IBM WAS 8.5.5 Admin Console is slow and blank page appears after saving changes - performance

I am using IBM WebSphere Application Server V 8.5.5 on Windows 7 for my custom Java EE application. Of late, the Admin Console has been behaving little weird. After I complete my deployment or make any configuration changes in the Admin console, it takes too long to respond or rather it gives a blank page.
I have been searching the forums but no proper solution so far. I had deleted and recreated the Profile but no luck.
Has anyone faced a similar scenario? Is there a way to resolve this?
[UPDATE on 25Aug2015] Turning off the Antivirus, resolved the issue.


Migrating Websphere Application Server 7 BASE edition to 8.5 BASE edition issue using

we have tested WAS 7 migration into 8.5 by using the script and everything seemed to go fine but we have lost the graphical management of the servers and applications (not of the AdminAgent: that works fine).
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Usually prior to getting to this screen
you need to choose between
Well, as a consequence of our mistaken migration we now access directly to the above one, i.e. waspro1ANode01 (Admin Agent) but have lost the other one and all our trials to recover it have been unsuccessful.
Please, any help is most welcome !!!

Oracle Commerce 11.2 experience manager does not load

I have installed the latest version(11.2) of Oracle Endeca Commerce. I deploy an application and everything works fine except that when I click on the experience manager icon, it starts loading the content but it never finishes.
I tried reinstall all components again and again but with no result.
Any suggestions will be really appreciated.
This issue is related to Adobe flash player installation. I was getting the same issue in Mozilla and Chrome but IE 10 worked fine.
Try switching browser and see. This issue is nothing to do with Endeca installation or logs.

Extremly slow STS startup, loading org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui

when I start my STS (3.5.1.RELEASE) it takes about 5 Minutes to startup.
On the splashscreen I can see "loading org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui"
I've allready disabled the Option "Show Dasboad on Startup".
Does anyone has an idea?
Even my colleagues have the same problem.
Best regards,
This is a known issue in STS up to version 3.6.0. This will be fixed in 3.6.1. See
I guess this is related to a network issue, I experienced a similar behavior in situations where my network access was problematic. Are you behind a firewall and/or proxy? And did you configure that in the Eclipse network preferences?
If the issue is with loading org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui,simply delete(take backup before delete) \stsWorkspace.metadata.plugins\org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui folder.
If this doesn't resolve your isue then delete sts-3.8.1.RELEASE\plugins\org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui_3.8.1-RELEASE.jar.
It works for me.
PS note : It will not load dashboard while loading workspace.
The following is what worked for me.When STS got stuck, opened IE, Tools --> Internet Options --> Connections --> LAN settings --> unchecked all proxy settings.
Then killed STS session from Task Manager and opened it again.
And this time it did not get stuck. Then I went back into IE to fix the proxy settings.

403 Forbidden running MVC3 from VS2010

I've recently had a name change to my PC and rebooted. Before this change, I could run my MVC3 project from VS2010 using IIS 7. After the name change I getting:
Http Error 403 Forbidden Version Information: ASP.NET Development Server
I realise this could be a number of things so I'll try, in detail, to describe what's going on.
My IIS reverted back to v6 so I loaded 7 and set my DefaultAppPool to use .NET v4.0.
Security has all permissions for my account.
Request Filtering has 'Allow unlisted file name extensions checked (another answer on SO)
I'm using FireFox 24.0
VS2010 hasn't changed as far as I'm aware.
I'm not very familiar with IIS which, seems to me, is my problem so please bear this in mind if you decide to help. I'll gladly provide more information if needed.
Do you actually have IIS7 installed or are you using IIS Express or Cassini?
I'm pretty sure that you'll be able to get things going again if you use the aspnet_regiis command.
Navigate to your .Net folder and run the following command aspnet_regiis -i
This isn't the answer but rather a different question. The problem wasn't IIS, the problem is with FireFox. I changed the default browser to Chrome and my app runs as it should.
Simple answer - I changed windows authentication password which wasn't updated in firefox. I changed the password to be in sync and it solved the issue.

IBM RAD (Rational Application Developer 8 (8.0.3)) and WebSphere 6.1 - endless publishing unstoppable nightmare

Did anybody try to work with WAS 6.1 in RAD 8.0? I have a problem that makes it almost impossible to work. All the time I am trying to work, RAD publishes to WebSphere, though I have setting "Never publish automatically" in server details. Because of this it is also impossible to debug, and also very often WebSphere changes its status to "Stopped" though I hasn't stopped it. I set up fix pack 6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000041.pak on my websphere, but it didn't help. I didn't have this problem with RAD 7.5.5 on the same WebSphere, so there is something wrong with RAD 8.0 when it works with WAS 6.1.
I use RAD 8.0.3 with WAS 6.1. I have seen at times the application restarting out from underneath me in ways that confuse it, but I've also had it work fine at other times.
When the former is happening, it's usually because I'm making a lot of changes in quick succession and don't actually want to re-test until they're all finished, so I just stop the server for a while.
I haven't tried the "Never publish" setting you describe, so I can't add to your knowledge of whether that can actually work. Another thing you might try is the "If server is started, publish changes immediately" checkbox in the "Add and Remove..." dialog.
Thank you dbreaux, I made setting "automatically publish after a build event" and after that I didn't see the problem, though it seems strange. So 2 steps that solved my problem were
setting up fix pack 6.1.0-WS-WAS-WinX32-FP0000041.pak + 6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000041.pak
setting "automatically publish after a build event" in server details
The post below looks to be on point, at least for the current version of Rapid Application Developer (9.1.1). The problems I was experiencing were
For my local server it seemed like it was still "semi" publishing. I suspect but have not yet verified that changing "Run server with resources within workspace" to "Run server with resources on server" in the Server Overview page will fix that.
For my remote server it seemed like it was publishing every morning when I connected. The post referred me to the setting in Preferences..Server..Launching..Automatically publish when starting servers.
Here is the post.
