The Xcode service is disabled on this server - xcode

I'm trying to use OS X Server Xcode service integration.
In OS X Server, I'm sure to switch Xcode Service ON.
In Xcode Preference, Account tab, I select + and choose Add Server. I can see my Server appear in the list box. Then I fill the username and password, click Add, but the error "The Xcode service is disabled on this server" appear !!!
Someone hints that I should use IP address instead of selecting the Server name when adding Server. This works, but I then have many problems when adding remote repository or creating bots. Either Xcode asks for certificate, or shows "Server is offline", or crashes (crashes frequently!), ... I think they all relate to the previous Adding Server process.
So how to deal with this ?

Via the OS X Server app, click "Xcode" in the left sidebar and then make sure the Xcode "service" has been turned on via the slider at the top right:


XAMPP 7.2.10-0 - Application Manager (manager-osx) blank buttons

For the first time, I've just installed XAMPP for OS X 7.2.10 / PHP 7.2.10 on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), that is running macOS Mojave Version 10.14. After installing, it opened Application Manager (aka manager-osx) but it appears that the buttons in the Application Manager app are all blank.
I've seen another post here regarding the blank buttons, which had one answer from a very kind contributor who included a Photoshopped version of the screenshot of the "Manage Servers" tab, with button labels typed in for the "Manage Servers" tab only.
But, the "Welcome" tab and the "Configure Apache Web Server" dialog box both have buttons with no labels as well. Could someone please replicate the Photoshopped version of the screenshots (included below this text) with the button labels typed in? I'm especially wanting to see whether the buttons might help me figure out why the "Manage Servers" tab indicates that the "Apache Web Server" server indicates that it's "Stopped".
XAMPP Application Manager - Welcome tab
XAMPP Application Manager - Configure Apache Web Server dialog box
I've been having the same problem since upgrading to Mojave. I would suggest ditching the manager-osx app and just using the XAMPP command line app.
I no longer open and just do it all via terminal.
In terminal you can start your webserver with:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp start
You may need to change the above path to match your installation.
You can see the status of your webserver with
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp status
You can get a list of commands by running
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp help

"Edit Bot..." button disabled after upgrading Xcode

I've updated my Xcode from 9.2 to 9.3 (It seems to be an issue with later versions as well) and now I'm not able to edit the bots anymore.
What I tried:
I installed the additional components on the server and local machine that you will be prompted about on first open after updating Xcode.
I restarted the server and local machine.
I checked the option "Create and View Bots" on the server. It is set to "logged in users". Just as before the update.
Everytime I want to open the Xcode Server preference pane in on the local machine in Xcode settings under accounts it gives me an error. When I try it a second time it works though. But it aways fails at the first time:
I removed the Xcode Server from the accounts pane and added it again.
I solved it by removing and adding the server by IP address:
Then it was possible again to Edit the bot.
Still strange...
Got the same issue by upgrading to XCode 10 today. Fix it by completely shutting down the Mac and restarting.

Web interface Xcode 9 Bots

Before when I was using xcode server to integrate project I have some web interface to display if bots was sucesfull or not.
It's a figure 7-1 from here
Now I see this option is not fully dead but it's definetly doesn't work well. So I can see the option in context menu here to point out to a browser.
but when I do that it's only shows:
And in new server there is no Xcode tab even.
Anyone know it's still possible to have web interface for bots in Xcode?
What fixed it for me was to uncheck "Using Server app on a remote Mac" within the macOS Server app and rebooting the server. The checkbox is located in the main section of the Server app in the "Settings" tab.

Why can't I connect to sleeping Xcode server?

