Using non English keyboard on iPhone simulator - macos

I was able to type in any selected keyboard from OSX into iOS simulator prior to Xcode 5, but now it doesn't matter which keyboard I use in OSX, it's always iOS default keyboard. I tried to toggle "iOS uses same keyboard layout as OSX" and "Simulate hardware keyboard" with no success. Deleting and relaunching simulator didn't solve the problem.


Double Home button press does not work in iOS Simulator

If I try to display the multitasking menu with keyboard gestures in iOS Simulator 10.3 bundled with Xcode 8.3, it fails to respond; hovever, the single button press and the option from the menu still works. What can I do to get it to work again?
If you disconnect the hardware keyboard (⌘⌥K), it starts working again. This seems to be a bug with iOS Simulator 10.3.

No input from hardware keyboard in Xcode simulator

Hardware keyboard worked fine until Xcode 7.2. I have tried resetting the simulator, toggling hardware keyboard on/off. Suggestions?

Can I set the default simulator for new projects in Xcode 7.1 or latest?

I've been making a ton of new projects as I'm learning Swift. My development is all on my laptop, so I hate using the default 6s Plus simulator, since the window is too big to easily see. Is there a way to change the default simulator to be a different one for new projects?
No need to delete simulators!
Product → Destination → Add Additional Simulators...
In the sidebar, select the simulator you want to hide
Uncheck "Show as run destination"
Edit: Updated for Xcode 10
You can select the desired simulator via the Hardware > Device > [OS] menu (Xcode 9):
While unchecking "Show as run destination" hides the simulator, this will also change the default value.
Updated image for Xcode 11.5
Xcode 9 UPDATE:
In Xcode 9, no need to delete simulators, and the way to turn them on/off is to go in Product/Destination/Add Additional Simulators... select the simulator you want to turn off, then uncheck the box: 'Show as run destination'
No. But...
If you don't like the size of the 6s plus simulator, make it smaller with the simulator Window Scale menu.
If you don't like the 6s plus simulator at all, delete it with the Xcode Window Devices menu.
Xcode 12.5
In Xcode, go to Product -> Destination -> Choose Destination menu and selecting the device you'd like to be your default.
The original answer could be found in apple support forum here: Apple support forum,
In addition if you want to make the device smaller just hover over bottom right corner of the simulator and you will see the resize option
Deleting the simulators you don't want will default you to the simulator you do want. I also develop on my laptop and the biggest simulator I can see w/o scaling down is the 4S, so I deleted simulators for iPhone 5 and above and now every project I create defaults to 4S simulator. If I ever need the newer simulators, I will just re-download.
In my case, just select the device in Product → Destination, Xcode 12.4
Xcode version 11.5
On Simulator > File > Open Device > iOS 13.5 > Change the default Simulator
open your simulator, choose **File/Open Device/iOS 13.5/iPhone8 ** will change your simulator device to iPhone 8.
When you reopen your simulator, iPhone 8 will be your device simulator.

iOS 8 app does not show all keyboard languages

I've encountered strange issue. My app running on simulator shows only English/Emoji layout for UITextField.
BUT! The spotlight shows English/Russian/Emoji, and it's correct.
I use Xcode 6.1 and iPhone 4s iOS 8 simulator.
What's wrong?
Dupe of iOS8.1 Simulator always uses US keyboard layout despite german hardware keyboard
As mentioned there, this is a known issue and is mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 release notes.

Is there a way to disable split-keyboard for my app in XCode build settings?

iOS/XCODE. The split keyboard seems to make some actions slower, and even causes crash on older devices with my app. I would like to disable this feature in XCode build settings. Is it possible?
This has nothing to do with Xcode settings. This is a feature of iOS. You app cannot control this. Instead of looking to block the normal behavior of the OS, you should see debug and see why your application is crashing. If you do not have an iPad device, you can split the keyboard in the simulator by long pressing the hide keyboard key, and selecting "Split".
