how to create a right sidebar in magento which will be visible only on product view page - magento

I am new to magento .
I want to create a right sidebar on product view page such that this is visible only on product view page not on other pages.
How can I do this.Please Help.

To have a right sidebar only on the product page you need to to a few things:
in the admin panel set the product pages to have 2 columns with right sidebar
create a block and template file (or just edit one that is available)
in catalog.xml (this is in your themes's layout folder) find the handle called and within that section find in there you can add your block / template file.
For more info on how you can create blocks and templates see here.

In magento almost every postion is handled by catalog.xml, (if you go the proper way) You can place any static block , in catalog.xml you will find the postioning of blocks for every page (be it category, product or home page) just you need to place the block in the right reference.


Product Slide show in Magento

Hi i have tried to add a product in slide show on magento home page but it not working can you please give suggestion for How to add a product on slide show in magento?
What you need to do is :
Create a static block (something/filename.phtml).
Load product collection in the static block and filter the products which you would want to see on the slider.
Create appropriate HTML markup for the section of the page.
Use a suitable jQuery / JavaScript plugin to render the slider.
Call the static block that was created in step 1, from the CMS Page meant for homepage. This can be done using Layout Updates Section.

Hide shop-by from left navigation on only one page

We have a Brands page where our main 'categories' are 'Brands', but we also have a shop by Brands lower on the page, because we need that shop-by for our other tabs.
How can I hide the lower Brand shop-by from only this page in Magento?
Each of this left column components are blocks. You can define which block should appear by layout (*.xml) files. You can find them in /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/. Usually you have to edit catalog.xml to load in the page the blocks you wish.
This is a different case. Both Product Type and Brand are under the same block. You have to edit .phtml files to fit your needs.
In catalog.xml you can find the load order of the blocks, and the path to their .phtml files (maybe catalog/navigation here). Look at the section of "Category with Anchor" of layout files (category pages with filters links), with reference name="left" (that is the left column).
Track the right file and place an if clause to skip the Brand section at this page (maybe while the page category id is equal to the Brand's id or - easier but worse - when the current url contains brand.html).
While editing a file, always work on a copy. Place your copy in /app/design/frontend/default/YOURTHEMENAME/ and Magento will use the copy.

Magento Go - Adding attribute above product description in Grid view

Im wanting to add the Brand name (or designer name in this case which i have made a new attribute for) just above the product description in the Category view (grid) but cant figure it out.
As its Magento Go i have no access to the code, other than XML updates for the category itself.
Ive looked everywhere and would value any help.
If you are cant get to the template phtml codes, you can put it on by admin.
Open catalog / attributes / manage attributes, find your attribute and in the properties set to
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
Used in Product Listing
But it will not be on position you want.
You can edit CSS for the template and set an absolute position for your attribute.
Next way is to add in the admin in category XML layout, but this you need to do for each category. (Custom Layout Update)

Make a new page in joomla 2.5

i have done the home page with 8 custom html module . Now i have to make new pages like contact us, about, services ect. but it different from the home page. i need to use only two module other are not useful for other pages.
I am new in joomla would like to how could i make new pages in joomla.
Create a new page in the article manager and a menu item to that page. Then go into the module manager and enable those two modules for that menu item. You'll now have the new page and those 2 modules will appear.
Depending on what template you are using they may need to be in a different "position", e.g, below the content, to the side, etc. In that case use the duplicate function in the module manager to make a clone of those modules and place in the appropriate positions.
Note: If you want the modules to appear in the actual content area you can use the loadposition plugin, e.g. if you create a blank article you can then enter {loadposition mynewmoduleposition} to place the module in the page. Just remember to select that page in the module manager and put set the module to that position.
Just a note that joomla is "menu related" site where pages mean menu itemID, when you say "pages" i believe you have experience in wordpress...
All "pages" in a Joomla website are created with the single index.php file in the template you are using. In order to alter what displays from one page to another there are a few things to consider.
First, Joomla uses menu items to determine what a page is. When you create a menu item, it is assigned an itemID. In the case of menu items that have child items (an article within a category menu), then the child items inherit the parent itemID. You can then select to display modules on that menu item. In the module parameters there are options to display a module on all menu items, no menu items, selected menu items, and exclude menu items. You would change these selections to fit what you want displayed.
The second thing to consider is the template itself. It sounds like you have created a custom template so you will likely need to alter that. The index.php file should contain all of the possible module positions that you would may want to use. In order to hide the positions that are not being used on a particular page, you need to make those positions collapsible. You do this by not displaying any module position that is not populated on a particular page using this code:
<?php if ($this->countModules('top')) : ?><jdoc:include type="modules" name="top" style="xhtml" /><?php endif; ?>
You would want to use similar code for each module position on the page. This allows you to have a sidebar position that is not displayed on the home page, but is displayed on other interior pages that include a module in that position.
Ideally, if you plan the template properly, you will have many module positions that will allow you to add content in many different positions without having to touch the template once it is coded.

magento - add links to footer but not to top navigational menu

I want to add links to the footer - such as Customer service etc.. I do this by editing the CMS static block, footer links. However when I do this, they also appear in the very top menu.
Anyone know how to add links to the footer without them appearing in the top navigational menu?
Regards and thanks,
Adding links to the static block will not show them on the top of the site, unless you have repeated the Block at the top of the template.
The footer links are controlled through XML and the Static Block.
There are multiple ways to achieve your need. You can include a custom block and create your own links under the CMS static blocks.
Could you expand on what exactly you are trying to achieve?
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('your_cms_block_identifier')->toHtml() ?>
Insert the above into the template. Create a CMS Static block with 'your_cms_block_identifier' and create your links
