Where's my Mac OS X Cocoa Documentation? - xcode

I've probably done this to myself somehow, but in XCode 3.2.5, I can create both iOS and Mac OS X projects, but I only have documentation for iOS. When I click on that little "Home" dropdown, iOS is the only option.
I used to have more options for documentation.
So how do I get the Mac OS X docs? Do I have to re-install xcode or something?

Open the XCode preferences, and go to the «Documentation» tab.
From there, you can re-install (download) the documentation sets.
Documentation for Snow Leopard is:
Google for more atom feeds.. : )


getting Xcode for Mac version 10.15.7

My computer is running macOS Catalina. I have Xcode installed but I cannot open it. I keep getting an error that maybe my OS version cannot run the installed XCode version. There is no update for my computer OS -- Catelina seems to be the latest it's eligible for. How do I get a working version of Xcode?
The error says something about Xcode cannot be installed on Mac HD and that version 11.3 or later required. But I'm betting there has to be an Xcode version for Mac 10.15.7 that I can use. But I cannot figure how to install that.
Yes, as #matt said. MacOS 10.15.7 requires Xcode 12.4, you can find that here: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=Xcode%2012.4
A little extra guidance for Windows users a little lost in finding the right download:
After you have signed in or created an account at developer.apple.com one way to find the download is shown below:
(1) Click on search icon and search for "Xcode support" then in the results click "Xcode - Support"
(2) In the second section of that page click on "Downloads Page"
(3) Finally, search "Xcode 12.4" and you should be able to down the .xip file from the top result
Note that this download can take a while (just over an hour for me).

Can I upload Xcode builds on macOS 10.12

Will I be capable of submitting an app with Xcode 7.3.1 while on the macOS 10.12 beta? According to this post, it is possible to run Xcode 7 alongside macOS 10.12.
Yes, you can! But if you're tying to do this, you will find two problems.
no .app file provided in bundle
Build with Xcode 7.3.1 then upload using Xcode 8 [Beta]. This will allow you to upload the archive.
When trying to submit to the store you will be faced with this error message:
New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, OS X, and tvOS SDK. Don't submit apps built with beta software including beta OS X builds.
This is because your archive contain the Sierra's mark! I just solved this problem yesterday.
When you archived your app, find your archive in the Organizer, and then:
"Show in finder";
"Show package contents";
In the "xx.xcarchive" file, find the "Products"-"Applications"-"xx.app"(xx is your app's name), "Show package contents" again;
Finally, you can see there has a file named"Info.plist", open it;
Edit the value with a key named "BuildMachineOSBuild", I just change it to "15F34"(it's "El Capitan 10.11.5" 's version);
After that, you can upload this archive use Xcode or Application Loader, whatever you want!
Decided to try it out myself. Both methods of exporting through Xcode and Application Launcher failed with an error stating there was no .app file provided in bundle. Best to stay away from the macOS 10.12 beta if you want to continue developing for iOS 9.

Unable to install Xcode 4.3.3 in lion 10.7.4

I have downloaded xcode 4.3.3 from Apple Site.
I am not able to install xcode 4.3.3 on MAC OS X Lion 10.7.4. I have searched this site to get the answer and none seems to work.
I have dual boot Leopard and Lion OS in my mac mini. There is no xcode.app in Applications to delete it.
I tried launchpad also and there is no xcode.app
I have xcode 3.1.4 in Leopard. Is it causing any trouble to install this??
When you download the .dmg from the Apple Developer Downloads site you simply need to mount the image (double click in Finder) and drag the application into either /Applications or ~/Applications.
It should then appear in LaunchPad, or you can go to the folder you dragged the App to and start it from there. Then click on its Dock icon and select Options and tell it to stay in the dock.
Then unmount the .dmg (it appears in the left-hand pane of Finder).

On OS X, can I see how a website renders on an iPhone?

I am running OS X Lion with XCode installed and want to know how a website renders on an iPhone. Are there any utilities that do that?
Launch the iOS Simulator from the iOS SDK.

Xcode 4.1+ Autolayout checkbox missing

I am trying to enable autolayout for an iOS project but cannot find the checkbox in the info panel. I know it's supposed to be under the versioning section and above Localization. I also see that the documentation says:
Note: Auto Layout is available only in Mac OS X v10.7 Lion and later. If you are running Xcode 4 in Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, Auto Layout is not available.
I'm on Lion and running Xcode 4.2 and the checkbox is not showing. Any thoughts?
Auto Layout is implemented in AppKit in 10.7, so 10.7 is required to develop and to run. It isn't in iOS 4 or 5.
