Create users with only view privilege in TeamCity - teamcity

I am the administartor of TeamCity 9.0 which is my continuous integration server. I have added many users for different projects. They have the permission to manually trigger the build, but they cannot edit the configurations.
Now , I need to add a user so that the user can view the Web UI and get the logs etc ; but he must not be able to trigger the build. In short, the run button in the Web UI should not work for that user or should be invisible. How can I achieve that? Please help me out.

In the default installation, the All Users group only has the Project viewer role associated with it, which only has the View project and all parent projects permission. You'll see the Project developer role by default has the Run build and Stop build permissions, and many more.
What does your permission set up look like, i.e. what group is the user assigned to and what roles are associated with that group.
You can get a sort of "effective permissions" overview for a user on the "Roles" tab of a user, this shows how the user is getting permission for which projects via the groups they are in.

TeamCity provides a built-in role, Project Viewer, that grants users read-only access to projects. You can also create your own roles with permissions tailored for your team. See Administration > User Management > Roles.

Click on Administration on top right corner. Under User Management on left side of the UI, click on Users. Click on the user you want. Under Roles tab select Assign Role. In the pop up select what privilege you want to give to that user for what project.
Check this link for knowing about different types of users in TeamCity.


Sonar- Grant and revoke project-level permissions for mentioned projects

I have Sonar installed in my machine and integrated with Jenkins.There are around 30 projects and to view detail info of each project I use same admin credentials.I am looking for steps which can help me in below.
1- How can I create a user credentials so that the user can see few projects out of 30 under sonar.
2- I have created a new user like below.
Created Different Users
Under each project I have assigned Users and Groups

How can I easily add others to update my G Suite App listing?

I've looked all over the admin console, but can't find where to add other users so that they can edit our listing. Can you please provide a URL/link to where I should navigate?
You may want to check this support page. You can:
assign pre-built roles for performing common business tasks
assign custom roles you create for your organization
assign more than one role to a user to grant all privileges in those roles
Be noted that you must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.
The user typically gets their new privileges within a few minutes. However, it can take up to 24 hours. When they sign in to their account, they arrive at the Admin console dashboard. Here they see the controls allowed by their privileges.
Hope this helps!
I think you want to navigate to this URL while logged in as the app project owner: your project ID)
And assign roles to different users or groups.
you can use group publishing on the gsuite marketplace:
Set up Group Publishing
You can share ownership of your items in Google Chrome Web Store with other developers by setting up group publishing. With group publishing, you can add developers to a Google Group, who can then act on your behalf. They'll have access to all the items you own and can make any changes to them that you can make.
(each member of the group should pay the 5$ developer fee though.)
You can configure the group from your webstore dashboard.

TFS 2013 - Can I restrict a user to access only a sub-area in a project?

I have a user requesting that an employee be allowed to access only a specific sub-area in a project.
No access to the source code, no access to tests, only access to a single "area".
I have tried granting the user access as a Reader, and then setting specific security permissions on the area node. The business complains that the user has access to everything.
Is this possible to accomplish with the TFS 2013 security model?
Not trivial, the solution goes along this line.
Remove from the individual any groups except "Valid Users".
The user account must have "View project-level information".
Give the individual "View work items in this node" by right-clicking on the Area node he/she must have access.
You can add additional permission in this latter, if the person requires write access.
Define a new TFS group for these "special users".
Click on the Group Membership. This should open up the web page in IE.
Now click on the link "Create TFS Group" on the top left hand side.
Create a new TFS group for these special users. Lets call it "Special Users".
Remove the UserID of these special users from any other TFS groups that they are present.
Go to the specific sub-area in the project which they need access to. 1. Right click the file -> Advanced -> Security
Now here you can define the rights for your new "Special users group". Give them just the read access and deny everything else.

Joomla 3: Permission to manage users and nothing else

I'm developing a Joomla 3 website, where registered users can belong to several groups of interests (music, theater, technology, and so on).
I would like to give permission to my client to edit users by placing them in groups he desired. For example: user 1 can be in music and theater group; user 2 just registered (no group) and user 3 in technology group. Unfortunately the only permission that Joomla 3 allows you to edit users is the Administrator, but if I give this permission to my client, he will be able to edit articles, themes and other features that I do not want it to edit.
How can I create an access level that can manage only users list?
Thank you and sorry about my english.
Create a new group, assign that group only permission for managing users and whatever else you want and assign your users to that group but not admin.
As a short answer, if you don't want you client to be administrator, you can assign him to the manager user-group.
Then go into the Users Manager Component and click the Options button to go into its configuration page.
There you can override the Permissions Settings for the Users Manager component, so the Managers users will be allowed to Access Administration Interface of the component.
You will have the change the respective setting from inherit to allowed.
Of course if needed, you can create a complete custom ACL, with special usergroups for your users that will have certain accessibility and permissions.
But be careful, because ACL sometimes can be confusing and you might end up with a total mess.

Joomla Global Configuration allow access for administrator group

I need to allow the administrator group to access to System->Global Configuration page.
By Global Configuration page I intend that page that has the Site, System, Server, Permissions, Text and Filters tabs.
I don't see this component anywhere to configure it, so I understand that it is meant only for the Super Users.
So maybe I have to edit administrator/components/com_config. But where and how?
The only way to give that kind of access is to make the users Super Admins under the Users section. You can see a list of the default user groups and their roles here: Changing User Groups
Here is the process to change a user's group:
Log into the Administrator Back-end via the sitename/administrator URL.
Click on Site, then User Manager
Click on the check box next to the user you want to change, then click Edit in the top right corner.
In the User Details section, change the user's group.
Click Save.
