XAMPP 7.2.10-0 - Application Manager (manager-osx) blank buttons - macos

For the first time, I've just installed XAMPP for OS X 7.2.10 / PHP 7.2.10 on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), that is running macOS Mojave Version 10.14. After installing, it opened Application Manager (aka manager-osx) but it appears that the buttons in the Application Manager app are all blank.
I've seen another post here regarding the blank buttons, which had one answer from a very kind contributor who included a Photoshopped version of the screenshot of the "Manage Servers" tab, with button labels typed in for the "Manage Servers" tab only.
But, the "Welcome" tab and the "Configure Apache Web Server" dialog box both have buttons with no labels as well. Could someone please replicate the Photoshopped version of the screenshots (included below this text) with the button labels typed in? I'm especially wanting to see whether the buttons might help me figure out why the "Manage Servers" tab indicates that the "Apache Web Server" server indicates that it's "Stopped".
XAMPP Application Manager - Welcome tab
XAMPP Application Manager - Configure Apache Web Server dialog box

I've been having the same problem since upgrading to Mojave. I would suggest ditching the manager-osx app and just using the XAMPP command line app.
I no longer open manager-osx.app and just do it all via terminal.
In terminal you can start your webserver with:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp start
You may need to change the above path to match your installation.
You can see the status of your webserver with
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp status
You can get a list of commands by running
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp help


MAMP does not display a window in which port settings can be changed

I have a new installation of MAMP.
I have tried to follow instructions for changing the ports, but the MAMP program does not give me an option to open preferences.
Screen shot
So, I can't get to a window to allow me to make the port changes within the MAMP program - unless someone knows better!
I'm using MAMP version 4.2.1 and the Preferences option is where your Cloud button is.
Can you get to preferences through top menu or by pressing ⌘,?

Aptana crashes on Mac OS Sierra

Aptana studio used to work fine on OS X El Capitan but after updating to Sierra it doesn't work anymore... Can anybody help me fix this? I keep getting a crash log every time screenshot uploaded I open the app. Something I've noticed is that the aptana icon in the applications is a folder and not just a normal app icon. Earlier as I remember it was just a normal app icon on El Capitan. I use aptana on a daily basis as a university student so its vital for me for this to work.
Edit: I have tried a lot of methods including reinstalling java but still it doesn't work. Only way to make it work is to open up the application package and open the terminal executable aptana3. It runs perfectly then but if I launch from the usual app drawer icon it crashes.
This security measure can correct it from System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General tab.
By default, Sierra, the option “Allow applications downloaded from does not appear Anywhere “. But with a simple instruction from the command line so we can correct.
Go to the folder Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
In Terminal, enter or copy…
sudo spctl --master-disable
Type your password (it will not appear, however it is present) and press Enter
Click the lock and enter your Administrator password to make changes.
After changing this option, and can install any software, so if compatible with OS 10.12.
Open finder and navigate to "Applications -> Aptana"
Right click on the Aptana executable and click show contents
Navigate to "Content -> MacOS"
Double click click on AptanaStudio3
You will get a popup saying you need legacy Java SE 6
Click "More Info..." button and download and install it (very slow download, just wait it out)
Once installed double click the AptanaStudio icon in step 4 and Aptana Studio 3 will open
You will need to use that as the shortcut as the Aptana icon from installation will still not work.
Good luck.
I have same problem and solved with some workaround.
First download and install java for mac: https://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1572/en_US/javaforosx.dmg
If this not work or you reinstalled aptana after upgrading to sierra I advice to find a old copy of aptana directory and put it to application directory.
I had the same problems on MacOS Sierra; crashing on load, or the JVM error if I launch from within the package contents.
I didn't find any solution to this directly, but instead I installed the latest version of Eclipse first, then installed Aptana from Eclipse. That seems to be working.
In order to use Aptan on El Capitan, first you must install the legacy java 6 version for mac:
The only thing is that you won't be able to access it like a normal application on your mac.
To open Aptana you must run:
Applications -> Aptana(right click to "Show package contents") -> Contents -> MacOS -> AptanaStudio3

