Add custom description to magento Attributes and display it on the front end - magento

I have a site where I added some custom attributes and displayed in the frontend. Now I want add a description of the attributes and display it in the frontend in a tooltip or whatever.
I have checked this reference
Add custom property to magento Attributes and display it on the front end on stackoverflow. But its not clear in which particular page I have to use it. I don't want to use any plugin. Please refer me a solution with custom code.

When you Add a Custom Attribute to the products, it will stored in to the Magento system as EAV attribute. So you must look into the EAV structure. When you look into the table "eav_attribute" you can understand how the attributes are stored.
So, if you want to Add and manage the Tooltip Description for the Attributes, You must add one more column to the "eav_attribute" table. for this you must create a custom module to override the Magento core eav functionalities. By following the above link you can create the tooltip Description text for the attributes.


How we can add attributes for old product in Magento?

I have Magento portal and I want to filter option through the attributes. So is there any possibility to add the attributes for old product which already in portal?
Yes, sure can add attributes for existing attributes.
go to catalog > Manage attributes > create new attribute and than go for Attribute set and drag the new attribute to attribute set.
than you can give attribute values for each products manually or for all products once using "update attributes" option.
than you can display the attributes under layered navigation.
feel free to ask any doubts
For the older product I have added the attributes and include in the default attribute set. So it will be by default add for all the products only you have to select for each product.
Please find the relevant image:

How to add custom attribute in magento Registration

I am creating a sign up form for Magneto, I want to add few more information from customer like place of birth. How can I do this, I tried many ways but all are use less, please explain step by step.
you can go through this link Magento Module Creater
and create module with Need Add Customer Attribute : yes and it will give the field for your customer attribute. and create field as much as you.after creating field just click Create Magento Module (download) it will give you a ready module with your custom customer attribute. Note:- Selecte Forms to Use In in which your field will be populated for user input
Hope this will help you.

In magento admin how to create a custom field in add products page

In my Magento admin add products page, I need to create a custom input field as subtitle for the product name. While adding products in Magento, we already have fields such as Name, Description, Short Description and so on. Among this I need to create a new field as Title to get the simple name of products. How do I create this custom field in admin?
You have to create custom attribute for that .Follow this tutorial it may help you to create custom attribute. please have a look at a
Find manage attributes, then add a new attribute. You can select its type. And then you can add this attribute to your attribute set. The attribute set which you are using, it may be default or any custom created. After adding you will find that attribute in your add Product page.

Magento Go - Adding attribute above product description in Grid view

Im wanting to add the Brand name (or designer name in this case which i have made a new attribute for) just above the product description in the Category view (grid) but cant figure it out.
As its Magento Go i have no access to the code, other than XML updates for the category itself.
Ive looked everywhere and would value any help.
If you are cant get to the template phtml codes, you can put it on by admin.
Open catalog / attributes / manage attributes, find your attribute and in the properties set to
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
Used in Product Listing
But it will not be on position you want.
You can edit CSS for the template and set an absolute position for your attribute.
Next way is to add in the admin in category XML layout, but this you need to do for each category. (Custom Layout Update)

Display products against attributes in magento

I am working on custom module in magento.
I create two new attributes (combo box) make and location. After that I add values for these attributes using custom code against specific product. Like I add make "Sony" and location is "Australia" against product 1 (1 is id for product).
Now on admin side i want to display this product with attributes values like make is Sony and location is Australia and product is 1.
I found some tables where these values are linked like (catalog_product_entity_int,eav_attribute,eav_attribute_option,eav_attribute_option_value), but I am unable to query such records. The page where I want to display data I have attribute id and attribute code.
Can anyone knows how I can figure it out?
Very simple Dude.
inside your _prepareCollection() method of your custom module grid
Load the product collection and select these two attribute... If there is a need to filter it by these two attributes then do it.
