Why does a stopped application disappear from Tomcat manager in TomEE? - tomcat7

I have found a strange behavior using Tomcat manager in TomEE (version 1.6.0-plus on 64 bit Linux system).
When I have stopped an application from the manager it was disappeared immediately from the application's list. Even the standard applications.
Only when I have shutdown the tomcat server and started again the apps was displayed again.
Is this a normal behavior or is it a mistake in TomEE?
I have found something here:
but it did not explain my situation.

that's a bug
opened https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-1136
trunk is up to date so if you feel like building tomee yourself you can try it right now


Why won't neo4j CE 3.0.3 start a second time on Windows 7?

This is incredibly strange to me. Neo4j won't start a second time unless I restart Windows.
I installed neo4j Community Edition 3.0.3 on 64-bit Windows 7 and followed this youtube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foj2tzq84DY. The tutorial was embedded in neo4j's site https://neo4j.com/download-thanks/?edition=community&flavour=winstall64&release=3.0.3&_ga=1.203356307.385208157.1468345542. Even thought the video lists 2.3 it's linked by Neo4j 3.0.3 download and worked fine for 3.0.3.
Everything worked like a charm. I played around with it for a while and things worked fine. I then shut it down, by clicking on stop in the little gui launcher. When I tried to start it up again, through the start menu, nothing seems to happen at all. I went into the Neo4j CE 3.0.3\bin directory and tried running from there, but I see no error messages, no log directory, no error dialog. I just seems to do nothing. I've also tried "neo4j-ce.exe start" and "neo4j-ce.exe restart". Nothing seems to work.
I checked windows services and didn't see any services starting with neo4j. Don't know if default setup runs it as a service, but if so, maybe it's under something else?
I have been able to get things to start up if I restart Windows, but that's a royal pain and cannot imagine that's intentional.
I do see that there's a jar in the bin directory, so I imagine I could start it with a java command, but I don't know the specifics. However, it's most disconcerting that there is no error message at all. I imagine that something didn't shut down properly, but at this point I have no idea what might be going wrong.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't know if this is a bug with the launcher for the community edition of neo4j on windows 7 or not, but what I've found is that when you close the launcher dialog, it does not kill the neo4j-ce process. Thus, since the process is already running, albeit in a stopped state, it won't start again. The challenge there is, of course, that the dialog is gone and you can't click the start button to essentially connect to a database.
The solution is to go into Task Manager and end the "neo4j-ce.exe" process.
Once that is done you can start Neo4j normally.

Eclipse launch delegate still tells the server status is "starting"

I'm running Eclipse Java EE (Mars) / Websphere Liberty ( / Websphere Liberty Developer Tools Plugin (8.5.5) on IBM SDK 8.0 64 Bits for Windows.
When launching the server at localhost, the server starts normally and the console writes "server is ready" but the Eclipse launch delegate still tells the server status is "starting". After timeout period, Eclipse says the server was unable to start and kills it.
I know this is a recurring issue : i change connection settings in eclipse to direct, add localhost to etc/host, add -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to eclipse.ini but couldn't resolve it ...
There are some known limitations if you have changed the logging settings, see the Developer Tools known issues and restrictions.
The tools look for this exact message id in the eclipse Console view: CWWKF0011I. If that message id is not detected the tools think the server did not start. Do you see that message id in the eclipse Console view?
I am using websphere 9.0 traditional in eclipse 2019-09 having the same issue. Probably because some session is running background.
Resolved by:
1) Go to console->Right click-> terminate/disconnect all. Then agin right click remove all terminated button.
2)If still the problem there remove all the cache in temp files both in application and profiles.

IBM WAS 8.5.5 Admin Console is slow and blank page appears after saving changes

I am using IBM WebSphere Application Server V 8.5.5 on Windows 7 for my custom Java EE application. Of late, the Admin Console has been behaving little weird. After I complete my deployment or make any configuration changes in the Admin console, it takes too long to respond or rather it gives a blank page.
I have been searching the forums but no proper solution so far. I had deleted and recreated the Profile but no luck.
Has anyone faced a similar scenario? Is there a way to resolve this?
[UPDATE on 25Aug2015] Turning off the Antivirus, resolved the issue.

IBM RAD (Rational Application Developer 8 (8.0.3)) and WebSphere 6.1 - endless publishing unstoppable nightmare

Did anybody try to work with WAS 6.1 in RAD 8.0? I have a problem that makes it almost impossible to work. All the time I am trying to work, RAD publishes to WebSphere, though I have setting "Never publish automatically" in server details. Because of this it is also impossible to debug, and also very often WebSphere changes its status to "Stopped" though I hasn't stopped it. I set up fix pack 6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000041.pak on my websphere, but it didn't help. I didn't have this problem with RAD 7.5.5 on the same WebSphere, so there is something wrong with RAD 8.0 when it works with WAS 6.1.
I use RAD 8.0.3 with WAS 6.1. I have seen at times the application restarting out from underneath me in ways that confuse it, but I've also had it work fine at other times.
When the former is happening, it's usually because I'm making a lot of changes in quick succession and don't actually want to re-test until they're all finished, so I just stop the server for a while.
I haven't tried the "Never publish" setting you describe, so I can't add to your knowledge of whether that can actually work. Another thing you might try is the "If server is started, publish changes immediately" checkbox in the "Add and Remove..." dialog.
Thank you dbreaux, I made setting "automatically publish after a build event" and after that I didn't see the problem, though it seems strange. So 2 steps that solved my problem were
setting up fix pack 6.1.0-WS-WAS-WinX32-FP0000041.pak + 6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000041.pak
setting "automatically publish after a build event" in server details
The post below looks to be on point, at least for the current version of Rapid Application Developer (9.1.1). The problems I was experiencing were
For my local server it seemed like it was still "semi" publishing. I suspect but have not yet verified that changing "Run server with resources within workspace" to "Run server with resources on server" in the Server Overview page will fix that.
For my remote server it seemed like it was publishing every morning when I connected. The post referred me to the setting in Preferences..Server..Launching..Automatically publish when starting servers.
Here is the post.

Problem with starting ActiveMQ 5.4.1

I am developing a web application that will use ActiveMQ. I downloaded the Unix version from website and ran on my Mac.
It was working fine(I can oen the web console and configure the queues stuff) until I ran the helloworld code. After running the code, I can't open the web console and can't start ActiveMQ from terminal as well.
If anyone could hele me out, it will be great. Thanks in advance.
