Problem with starting ActiveMQ 5.4.1 - jms

I am developing a web application that will use ActiveMQ. I downloaded the Unix version from website and ran on my Mac.
It was working fine(I can oen the web console and configure the queues stuff) until I ran the helloworld code. After running the code, I can't open the web console and can't start ActiveMQ from terminal as well.
If anyone could hele me out, it will be great. Thanks in advance.


Can I install IBMMQ client in Windows Container ? Best option to move Windows Console App (using IBM MQ client) to Windows Container

I am trying to move one .NET framework 4.5 Windows console app to Windows Container. That app is using IBM MQ client The application is working fine local Machine/VDI where I have installed IBM MQ Client successfully.
What will be the best approach to move this app to Windows Container ?
I have followed below options but it's not working.
Install the whole IBM MQ Client in Windows Container using silent installation. But I can see the logs saying it's installed successfully but my application is not working fine. During connecting to QManager, I am getting below error.
{"The type initializer for 'IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.UnmanagedNmqiMQ' threw an exception."}
Silent Installation Command in Windows Container: msiexec /i "c:\temp\Windows\MSI\IBM MQ.msi" /l*v c:\temp\install.log /q TRANSFORMS="1033.mst" AGREETOLICENSE="yes" ADDLOCAL="Client"
Second Option, I am trying to use the removal of IBM MQ client dependencies and only take the required dlls in my Application but it's also not working.
Also, tried to explore IBM MQ Redistributable client but seems it's not working.
But somehow I knew that any one of these options should be working. Can you please help me out on this ?

Divio Windows App hangs at Preparing Logs

I have installed the WIndows 10 Divio App as per the Divio Tutorial but when I select setup a project it hangs at Preparing logs... in the shell on the desktop and cannot see logs are anyway to investigate this. I have tried the solution in this question here How to debug problems with the Divio app?
However, this does not work, any help would be appreicated.
Managed to fix this, I did it by following the guide here:
Essentially installed everything via the command line and then once that was running I could then sync the Divio app to the project folder which in turn allowed me to use the Divio app. Total PITA but it worked :)

Why does a stopped application disappear from Tomcat manager in TomEE?

I have found a strange behavior using Tomcat manager in TomEE (version 1.6.0-plus on 64 bit Linux system).
When I have stopped an application from the manager it was disappeared immediately from the application's list. Even the standard applications.
Only when I have shutdown the tomcat server and started again the apps was displayed again.
Is this a normal behavior or is it a mistake in TomEE?
I have found something here:
but it did not explain my situation.
that's a bug
trunk is up to date so if you feel like building tomee yourself you can try it right now

Java Web Start in 10.8.2 with native (Apple) Java 1.6 can't find JRE

I'm trying to run a some .jnlp applications (games) on latest os-x. While doing so Java Web propose me to install Java Runtime Environment (jre_7u9). Should not that be already included in os-x, java 1.6? As an example I use Eclipse which is java-based and I have no problems running it. I'm just worried that the new version could mess up something what works fine so far (saw couple of threads where people experience problems after installation of java 7, even with the Mail application!).
I know close to nothing about java, so if someone could point me to the solution which does not involve installation of jre_7u9, it would be nice.
Thanks in advance,
It seems that user/bin/javaws points to the wrong direction:
No Java runtime present, requesting install.
Unable to locate a Java Runtime to invoke.
that is:
If i change it to (as suggested here
it does work fine, however it does not help Java Web to run properly, it still requires JRE installation, which is a nonsense.
p/s/ this thread discuss the same problem. This one as well. But so far i don't see any solution to make Java Web Start to work.
A detailed guide on how to solve this problem is presented in Java for OS X 2012-006: How to re-enable the Apple-provided Java SE 6 applet plug-in and Web Start functionality.
I was having the same problem where I could run javaws from the command line, but running from Chrome/Safari/Finder did not work using Java Web Start. The problem I found is that Java Web Start is looking for a user preference that does not exist. I was able to get this working by running:
defaults write WebComponentsEnabled -bool true

Websphere registry and repository (WSRR)

I'm trying to install WSRR on Linux (Ubuntu 11.04), but without success. I think I'm lacking some important information about installation. I've read that it's a prerequisite to have WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and DB2 installed, but when I downloaded WSRR package it has its own version of WAS and during installation it offers me Derby DB. In order to install it I had to change bash for dash (or vice versa). In the end I tried create profile of standalone WSRR in Profile Management Tool but with no success. Did anybody success in installation of standalone WSRR? Please help me, I need it for my thesis.
Thank you.
So finally I managed to install and run WSRR.
First of all you have to have OpenSuse installed.
Log in as root
Reinstall you web browser (I changed mozilla 4 to mozilla 6)
Launch installation ./
Create profile with Profile Management Tool GUI
Run First steps console => change directory to profile_root/firststeps/wsrr, for example, opt/IBM/WebSphere/ServiceRegistry/profiles/WSRRSrv01/firststeps/wsrr and ./
Run server
Start the WSRR Web UI (if you have stand-alone server)
Not a final answer... it seems you're installing on an unsupported platform. Never try this with commercial software, you will fail or will need hours and hours to get it up and running.
