No input from hardware keyboard in Xcode simulator - xcode

Hardware keyboard worked fine until Xcode 7.2. I have tried resetting the simulator, toggling hardware keyboard on/off. Suggestions?


Double Home button press does not work in iOS Simulator

If I try to display the multitasking menu with keyboard gestures in iOS Simulator 10.3 bundled with Xcode 8.3, it fails to respond; hovever, the single button press and the option from the menu still works. What can I do to get it to work again?
If you disconnect the hardware keyboard (⌘⌥K), it starts working again. This seems to be a bug with iOS Simulator 10.3.

iOS 8 app does not show all keyboard languages

I've encountered strange issue. My app running on simulator shows only English/Emoji layout for UITextField.
BUT! The spotlight shows English/Russian/Emoji, and it's correct.
I use Xcode 6.1 and iPhone 4s iOS 8 simulator.
What's wrong?
Dupe of iOS8.1 Simulator always uses US keyboard layout despite german hardware keyboard
As mentioned there, this is a known issue and is mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 release notes.

Using non English keyboard on iPhone simulator

I was able to type in any selected keyboard from OSX into iOS simulator prior to Xcode 5, but now it doesn't matter which keyboard I use in OSX, it's always iOS default keyboard. I tried to toggle "iOS uses same keyboard layout as OSX" and "Simulate hardware keyboard" with no success. Deleting and relaunching simulator didn't solve the problem.

UITextField in iOS7 simulator do not take any input from mac keyboard

UITextField suddenly do not take any input from mac keyboard, However I am able to use the virtual keyboard coming up on UIView on iOS7.0 simulator.
Has any one resolved this issue before?
In simulator menu:
Hardware -> Keyboard -> Connect Hardware Keyboard
helped me with this problem
I reset the iOSSimulator, its contents and settings and quit and relaunched the iOS-simulator. it worked.
This exactly happened when I updated the code from SVN.
I guess its always a good practice to clean the code, relaunch the simulator when ever updating the source code from SVN especially with Xcode5.
This looks like a bug in the simulator.
Steps to reproduce (and fix)
Open simulator and for example Safari
Start typing along and it will work fine
Use CMD + LEFT or RIGHT arrow to rotate the device to landscape
Try typing using the mac keyboard and it will not work
Press and release the CMD key once and the keyboard is working again
I'll file a bug report with Apple now.
Restart of simulator worked for me.
If your programme unable to take input from mac keyboard then perform the following steps:
Open the simulator
Go to hardware option in Menu
Choose Keyboard> Connect Hardware Keyboard

Blackberry simulator screen refresh

When I use the stock Blackberry simulator, the screen seems to NOT repaint when I interact with the virtual device. I have to minimize/restore the simulator app for the screen to get repainted, but it should have repainted on its own.
This only happens on my Windows 7 machine, any ideas?
in the simulator disable graphics acceleration
menu view-> graphics accelleration -> off.
this does the trick.
