Web interface Xcode 9 Bots - xcode

Before when I was using xcode server to integrate project I have some web interface to display if bots was sucesfull or not.
It's a figure 7-1 from here
Now I see this option is not fully dead but it's definetly doesn't work well. So I can see the option in context menu here to point out to a browser.
but when I do that it's only shows:
And in new server there is no Xcode tab even.
Anyone know it's still possible to have web interface for bots in Xcode?

What fixed it for me was to uncheck "Using Server app on a remote Mac" within the macOS Server app and rebooting the server. The checkbox is located in the main section of the Server app in the "Settings" tab.


How to upload to Apple's My Apps from a Xamarin project

I specifically need help getting the app build into my apps. I am so new to the MAC ecosystem. I need to get my app build from my windows 10 box (parallels) running VS2017/Xamarin Forms project uploaded to My Apps. What i have found is helpful if you are using xcode on the mac.
I have read tons of pages and help files and with all of that what I have includes:
created an app in VS2017/Xamarin that runs happily on the emulator from the MAC (MacBook Pro)
purchased the app dev subcription from apple
created a Production certificate (I don't need this yet but I was in there so...)
created a Development certificate
created a key pair from the Dev cert (that show up in the keychain)
created an App Group
created my app's placeholder under My Apps on App Store Connect
added my iPhone to devices via connecting to the Mac getting the UDID from iTunes
created a development provisioning profile for my iPhone (Not sure how this helps my testflight plight)
You must submit for review the same way for both TestFlight and Prod release to the actual store.
You don't need to open the app in xcode outside Xamarin
There is a tool or concept I am missing out on.
For development outside of Xcode, you will want to use Apple's Application Loader App to upload your app to App Store Connect.
As I said in comment to Matt below his correct answer to my actual question above, I needed to get the project right to get to that point.
Here are the more intimate details for the lurkers. I hope this helps some of you.
I was getting, or trying, to get all of this in place manually instead of letting VS do it's work getting this stuff together while I got to coding. FastLane FTW
Open the account management window, go to Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple Accounts
Add your AppleID
Click on your appleID
Click the add button
Select your id in the lower text area
then add your distro cert. As is proper you deploy to TestFlight as a prod release.
Then get over to to your iOS project properties:
Make sure that your project is outputting an IPA. (Not Beer ;) )
These are my settings that worked. There could be other configurations that work as well.
I never get the automatic provisioning to work. And while this bundle signing settings look like it will not work, it does. I have received my apple approval for beta and users are in testflight.
Also, make sure you update the version of the app in the plist for subsequent releases. This change is not carried through from the AssemblyInfo.cs as one might expect. viola.
If you see this during debug make sure your debug version has Developer (Automatic) set for your debug settings.
FWIW - My VS2017:
While this does not perfectly match the info # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/cross-platform/macios/apple-account-management?tabs=windows it worked for me. That page was key to the solution and deserves citing. Your mileage may vary.
If I missed something please reach out and I will update this.

Integrating Oracle Java Web Start with Firefox on Mac OS X Mavericks

I would like to launch Java Web Start applications from Firefox on Mac OS X Mavericks by clicking on the link which provides the .jnlp file.
So far I only found a work around:
saving the jnlp file
opening it in finder
right click "open with"
then choosing Java Web Start
This is not comfortable and it seems it might be intended, because Java (here an Oracle Java 8 JRE) was downloaded from the Oracle web site and not from the app store.
Is there a better solution to integrate Java Web Start and Firefox?
I just had this and found the solution here: http://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/docs/default-source/cm-ecf/macfirefox.pdf
Click the link to the jnlp file
In the window that pops up, choose Open With and in the drop down choose Other...
From the local Hard Drive, navigate to System > Library > Core Services > Java Web Start
Tick the Do this automatically for files like this from now on box
Click Open
In future, jnlp links should open with Java Web Start automatically

How to control "Prevent App Nap" being displayed in applications "Get Info"?

When I right click on my OSX application and select "Get Info", the "Prevent App Nap" option is not there. How does one control this in Xcode or programmatically? I certainly don't remember doing anything to remove it.
I could not find anything relevant in the Apple Docs or searching online beyond users asking why a particular application did not have "Prevent App Nap" as an option. So how does a developer control that?
Or does this mean that App Nap is already disabled?
I'm not entirely sure, but it might have something to do with the base SDK used to build the application. I can build my app with a base SDK of 10.5, and for that version of the app the "Prevent App Nap" checkbox appears in Get Info. If I build the same app with a base SDK of 10.10, the "Prevent App Nap" checkbox does not appear. This is only an observation, I have not found any Apple doc that says that is actually their policy.
I’ve noticed that some applications on my 10.10.3 system do not include the “Prevent App Nap” checkbox, and some do. I thought it might be related to manually adding the NSAppSleepDisabled setting to the application plist, but that does not seem to be the case. For example, Firefox.app 38.0.5 does show the Prevent App Nap checkbox, as well as iMovie.app, but iPhoto.app and ITunes.app do not.

How do you get an Xcode bot into Xcode.app if it was created in a browser?

I created an Xcode bot via the browser, but it doesn't show up in my Xcode.app. I found instructions to create the bot via Xcode.app, which seems to work. But why doesn't my existing browser-created bot show up in Xcode.app?
Server 13S4138, OS X 10.9.2 (Build 13C64), Xcode 5.1 (5B130a)
I had a similar issue but I fixed it by going into preferences on my development machine.
If you look in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and add a new server on the left panel. Then restart Xcode just to be safe and after a small delay all the related bots on your server should appear in the log navigator.

The Xcode service is disabled on this server

I'm trying to use OS X Server Xcode service integration.
In OS X Server, I'm sure to switch Xcode Service ON.
In Xcode Preference, Account tab, I select + and choose Add Server. I can see my Server appear in the list box. Then I fill the username and password, click Add, but the error "The Xcode service is disabled on this server" appear !!!
Someone hints that I should use IP address instead of selecting the Server name when adding Server. This works, but I then have many problems when adding remote repository or creating bots. Either Xcode asks for certificate, or shows "Server is offline", or crashes (crashes frequently!), ... I think they all relate to the previous Adding Server process.
So how to deal with this ?
Via the OS X Server app, click "Xcode" in the left sidebar and then make sure the Xcode "service" has been turned on via the slider at the top right:
