need to delete it from Launch pad. You can do this by locating xcode icon in launch pad, long click on the icon till it starts dancing. Then delete it and wait for a while till the is deleted from /Application. If you manually delete from /Application, App store will continue to think its installed and will not allow you to reinstall in future.
Above solution is assuming you have installed xcode from the mac app store, usually versions later than 4.2. For earlier versions, just deleting /Application/xcode folder should work.
The solution is found:
I had this bug, it's related to Spotlight. The App Store used Spotlight in some way. My fix was to add the entire HD to the "Privacy" tab in the Spotlight System prefs pane, close the prefs and wait 30 seconds, re-open and remove your HD from the Privacy tab. Spolight begins reindexing. Re-opened the App Store and problem was fixed! Posting this here for others who might search later on. Also filed a bug report with Apple.

XCode won't let me change my login details

Xcode states. is not a Registered Apple Developer.
This is really annoying, as I have a registered account, I just typed the wrong one. How to I get another opportunity to login.
Delete all the documentation links in that preference pane and then click on "check & install now" button again.
That should bring you back to the login dialog.
Instructions from this similiar question might work, they just did for me:
How can I change the Apple ID that Xcode 4 uses to download components?
It seems it's better to download Xcode directly from Member Center (not trough the Mac App Store).
