Double Home button press does not work in iOS Simulator - xcode

If I try to display the multitasking menu with keyboard gestures in iOS Simulator 10.3 bundled with Xcode 8.3, it fails to respond; hovever, the single button press and the option from the menu still works. What can I do to get it to work again?

If you disconnect the hardware keyboard (⌘⌥K), it starts working again. This seems to be a bug with iOS Simulator 10.3.


How to close a simulator window without closing all of them?

I'm using the iOS simulator on a Mac connected to Visual Studio for debugging a Xamarin app. I launched it for an iPhone and then for an iPad. Then I wanted to close the iPhone window only but couldn’t find a way.
Use the File / Close Window (CMD-W) to close the current window (i.e. each Simulator is running in its own window).
As well as File/Close as shown by #SushiHangover, with Bezels turned off (Menu:Window/Show Device Bezels) the red 'Close' button on each window also closes just that simulator:
(You can use Hardware/Device from the menu to check which simulators are currently active.)

Using non English keyboard on iPhone simulator

I was able to type in any selected keyboard from OSX into iOS simulator prior to Xcode 5, but now it doesn't matter which keyboard I use in OSX, it's always iOS default keyboard. I tried to toggle "iOS uses same keyboard layout as OSX" and "Simulate hardware keyboard" with no success. Deleting and relaunching simulator didn't solve the problem.

Why simulator getting crash on Device change from simulator in Xcode 5?

When i run simulator in my xcode 5 and later on if i try to change simulator Device from under menu 'hardware' of simulator it getting crash. which is something unlikely to xcode previous versions. Is it my xcode copy specific bug or something else?
I had the same problem. Instead of changing the device in the iOS simulator, change to the device of your preference in XCode. Notice your project name in the top left hand corner next to build and run button and stop button. To the right of that is a drop down for different device names. Pick the one that you'd like to simulate. Then build and run in iOS simulator.

iOS Simulator for iPad not working since upgrade to Xcode 4.3.2

A few days back I upgraded to Xcode 4.3.2 by downloading from the developer's portal and running the installation files. Since then, I am able to test apps on my devices and am also able to test them on the iOS simulator for iPhone without issues. However, the iPad simulator is not working well. A screenshot is attached.
The home button doesn't appear.
The status bar doesn't appear.
The simulator appears like a window with minimize and maximize icons (only the maximize icon is enabled) and also has a title with the version no.
Can anyone please advise, a screenshot of the simulator is present at the below location.
The Skins are missing from the iPad simulator, a solution is using the keyboard shortcuts, Cmd+Shift+H for Home, Cmd+1 / 2 / 3 to resize the window to fit on your screen to avoid scrollbars and such.

Xcode Doesn't Recognize My Device After OS Upgrade

This has to be a simple configuration issue, but I don't know my way around the build settings very well.
I upgraded my iPad from 4.3 to 5.0. I am using Xcode 4.2. When I plug my device in, it is not showing up on run button, and I have a message that it can't run using the selected device.
What do I have to do?
Open Xcode, go to Window -> Organizer and find your device. Click the "Use for Development" button to get Xcode to recognise it again.
go to your iphone device, settings->Reset->Reset All Settings. Close Xcode, restart XCode, device should be in the list now.
Restarting USB process worked for me.
Run sudo pkill usbmuxd on terminal
Open Activity Monitor and select Disk by tapping from segment control and search usbmuxd, select the same and force quite/quite.
Note: before doing above stuff, remove device and quite Xcode.
