Shopping Cart Promotions in Magento Admi not showing - magento

I seem to have a problem on my backend in magento, im running 1.7 and the shopping cart promotions work, however after i save it, it doesn't display it in the backend, and i cant edit it or anything.
any ideas what the problem might be?

My first advice would be to flush cache, perhaps clear /var and /session manually. log out and back in and try again. Usually works for me.


magento broken shopping rule page

I have a problem on magento backend that I am not sure what is happening. Shopping cart price rule was working completely fine, but suddenly the rule page look like this:
screenshoot of shopping rule page
The content of each tab is loaded inside the tab div itself instead of on the content area on the right. Content area is completely empty.
No code was touched in relation with promotions code, or admin/core code at all. I don't see any issue on console or not js code loaded. This is the only page affected (shopping cart price rule page), catalog rule works fine as well as any other with same structure (product page, customer page and such).
I was recently playing around with promotion too much, creating, deleting and editing. And solved a 500 issue on cart page increasing php memory limit. Not sure if related with this issue.
On apache logs it only displays the following when I access that page:
client denied by server configuration: /www/app/etc/local.xml
Could someone help me in where to look in order to solve this issue or have a hint about what could be the issue?
I am completely lost with this one. Magento version 1.7.
I finally found the issue. It was a extension related.
Recently I had some issues on cart page and at some point I disabled a promotion extension (Amasty shipping rules) though magento backend, on system/advanced extensions list.
Seems like the extension is disabled but still used on promotion page, adding the structure for the feature but not showing what is supposed to show (because is disabled) and breaking the layout.
Enabling again the extension or removing the extension on files avoid the issue.
1) clear the cache maybe you made a update and your cache is wrong. you can clear in the admin side clear all the types, or erase all inside /www/var/cache
2) clear the page history in your browser, all is fine but your machime show that weird.
3) after that check the browser console, because is a css problem, maybe a file is lost or change the permitions.

Magento Onepage Checkout Place Order button redirects to empty cart instead to success page

I have an issue, and can not find what is causing it. On my local machine everything is working fine but when moved code to staging server on place order button, I'm getting redirected to empty cart page. I have looked system.log and exceptions.log, and also inspected through firebug, but I can't find anything. Did anybody had similar issue, or know how to fix this. Thanks
BTW it is Magento EE 1.14

magento Shopping cart is empty when going to checkout

Seem to be having a session issue based on my research but none of the solutions that people say to try seem to change anything.
This problem is only happening in IE and Safari. I add an item to cart, then I Proceed to Checkout which then shows
Shopping Cart is Empty
You have no items in your shopping cart.
Click here to continue shopping.
So far I have set cookie lifetime to 86400. Use SID on frontend to Yes otherwise adding an item to cart will instantly say You have no items in your shopping cart. Validate HTTP_USER_AGENT to yes. I have also tried setting Cookie Lifetime to 0.
Deleting Var/Cache folder solved the problem. I first renamed it, which then created a new cache folder. After that I was able to proceed to checkout. I had a lot of folders inside the cache folder I believe it was mage-0 - mage-i so 0-9 then a-i.
I hope this helps someone else in the future it seems that the backend cache removal isn't removing this cache.

Changing the Magento category URLs

I am working in Magento EE,
I changed the categories URLs from admin panel, but in frond-end(menu) still the old are showing. I run re-index and clear all caches.
Can anybody know how to solve this.
This is my bad, the re-index takes much time to complete. It starts works once re-index completes.

Magento Problem

I am running a store on Magento. For some reason the "Recently Viewed", "Related Items" and "Featured Items" blocks have all disappeared from my site. They where definitely there yesterday so I'm not sure what's happened to them.
Featured Products is an extension I use and show on the home page using:
{{block type="featuredproducts/listing" template="inchoo/block_featured_products_main.phtml"}}
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Reindexing my products fixed this.
system > index management
Probably some Blocks that don't render. Check your /var/log/errors.log for clues (1) and remove the module if is giving you problems(2).
This one here is trying to load the Featuredproducts_Block_Listing class. Check if is there and if is not misspelled.
Have you added any custom module to magento related to products like feature products or products on sale, if yes then just make it false from XML file /app/etc/modules/module.xml
and then refresh or delete the cache and try again with front end.
If this will not work then just simply delete all cache, session and logs. and refreh the web page it will work.
Magento Development
