Xcode 4.1+ Autolayout checkbox missing - xcode

I am trying to enable autolayout for an iOS project but cannot find the checkbox in the info panel. I know it's supposed to be under the versioning section and above Localization. I also see that the documentation says:
Note: Auto Layout is available only in Mac OS X v10.7 Lion and later. If you are running Xcode 4 in Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, Auto Layout is not available.
I'm on Lion and running Xcode 4.2 and the checkbox is not showing. Any thoughts?

Auto Layout is implemented in AppKit in 10.7, so 10.7 is required to develop and to run. It isn't in iOS 4 or 5.


Swift Storyboards MAC OSX 10.9 deployment

I made a Swift Storyboards project, fully working on MAC OS X 10.10, when I try on MAC OS X 10.9 the program's windows do not appear. I'm wondering if the Storyboards feature is only available for MAC OS X 10.10. Any suggestion?
Yes, storyboards are new in OSX 10.10, as you can easily find out in the OSX API diffs.
Or in the AppKit Release Notes. etc

Xcode 6 does not allow creation of Mac OS X project using Swift

So, a few days ago I download the new Xcode 6. I'm in the process of learning Swift. But here is the problem: It will only let me make a Swift app for iOS and not Mac OS X.
I start up Xcode and click, "Create New Xcode Project."
Next, I select, "Cocoa Application." But when I try to change the language from Objective-C to Swift, it won't let me! It will only show Objective-C!
Any ideas of why this is happening?
Swift for OS X isn't officially out yet.
Quoted from developer.apple.com/swift/resources:
Swift for OS X is coming with OS X Yosemite later this fall. If you
are using Swift to write Mac apps, you can download Xcode 6.1 GM seed
2 for Yosemite, which also includes the iOS 8.1 beta 2 SDK.
↳ Xcode 6.1 GM seed 2 for Yosemite Download
Xcode6-Beta6 ... if you can still get your hands on it ... will create a swift based project, even if you're running on Mavericks. I've been using it to create projects, and then opening them in Xcode6. Then in Xcode 6, to create a swift file, I hit cmd-N and go to the iOS section and pick the swift file type. Xcode 6 adds the swift file to the OS X project without any problems.

Storyboards for OSX App in Xcode 6

With Xcode 6 StoryBoards were added for OSX Apps as well.
But when I create a new app in Cocoa , Storyboards button is disabled.
Am I missing something here ?
Storyboards are a feature of OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). If you run Xcode 6 on 10.9 (Mavericks), you won't be able to use them.

How can I delete the Xcode constraints?

I upgraded to Mavericks and installed Xcode 5.0.1.
I opened one of my projects, which targets 10.6, and declined the option to upgrade to "Upgrade to take advantage of Xcode 5 features?" which mentioned Auto layout.
Now 2 of my xib files have errors (the other 12 seem OK):-
error: Illegal Configuration: Auto Layout on OS X prior to 10.7
warning: Attribute Unavailable: Identifier on OS X versions prior to 10.7
Attribute Unavailable: Automatically Recalculates Cell Size on OS X versions prior to 10.8 - 0n NSMatrix
How can I delete the constraints?
See this SO answer
You need to disable autolayout for the NIB completely since 10.6 doesn't support it at all.
If disabling autolayout doesn't clear the other two warnings, you should be able to click the "!" warning symbol to be taken to the offending setting. Looks like a couple of checkboxes simply need to be unchecked.

Where's my Mac OS X Cocoa Documentation?

I've probably done this to myself somehow, but in XCode 3.2.5, I can create both iOS and Mac OS X projects, but I only have documentation for iOS. When I click on that little "Home" dropdown, iOS is the only option.
I used to have more options for documentation.
So how do I get the Mac OS X docs? Do I have to re-install xcode or something?
Open the XCode preferences, and go to the «Documentation» tab.
From there, you can re-install (download) the documentation sets.
Documentation for Snow Leopard is:
Google for more atom feeds.. : )
