I'm having some trouble on making an app compatible with Mavericks.
I was wondering : Did Apple change something in the UI element hierarchy for the Dock ?
Here is what I have on Mavericks using Accessibility Inspector
I guess not. This is what I get with Mountain Lion (v10.8.5):
I am trying to inject my code for overlayicons in finder in all the three views,
but not able to do it for mac os 10.9 and above, kindly help me in this
for 10.8 and below versions i am able to do.
Maybe try the new Finder Sync? https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/Finder.html
I have an app with a source list. In Lion, it works wonderfully. In Mountain Lion, it works fine, but there's an unwanted side effect. Whenever the selected row changes in the source list, Mountain Lion will scroll that row to the top of the scroll view. This happens whether the change happens due to a click or via code. As I said, it doesn't happen in Lion, only Mountain Lion.
Has anyone experienced anything like this themselves?
I was developing an app for Mac OS X. I migrated to OSX 10.8 yesterday and found that WebView's "Inspect Element" is no longer usable. With the same source repo which works well under 10.7 LION, the new build just shows menuitem there but do nothing after clicking. I dug for a while and found that my implementation of WebUIDelegate cause this problem (in 10.8 mountain lion ONLY)
Even this won't work:
- (NSArray *)webView:(WebView *)sender
contextMenuItemsForElement:(NSDictionary *)element
defaultMenuItems:(NSArray *)defaultMenuItems
return defaultMenuItems;
If I comment the whole function above, that "inspect element" does work well.
I don't know if this is a bug or there is anything that I missed.
I believe you're running in to a symptom of the issue described in WebKit bug 89323. It was fixed in Safari 6.0.2.
I am trying to enable autolayout for an iOS project but cannot find the checkbox in the info panel. I know it's supposed to be under the versioning section and above Localization. I also see that the documentation says:
Note: Auto Layout is available only in Mac OS X v10.7 Lion and later. If you are running Xcode 4 in Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, Auto Layout is not available.
I'm on Lion and running Xcode 4.2 and the checkbox is not showing. Any thoughts?
Auto Layout is implemented in AppKit in 10.7, so 10.7 is required to develop and to run. It isn't in iOS 4 or 5.
I've probably done this to myself somehow, but in XCode 3.2.5, I can create both iOS and Mac OS X projects, but I only have documentation for iOS. When I click on that little "Home" dropdown, iOS is the only option.
I used to have more options for documentation.
So how do I get the Mac OS X docs? Do I have to re-install xcode or something?
Open the XCode preferences, and go to the «Documentation» tab.
From there, you can re-install (download) the documentation sets.
Documentation for Snow Leopard is:
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