Change magento header cart price currency symbol from $ to Rs - magento

I want to change the magento header cart price currency symbol from $ to Rs. in my dummy application. Please have a look on my dummy installation:
You can see on site, all items prices are in Rs. ( Indian rupee format ) but the cart price ( look on header total price $0.00 ) is in $. I want to display it like total price Rs. 0.00
Please guide how can I do it.

Go to admin panel:
system>configuration>general>currency setup>currency options>change Base currency, default display currency
If you have already done that than in admin panel goto:
system>configuration>developer>debug>template path hints, set it to 'yes'.
Than refresh your website homepage. You'll be able to see the path to your template file. Go there, remove Dollar '$' symbol and add 'Rs.'.

you can use English language in magento.
Open lib/Zend/Locale/Data/en.xml
< currency type="INR" >
Add code
< symbol>Rs< /symbol>
before close < /currency>
and set your default and base currency
system > configuration > general > currency setup > currency options > change
Base currency, ,default display currency, allowed currency
select indian rupee.


How to change Magento currency ISO code

I have installed a Magento store and set up the currency as Pakistani Rupee.
It automatically shows PKR with the price which I don't want, I want to show as RS.
So from where I can change that ISO code for the currency?
To change currency of your Magento site
In admin panel, go to Admin > System > Configuration > Currency Set
Select currency that you want to be default from your base currency
drop down.
Select the same currency in the Default Display Currency drop down
and from the Allowed Currencies list.
Click Save Config.
and after that you should go to “System->Manage Currency Rates” and set rates for currencies you’ve chosen if no rates are defined there.
The frontend display currency should be different if you check out your site.
Make sure you've cleared your cache before checking.
In magento 2 you can change currency symbol in admin > stores > currency symbols

Magento: show shipping price checkout including tax

We have a problem with the tax settings in Magento for the shipping method. If we are correct we have everything set up right. We want 21% of tax to the shipping methods and this is set up correct. In the image below you will see in the the totals a shipping amount of 3.95 euro and this is correct. In red you will only see that the shipping amount at the part of "verzendwijzen" shows 3.26, so without tax.
Does anyone know how to change this?
From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
In the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select Tax
Click to expand the calculation settings, and in the dropdown of shipping prices select Including Tax.
Also on the same page expand price display setting.
In display shipping Prices select including tax.
Hope these will do the thing if you haven't changed and core file of magento

get same price format in custom category file Magento

Hi i have a store in dutch language and i a using a euro currency.
in this the price of product on the magento default category page is shown like
€ 123,00
it contains , but in my custom category file when fetch the price of product it shows like
€ 123.00
it contains fullstop instead of comma . I need to show comma please suggest me how can i do this .
below is the code i use to echo price
in my custom file
ok i got it and i have use
str_replace('.', ',', $product1->getPrice());
and it works fine

Magento applies tax on product prices that already including tax

I've added products prices with tax included (in the field Price [EUR] [ Including Tax])
Now when I put a product in the cart, Magento applies the tax to price that already including the tax!
Example: if the product has "Price [EUR] [ Including Tax]"=100€ in the cart I have:
Product price € 100
Sub total € 100
Taxes € 20
Totale €120 (but the correct price including taxes is 100€!)
instead I want this:
Product price € 100
Sub totale € 80
Taxes € 20
Total €100
I'v tried all the settings and I'm going mad! is there a solution?
I will repost idophir's comment, that fixed my issue that led me to this question. I wasted hours looking at tax settings and tax rules, to finally find my culprit in shipping origin settings:
Check out the link below. It says that the shipping origin country
(System > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings > Origin) affects
the the way the price is displayed in the cart. Strange..
Make sure that the Origin Country is correctly specified under Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings.
Go to System->Configuration->Sales->Taxes->Calculation
and search for Catalog Prices. Set the switch to "yes", then Magento assumes, that the tax is included in the catalog price.
Also check these setting in your store configuration scope, not only in default config.
I had the same issue and i was checking for soutions and came through this topic. Right now i got solution to my problem so telling you here.
In my case i previously selected 'Default Country' as United Kingdom in Default Tax Destination window, and i was signed in from an account with address other than United Kingdom. So all was fine, i tried every option and the tax was not updating on products and shopping cart page. When i logged out and found that it is working ;) Then i relized the issue. So if you have default country for tax calculation, check out the taxes with or without that. Hope it work for you.
And sorry i am late :)
when you go to TAX calculation section (Thats System->Configuration->Sales->Taxes->Calculation) you will find "catalog prices" you can customize whether you want to include price with TAX or not.

Magento shopping cart

I use own template for my eshop but on my website I use currency € not $. Where can I edit it.
Go to System>Configuration.
Then in GENERAL>Currency setup you can change the currency.
Go to System > Configuration.
Then in GENERAL > Currency Setup
Set following--->
Base Currency: euro
Default Display Currency: euro
Allowed Currencies : euro
Save config.
