get same price format in custom category file Magento - magento

Hi i have a store in dutch language and i a using a euro currency.
in this the price of product on the magento default category page is shown like
€ 123,00
it contains , but in my custom category file when fetch the price of product it shows like
€ 123.00
it contains fullstop instead of comma . I need to show comma please suggest me how can i do this .
below is the code i use to echo price
in my custom file

ok i got it and i have use
str_replace('.', ',', $product1->getPrice());
and it works fine


How can I translate the Magento rating codes (Quality, Price, Value)

In magento 1.9 in the product page, there is a rating table such as this:
The question is ... how can I change the literals "Value", "Quality", "Price" to translate them to spanish. I have already checked in the CSV files and they are not there.
Basically there are two ways to change rating table text
1) You can enable translate inline
Go to Admin->system->Configuration->Advanced->Developer->Translate Inline
Enabled for Frontend : "yes"
2) Go to Admin->Catalog->Reviews and Ratings->Manage Ratings
Where you see all three values (Price, Quality, Value)
open it and change text
Actually, the rating settings is at Stores > Attributes > Rating.

Removing colon from minicart Magento

Im using Magento Community version 1.9
The header contains a minicart.
The label is: cart: 0,00 DKK
I have used inline translation to remove 'cart' so the result should be like: 0,00 DKK, but I can't get rid of the colon.
thx in advance...
Use translation only to translate.
To customise you theme, edit the template file of the minicart:

Magento - Product Configurable As In

I am looking for solution or extension for my Magento store.
I need a feature that customer could add product with different product type more than one time. has it and it is really cool feature.
It is named "Add More at a Time"
For ex:
I tried to create Grouped, Configurable, Bundle in magento but it doesnt work the same.
Please could somebody to help ? :)
Thank you!
I am suggesting the logic which came in my mind.
I think you need to do customization in product details page. You need to fetch all configurable options like Color size , which will match the sku.
suppose , you have one product called , "thong-panty-allover-lace-from-cotton-lingerie".
If you have three colors , you need to add three products,
You have to do coding and logically and need to find sku like "thong-panty-allover-lace-from-cotton-lingerie".
Your customized code will be something like this
$sku = "some value";
fetch sku of product id " 187902 "and fetch other products which SKU is like $sku.
After this , in loop , create HTML and SIZE and Color dropdown of each product.
and on add button , add that product in cart separately.*/
Hope this will helpful for you.
I have just shared my thought , how you can proceed further , from my point of view.

Keep the fix price for configurable Product while choosing the attribute also but change for second place

In my site i am using configurable product and Price is showing at two different place in Product page. One is near product and one is at bottom of all details and i am giving label as "new subtotal". And the both price is changing based on what attribute i am selecting but what i want is to change price at one place only at bottom "New subtotal" label and i want to keep top price is fix even changing the attribute. I tried by doing some changes in view.phtml file to get price using getPrice() but it giving me the fix price at both places. Can anyone please help me.
If you are using magento default code in view.phtml then there will be code <?php echo $this->getTierPriceHtml() ?> which display price with html.
In stead of above, just use $_product->getPrice() to display price without default magento html.
Hop this will help.

Change magento header cart price currency symbol from $ to Rs

I want to change the magento header cart price currency symbol from $ to Rs. in my dummy application. Please have a look on my dummy installation:
You can see on site, all items prices are in Rs. ( Indian rupee format ) but the cart price ( look on header total price $0.00 ) is in $. I want to display it like total price Rs. 0.00
Please guide how can I do it.
Go to admin panel:
system>configuration>general>currency setup>currency options>change Base currency, default display currency
If you have already done that than in admin panel goto:
system>configuration>developer>debug>template path hints, set it to 'yes'.
Than refresh your website homepage. You'll be able to see the path to your template file. Go there, remove Dollar '$' symbol and add 'Rs.'.
you can use English language in magento.
Open lib/Zend/Locale/Data/en.xml
< currency type="INR" >
Add code
< symbol>Rs< /symbol>
before close < /currency>
and set your default and base currency
system > configuration > general > currency setup > currency options > change
Base currency, ,default display currency, allowed currency
select indian rupee.