Network Link Conditioner Freezes and Wont Start

I have downloaded Hardware IO Tools for Xcode 7.1 from the Apple Developer site and installed it by opening the DMG and then double clicking Network Link Conditioner.prefPane.
I then go to my System Preferences and can see the Network Link Conditioner is there. I can go into it but as soon as I click the switch to turn it on the whole System Preferences freezes up. Also, I noticed that my keyboard seems to stop working...somewhat. I can still do cmd + spacebar and then type in there to search my system but I can't type into the URL field on safari for example.
My Mac: OS X Yosemite v10.10.5
My Xcode: v7.2.1 (7C1002)
By the way, I downloaded the 7.1 version of the Hardware IO Tools as they only have a 7.1 or 7.3 version, there doesn't seem to be a version for 7.2. Maybe that is the issue? I can't currently upgrade to 7.3 as that requires me to upgrade OS X to 10.11 but our company policy does not currently allow for that.
Anybody know how I could fix this?
Could this be caused by the fact that I am not an admin on my machine?
My suspicion was correct, it wouldn't start as it needs to be run as an admin.
If you're not an admin, you need to run a command such as
sudo /Applications/System\ Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System\ Preferences
or in my case I had to get an admin in the office to do:
su - <admin_username> /Applications/System\ Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System\ Preferences
These commands will open the System Preferences as an admin user.
I have noticed that when he Network Link Condition is open in the System Preferences, my keyboard stops working in certain areas still. For example, I couldn't type in here whilst the panel was open (even with it turned off) but as soon as I closed the panel I could type again. I will possibly open another question at a later dare about this though.

The Xcode service is disabled on this server

I'm trying to use OS X Server Xcode service integration.
In OS X Server, I'm sure to switch Xcode Service ON.
In Xcode Preference, Account tab, I select + and choose Add Server. I can see my Server appear in the list box. Then I fill the username and password, click Add, but the error "The Xcode service is disabled on this server" appear !!!
Someone hints that I should use IP address instead of selecting the Server name when adding Server. This works, but I then have many problems when adding remote repository or creating bots. Either Xcode asks for certificate, or shows "Server is offline", or crashes (crashes frequently!), ... I think they all relate to the previous Adding Server process.
So how to deal with this ?
Via the OS X Server app, click "Xcode" in the left sidebar and then make sure the Xcode "service" has been turned on via the slider at the top right:

Trouble using Network Link Conditioner on OS X Mavericks

I'm trying to get Network Link Conditioner working on my machine that is running OS X Mavericks. I'm running Developer Preview 8 (the latest as of this writing). I downloaded the "Hardware IO Tools for Xcode 5 Developer Preview - June 2013" to get the Network Link Conditioner pref pane. I have also tried the version of Network Link Conditioner from the previous Hardware IO Tools bundle which fails to open with a "Could not load Network Link Conditioner preference pane." error when trying to load it.
With the version for Xcode 5 I get one of two fail states.
First, when I open NLC and click the lock icon to "make changes" I see the administrator unlock window that says:
com.apple.Network-Link-Conditioner.remoteservice.xcp wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.
When this shows up I am unable to enter my password. No keyboard characters are registered in the password field, or in any other application until I cancel the password prompt. I have no trouble with the equivalent dialog in any other preference panes.
Second, I am sort of able to get past the password issue by uninstalling the latest NLC pref pane, installing the previous version, uninstalling the previous version, and then re-installing the latest NLC preference pane. However, I note that the password dialog is different in this case. I get the more generic:
System Preferences wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.
In this second failed state, once I type in my password the NLC pref pane is fully accessible but has zero affect on my network link.
Has anyone been able to use the Network Link Conditioner successfully on OS X Mavericks?
The version of Hardware IO Tools released on October 22 and the final release of Mavericks appear to be working excellent.
Try re-installing it. It fixed the issue for me, though I was having different error messages.
Open System Preferences, right-click (or control-click) on the Network Link Conditioner and click "Remove Network Link Conditioner" to remove it.
In Xcode got to the Xcode menu -> Open Developer Tool -> More Developer Tools...
In the browser window that opens, grab the most recent Hardware IO tools .dmg
Double click the "Network Link Conditioner.prefPane" on the disk image to install it.
How I got it solved was:
Uninstall "Network Link Conditioner", open System Preferences and press CTRL and click on the "Network Link Conditioner" icon. Select "Delete".
Restart Computer
Download "Hardware IO tools" dmg for your version on XCode, from https://developer.apple.com/download/ you have to be logged in for this.
Open it and Install "Network Link Conditioner"
Restart the computer one last time.
It should be working fine now!
I was also having problems with Network Link Conditioner working after upgrading to Mavericks. For me the problem was the default security settings after the upgrade that prevented software from running unless it came form the Mac App Store.
Updating this setting:
System Settings > Security & Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from: > Anywhere
and reinstalling the Network Link Conditioner pref pane fixed it for me. Without this setting you can install and enable it, but it has no effect and silently fails.
On macOS Sierra v10.12.1 with Xcode 8.1, I tried a couple of the Hardware IO Tools for Xcode downloads. All of which resulted in a silent failure like #aidaan such that the Network Link Conditioner plain didn't do anything.
After finding this discussion, I uninstalled the previous Hardware IO Tools for Xcode components, and instead utilized the Additional Tools for Xcode 8.1 downloaded from the downloads page, the Network Link Conditioner in the Hardware directory for that .dmg worked perfectly.
