Changing the Magento category URLs - magento

I am working in Magento EE,
I changed the categories URLs from admin panel, but in frond-end(menu) still the old are showing. I run re-index and clear all caches.
Can anybody know how to solve this.

This is my bad, the re-index takes much time to complete. It starts works once re-index completes.


Magento 1.9 items go out of stock suddenly after a certain amount of time - For no good reason

I've posted this question on but got no response due to lower traffic there than here... So here it is...
I'm working on a website for a client and right before publishing the
website, I noticed that all the products went out of stock itself. So
I put them all back in stock and everything looked fine, but when I
checked back after a few hours all the products were back out of
I tried a few times to re-enter the stock quantities, re-index and
clear the cache, but I'm still having this weird issue - everything
looks fine until like 2-3 hours later everything goes out of stock.
Any suggestion what could be causing this issue?
Thanks in advance!
PS. I didn't share the code because I would have to share the code of the entire website...
Any suggestion what could be causing this issue?
Any imaginable 3rd party application or module that has access to cataloginventory model or its tables in database.
Suggestion how to debug this:
put this snippet into inventory observer
somewhere at the begin of saveInventoryData method. (Or create local module and observe a save event)
Mage::log(Varien_Debug::backtrace(true, true), null, 'inventory.log');
after you reproduce the behaviour just check the log file under <doc root>/var/log/inventory.log

Magento Products display not displaying products in backend on reindex

I am running Magento 1.8.1 with embeddedERP extension.
Not sure if extension is to blame for the behaviour, i don't think so as it seemed to work fine for a while after I installed the extension. The issue appears to relate to indexing.
I reindexed the site in response to a magento index aler. When I try to view products in the backend the page is blank but only from from the horizontal line below the Add New product button, there is no list of products but also no products table at all, rather than the products table with no rows one would expect.
I have tried deleting cache and session folders.
I've tried disabling cache.
I enabled logging and there isn't an exceptions.log file so presuming this means no exceptions happening.
I've logged in and out.
On one occasion when i tried creating a new product after saving it it displayed the products (new one and existing) but now that doesn't work either.
Previously, deleting session and cache and logging back in appeared to work but now doesn't.
Can anyone suggest how I can go about working out what is wrong. My magento debugging skills probably need some enhancing.
Came back to this and the site was then displaying an error:
Warning: Unknown: Unable to allocate memory for pool in [filepath]/Autoload.php
This thread:
highlighted this is as an apc issue.
Altering the memory size to 256M as suggested solved this.
Hope this helps if anyone else gets this, still don't know why this issue showed a blank screen to start with, perhaps an APC caching issue?

Shopping Cart Promotions in Magento Admi not showing

I seem to have a problem on my backend in magento, im running 1.7 and the shopping cart promotions work, however after i save it, it doesn't display it in the backend, and i cant edit it or anything.
any ideas what the problem might be?
My first advice would be to flush cache, perhaps clear /var and /session manually. log out and back in and try again. Usually works for me.

reindex Catalog URL Rewrites in magento never ends

I've imported 6K categories and 16K products to magento using a custom import profile.
When I'm trying to reindex everything works except for 'Catalog URL Rewrites' that keep showing PROCESSING but never completes.
log and exceptions files don't show anything.
Is there something I can do to make the index work?
Can I just ignore this index and not use it? (I don't know what it does).
You can sort of ignore this index if you do not care about pretty, search engine "friendly" URL's. The products will still appear in the catalog but will have their default "Zend Framework" type URL (/catalog/product/view/id/123)
My store has 150,000+ SKUs in two store views. On my development environment it took almost two weeks to complete.
The best way to determine how fast it is running is to look at the core_url_rewrite database table. It appears that the process starts at product ID 1 in store ID 1 and looks to make sure all of its URLs exist and creates the ones that do not yet exist.
For me the reason it took so long was that it had to go through my entire catalog twice to make all the URLs. One thing I did notice was that this process creates a ton of URLs that are completely unnecessary. In our store easily 90% of our products belong to a configurable product so their visibility is set to "Not Visible Individually" so they never would need to have a URL. This index creates those URLs anyways.
Hopefully this will shed some light on to how this URL works. I would keep an eye on that database table so you sorta know how far the process has come. I would also seriously consider running the reindex process for the command line. I have included a link that explains how to do this (disclosure: it's from my blog)
My own attempt of reindexing URL rewrites was with 10,000 products and it took me like an Hour and Half to finish up.
this link will help you do it from Command Line , which is preferable than doing it from the same Magento admin panel.
Make sure you read the part about skipping some basic configuration when facing memory limits , this is the one i usually use.
You need catalog URL rewrites to make your catalog work properly. How long are you letting it run for? There's a really substantial amount of data to be written to it...
If you cannot make it work programmatically, it may be possible to shove the data into the table manually and force the index to feel refreshed? Caveat emptor, I have not tried this.
I was encountering the same problem, the server that I am running this on is a FreeBSD server. With the help of the sample of the above code I was able to get the issue to resolve buy running the following command in the shell.
/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/magento/shell/indexer.php --reindex catalog_url
It runs very quickly and resolved my issue. I then created a cron for this to run every 6 hours on my server.
You can reindex using command line it will reduce 75% of load and your magento admin panel working as normal while reindexing.

Magento Problem

I am running a store on Magento. For some reason the "Recently Viewed", "Related Items" and "Featured Items" blocks have all disappeared from my site. They where definitely there yesterday so I'm not sure what's happened to them.
Featured Products is an extension I use and show on the home page using:
{{block type="featuredproducts/listing" template="inchoo/block_featured_products_main.phtml"}}
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Reindexing my products fixed this.
system > index management
Probably some Blocks that don't render. Check your /var/log/errors.log for clues (1) and remove the module if is giving you problems(2).
This one here is trying to load the Featuredproducts_Block_Listing class. Check if is there and if is not misspelled.
Have you added any custom module to magento related to products like feature products or products on sale, if yes then just make it false from XML file /app/etc/modules/module.xml
and then refresh or delete the cache and try again with front end.
If this will not work then just simply delete all cache, session and logs. and refreh the web page it will work.
Magento Development
