Magento Go - Adding attribute above product description in Grid view - magento

Im wanting to add the Brand name (or designer name in this case which i have made a new attribute for) just above the product description in the Category view (grid) but cant figure it out.
As its Magento Go i have no access to the code, other than XML updates for the category itself.
Ive looked everywhere and would value any help.

If you are cant get to the template phtml codes, you can put it on by admin.
Open catalog / attributes / manage attributes, find your attribute and in the properties set to
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
Used in Product Listing
But it will not be on position you want.
You can edit CSS for the template and set an absolute position for your attribute.
Next way is to add in the admin in category XML layout, but this you need to do for each category. (Custom Layout Update)


How To Create Multiple Attribute In Magento For Product Details Page

I want to create multiple attribute in magento for product details page because i have to show two things on the product details page and they are attribute first of all i have color swatches with the help of attribute i am showing on the product details page the next thing is the google map and each different product has a different google map how to show two attribute in magento product details page any help would be very appreciated
You would need to first create an attribute. Read here on a simple tutorial on how to do that.
To display any product attribute in magento you need the "Attribute Code". Lets say you make a attribute called "Gogole Map" with a Attribute Code "gmap". You would need to open the html for the product detail page which can be found
app/design/frontend/default/[your template]/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
and just add the following code to where you want to place
<?php echo $_product_getGmap();?>

Add custom description to magento Attributes and display it on the front end

I have a site where I added some custom attributes and displayed in the frontend. Now I want add a description of the attributes and display it in the frontend in a tooltip or whatever.
I have checked this reference
Add custom property to magento Attributes and display it on the front end on stackoverflow. But its not clear in which particular page I have to use it. I don't want to use any plugin. Please refer me a solution with custom code.
When you Add a Custom Attribute to the products, it will stored in to the Magento system as EAV attribute. So you must look into the EAV structure. When you look into the table "eav_attribute" you can understand how the attributes are stored.
So, if you want to Add and manage the Tooltip Description for the Attributes, You must add one more column to the "eav_attribute" table. for this you must create a custom module to override the Magento core eav functionalities. By following the above link you can create the tooltip Description text for the attributes.

joomla using virtuemart i want the description to be placed under products

I have a joomla site using virtue mart in my products. I want my description to be placed under the products. Any help would be appreciated.
You will see here that the description is above the products.
I have had a look through the source files but was wondering the best way to go about this as I may just be missing something.
I hope you are using , VM2.x Versions.
The the Product Details Page Source file you can found on the following path.
The product description and short descriptions are included in the default.php layout.
If you want to change the description ordering simply change its position as per your requirement.
$this->product->product_s_desc and $this->product->product_desc;
If you are planning to change the default VM template style , I recommend to use Joomla Override Concept this way you can simply override the default template with your own.
Here you need to override productdetails view then simply like below.
copy all the files from components\com_virtuemart\views\productdetails\tmpl\ and paste this to , templates/your_template/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/ If you unable to find this path inside your template folder you have to create that.
This will simply load your new layouts from template folder rather than default path.
Hope it clear for you..
The VM Template system also lets you create additional view templates for categories and products. To override the default categories, category, or productdetails view, simple use the standard Joomla template override method. Copy /components/com_virtuemart/views/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to /templates/[Your Template]/html/com_virtuemart/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php and make your changes to the template version of default.php.
To create additional views that can be set on a per category/product basis, simply copy /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to a new file name like /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/myView.php and make the desired changes. In the Virtuemart category or product configuration, you will find myView in the drop down list of alternatives views that can be used.

how to create a right sidebar in magento which will be visible only on product view page

I am new to magento .
I want to create a right sidebar on product view page such that this is visible only on product view page not on other pages.
How can I do this.Please Help.
To have a right sidebar only on the product page you need to to a few things:
in the admin panel set the product pages to have 2 columns with right sidebar
create a block and template file (or just edit one that is available)
in catalog.xml (this is in your themes's layout folder) find the handle called and within that section find in there you can add your block / template file.
For more info on how you can create blocks and templates see here.
In magento almost every postion is handled by catalog.xml, (if you go the proper way) You can place any static block , in catalog.xml you will find the postioning of blocks for every page (be it category, product or home page) just you need to place the block in the right reference.

Filter one specific attribute values from products in magento

I'm new in magento, I'm working on website. Please check beneath flash banner, there are 4 big images that are links to attributes value from which user can directly go to a product.
I need a page that display on one specific attribute values like in case of artist, it should be Gustav Klimt, Leonardo Da Vinci etc. These should be links to actual product related to the attribute values.
Please tell me how to make your own PHTML or PHP file, which code to use and how, and in last how to call your code in your magento website.
Any ideas will be appreciated, thanks.
You please create an attribute (davinchi) in admin side for these functionality. You can create products attributes from catalog->attributes->menu.After that you can see these attribute value in product creation page.You just assign it to different products
After that you can either create a module for this. Otherwise just create a phtml file in catalog/product/ folder.
then enter the below custom collection code in it.
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
//filter codition
This will load products having attribute value davinchi=1.
