Magento - Product Configurable As In - magento

I am looking for solution or extension for my Magento store.
I need a feature that customer could add product with different product type more than one time. has it and it is really cool feature.
It is named "Add More at a Time"
For ex:
I tried to create Grouped, Configurable, Bundle in magento but it doesnt work the same.
Please could somebody to help ? :)
Thank you!

I am suggesting the logic which came in my mind.
I think you need to do customization in product details page. You need to fetch all configurable options like Color size , which will match the sku.
suppose , you have one product called , "thong-panty-allover-lace-from-cotton-lingerie".
If you have three colors , you need to add three products,
You have to do coding and logically and need to find sku like "thong-panty-allover-lace-from-cotton-lingerie".
Your customized code will be something like this
$sku = "some value";
fetch sku of product id " 187902 "and fetch other products which SKU is like $sku.
After this , in loop , create HTML and SIZE and Color dropdown of each product.
and on add button , add that product in cart separately.*/
Hope this will helpful for you.
I have just shared my thought , how you can proceed further , from my point of view.


products not showing up in magento backend with given sku but exist

When i am trying to find a product given sku like "xyz345" in admin panel not gives any record but when i am trying to find this product with the same sku in Global Record Search then gives me the record for this product. I did not actually understand where this product saved in backend. Can anyone help me out of this problem ?
try to log/get the details of that product. You will see some required attributes are missing. Set those attributes, and you will see your products.
I guess you have imported products or created programatically.

Magento : issue in shopping cart

first I'm developping an extension for custom price so when i add a product to cart with 400$ and add again the same product with 500$ it gives me in total 1000$ like described in image bellow :
so this is not logic an d the total must be 900$ now i wanna solve that problem but i don't know where to start I've been confused i wanna do like this :
May i know the products are different. if the products having same sku it will take only one price.
For this u need to add two products with same name and different "SKU". I think it will work..

Magento - Configurable product switch to simple product by color attribute

Can anybady help me with something like this one has here : ?
When you select the color for a configurable product to bring you the simple product for that color.
Thanks in advance !
Because this is associated product with main config ! its not product option, this is why each color is different entity.
If you want one product create custom options or assign different values for product attribute, and don't make Main configurable product and associate simple products with it.
You can use below extension for your need See This URL

is it possible to show custom attributes of associated products under a grouped product in front end? (Magento)

I have a typical condition in my magento Grouped product.
Is it possible to show Custom attribute (color dropdown) of associated product under Grouped products in the fronted.. as shown below
Consider the sample blanket product
Let me know if i am not clear.
It's not clear your question but I would give you a small example to get text field, multiple select or drop-down listbox value.
First, we should load the product collection :
// load the product that id 125, then show attributes of the product
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($this->getProduct()->getId(125));
echo $product->getCustomAttribute();
// lets say your custom attributes name is "size" and type is text field
echo $product->getSize();
// lets assume your custom attributes name is "product_size then
echo $product->getProductSize();
// lets assume your attribute type is drop-down, this will get array of attribute options instead of value that you selected
echo $product->getAttributeText(product_size);
// to get drop-down value that you selected
$attribute = $product->getAttributes();
$productSize = $attribute['product_size']->getFrontend()->getValue($product);
let me know if it's not meet your request.
I have found a solution for this, 3 edited files.
But these files are edited for a previous version of Magento, I don't know which version.
I have uploaded this 3 files on my Magento 1.7 and it works but when add the product to the cart it give's a error with app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php
This file: Quote.php is one of the edited files, when i upload the original Quote.php it works.
Look at this pic:
But maybe i get more errors in the future, i don't have any ideas..
I am a noob with this, if someone can look at the edited files and chek how they have do this and compare this with the newest files for Magento 1.7 maybe we can help to many peoples with this problem.

Magento - Not able to display tier pricing in product view

I have a different price set for products based on customer group. I want to show both price's to the customer in case both of them apply in product list, view, related and upsell products.
I turned on template path hints to verify that prices for all views are being rendered from the same template file, which is as follows:
I can see tier pricing correctly in product list, related and upsell products, but NOT for product view.
After debugging for a while I have narrowed down the problematic part of catalog/product/price.phtml file as follows:
$_coreHelper = $this->helper('core');
$_weeeHelper = $this->helper('weee');
$_taxHelper = $this->helper('tax');
$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_id = $_product->getId();
echo 'Product Id: ' . $_id;
$_weeeSeparator = '';
$_simplePricesTax = ($_taxHelper->displayPriceIncludingTax() || $_taxHelper->displayBothPrices());
echo 'Simple Price Tax: ' . $_simplePricesTax;
$_minimalPriceValue = $_product->getMinimalPrice();
echo 'Minimal Price Value: ' . $_minimalPriceValue;
//$_minimalPriceValue = 41;
$_minimalPrice = $_taxHelper->getPrice($_product, $_minimalPriceValue, $_simplePricesTax);
echo 'Minimal Price: ' . $_minimalPrice;
//$_minimalPrice = 41;
I have echoed all prices fetched from models above, and only in case of product view page the $_product->getMinimalPrice() above does not return anything, while it appears correctly on list, related and upsell products.
I cannot think of any reason for this. There are a few lines different in catalog.xml but I don't think they have anything to do with this. Besides, there are a couple of commented lines in the above code, where I have hard-coded the minimalPrice and minimalPriceValue variables. After doing that the price starts appearing in product view also. The Product id for all views including product view is also appearing correctly, so the product IS loaded at that time.
We are using a custom template, and I see that in default we are not having this problem. I am using Magento
Did you say that what you are trying to do works 100% with a stock theme? If so then you really should look at the differences between your custom theme and the default. Also, you might want to look at any changes the developer made in app/code/community and app/code/local that are customizations for the theme. There could be some conflict.
But if you can't find a difference maybe I can give a few hints as to why you might be seeing this behavior. Sometimes the same model (and block) objects have different data in them when you are viewing on the category list page vs the product view page. The reason is that backend queries to the database are different. I did some work with the tiering system before and I remember that when you are looking at the catalog page, the pricing data actually comes from some catalogindex_* tables rather than the catalog_product_entity_* tables. If I remember correctly, there are two tables that it queries, something like catalogindex_price and catalogindex_minimal_price. But then when you are at the product view page the pricing data comes from the standard catalog_product_entity_* and catalog_product_entity_tier_price tables. Anyway, that probably doesn't solve your problem, but it might get you pointed in the right direction. Good luck.