I have an Xcode server on a separate iMac computer. I use the server for running the tests.
I can connect to the server from a developer computer in Xcode and see the integrations. However when the server iMac goes to sleep mode it is no longer possible to connect to the server.
Here is how I connect to the Server from another Mac.
Open Xcode Preferences.
Go to Accounts tab.
Tap the plus "+" icon on the bottom left and choose "Add Server..." from the menu.
Finally, enter server's name or IP and login credentials.
When server computer is sleeping Xcode can not connect to the Server.
Is it expected behaviour? Should Xcode server be inaccessible in sleep mode or is it a bug?
OS X 10.11 (15A244d)
OS X Server 4.1.56
Xcode 7.0 (7A176x)

Permission Denied when running Mac app after upgrading to XCode 4.4

I had a working Mac application until I updated to XCode 4.4 and Mountain Lion. Now the application still compiles, but when I try to run it I get an error message.
error: failed to launch '/Users/username/James/mac/Browser/trunk/Browser/DerivedData/Browser/Build/Products/Debug/' -- Permission denied*
Can anybody explain why I might be getting this?
I found this on an iPhone 5 (iOS 6.0) newly set up for development. I had to manually launch the app on the phone, and it said "Are you sure you want to launch this app signed by this devloper?" Once I approved that, the "permission denied" went away and it now launches from Xcode.
Unlock the Device
Try simply unlocking your device before running on it. I was stumped by this very same issue. Upon building and running with no changes to OS, environment, code, etc., I was receiving the error.
Similar questions have been asked here and here, but were not helpful in this situation.
This is caused by an entitlement (and, presumably, having the wrong kind of certificate for it).
If you have the sandbox enabled, and try to sign with a Developer ID certificate, your application will crash on launch (as of Lion—I haven't tried this on Mountain Lion).
If you have iCloud enabled, and try to sign with a Developer ID certificate, your application will not launch at all—in Xcode, you'll get the error message in the question, and in Finder, the application will launch ever so briefly and then get SIGKILLed.
Presumably, there is a right kind of certificate with which one can sign an app in order to be able to test with a sandbox and maybe even iCloud that you can obtain if you have a Mac Developer Program membership. A Developer ID certificate is not that kind of cert.
(That solves my problem, anyway. Dennis, what kind of cert were you trying to sign with?)
Open the organizer and make sure you're mac is in developer mode.
Also check your gatekeeper settings.
The device is seeing the app as an "unauthorized app downloaded from the web" for lack of a better description. Go into Settings > Security & Privacy, and at the bottom, allow applications downloaded from Anywhere.
Throwing a few thoughts on the wall:
Are you perhaps building on an external disk? Some drives get special permissions (like the "ignore permissions" checkbox), or maybe have ACLs set in a weird way. Tried building on internal startup disk?
Are you code signing? Have you tried just turning that off, to see if there's a bug in code signing or entitlements? Not the first time a new codesign tool has a bug.
Have you tried using xcode-select and updating any command line tools that are installed to make sure they all match the version of Xcode used?
Do you have any shell script build phases or the likes that might be editing the application after it's been signed, thus breaking the signature?
Have you checked if your hard disk is full or there's a (broken?) symlink somewhere in a path, or a volume name that has been unmounted?
i am sure this is long been figured out, but I have been getting the Permission denied and it turned out I had to add my laptop to the provisioning profile. I had recently reimaged my machine and in doing so the provisioning profile was no longer valid for that machine. It worked fine until i enabled iCloud. That's when the permission denied started.
Check the organizer in XCODE, click on the devices tab and click on your machine on the left. Check to see that the UDID it shows is listed in the devices section in your mac developer portal.
The short answer is when you get this error message, there is no valid development provisioning profile in the built application.
That alone won't solve your problem! There are a number of common causes of this:
You've moved to a new machine and haven't installed the provisioning profile in Xcode. Also see below
You've moved to a new machine and it's not in developer mode OR not added to the provisioning profile
For both of these, let Xcode regenerate it, or do it yourself in the Member centre... You can validate the causes is something to do with your provisioning profile by running Console and filtering on taskgated where you can see which provisioning profile it is trying to use (it will pull the one embedded in the application first, then try to pull from any installed on the Mac).
Make sure you check in your build settings that the right one is being used for Debug builds. Simple steps that normally resolve (XCode 5)
Go to member centre and create a new development profile
Select the app and certificate
Validate that the machine you are using is in the list of machines to be included in the profile, tick the box
Generate the certificate
Download it, and drag it over the Xcode icon in the doc
Go to the Build Settings tab in your target and set the provisioning profile to the one you've just downloaded
You haven't configured your iCloud/APN/GameCenter entitlements correctly.
