Removing colon from minicart Magento - magento

Im using Magento Community version 1.9
The header contains a minicart.
The label is: cart: 0,00 DKK
I have used inline translation to remove 'cart' so the result should be like: 0,00 DKK, but I can't get rid of the colon.
thx in advance...

Use translation only to translate.
To customise you theme, edit the template file of the minicart:


Custom Print block on Magento

I am using Magento 1.9. How can I allow Show Description block on print function? I can edit only the CSS file...
I couldn't find any solutions.
Thank you!

Prestashop 1.6 default theme price

In prestashop 1.6 default theme i would like to change the price like on the photo. I tired the product.tpl file but its not working. I dont know why but i can not finde it the main file where i can modify the template. Is there any solution for this problem ? i should put simply just a br tag but i dont know what file should i use.
There has to be someone who know it. Should i try an another file ? or can i do it in the css ?
If you're using default-bootstrap theme you should look into themes/default-bootstrap/product-list.tpl
after changes remember about clearing the cache in Adv. Preferences -> Performance
Two files shows products prices : product.tpl and product-list.tpl :
product-list.tpl is your product list on category page.
product.tpl shows only one product (product page)
You also have in themes/default-bootstrap/css files, like product.css and product-list.css
Before working on it (and as Krystian said), desactivate cache.
Prices have HTML useful classes in Prestashop :
This would help finding correct lines in template files.

get same price format in custom category file Magento

Hi i have a store in dutch language and i a using a euro currency.
in this the price of product on the magento default category page is shown like
€ 123,00
it contains , but in my custom category file when fetch the price of product it shows like
€ 123.00
it contains fullstop instead of comma . I need to show comma please suggest me how can i do this .
below is the code i use to echo price
in my custom file
ok i got it and i have use
str_replace('.', ',', $product1->getPrice());
and it works fine

Unable to Remove products from wishlist

I want to remove product from wishlist in product listing page(default/template/wishlist/item/column/image.php).
I have seen the remove url function in wishlist page $this->getItemRemoveUrl($item) . but it doesn’t work in image.php.
Even i tried,
echo Mage::helper(‘wishlist’)->getRemoveUrl($_product)
it gives URL but not showing parameters.
eg:- (not working) (actual)
So how can i solve this
this function should work for you
Please compare your xml file with the magento default xml file
May be there is any function missing or commented
Also there is another possibility or error
may be $_product contains additional white spaces or symbols
please check it
Using the getModel you can delete the wishlist product
as below

Magento backend - make the price field readonly

I want to make the price text field in magento backend readonly because I use another custom attributes to fix prices.
How can I do that ?
Thanks a lot.
You need create an observer for catalog_product_load_after with the code like this:
And your product edit form will have readonly price field.
Since this would make attributes very silly, I don't believe that there is any simple mechanism by which to do this. One easy hack that you could use for this would be to add a JS file to that page which disables the price field specifically. Use the XML layout files for the default adminhtml package to add that JS file.
Hope that helps!
