IBM RAD (Rational Application Developer 8 (8.0.3)) and WebSphere 6.1 - endless publishing unstoppable nightmare - websphere

Did anybody try to work with WAS 6.1 in RAD 8.0? I have a problem that makes it almost impossible to work. All the time I am trying to work, RAD publishes to WebSphere, though I have setting "Never publish automatically" in server details. Because of this it is also impossible to debug, and also very often WebSphere changes its status to "Stopped" though I hasn't stopped it. I set up fix pack 6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000041.pak on my websphere, but it didn't help. I didn't have this problem with RAD 7.5.5 on the same WebSphere, so there is something wrong with RAD 8.0 when it works with WAS 6.1.

I use RAD 8.0.3 with WAS 6.1. I have seen at times the application restarting out from underneath me in ways that confuse it, but I've also had it work fine at other times.
When the former is happening, it's usually because I'm making a lot of changes in quick succession and don't actually want to re-test until they're all finished, so I just stop the server for a while.
I haven't tried the "Never publish" setting you describe, so I can't add to your knowledge of whether that can actually work. Another thing you might try is the "If server is started, publish changes immediately" checkbox in the "Add and Remove..." dialog.

Thank you dbreaux, I made setting "automatically publish after a build event" and after that I didn't see the problem, though it seems strange. So 2 steps that solved my problem were
setting up fix pack 6.1.0-WS-WAS-WinX32-FP0000041.pak + 6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000041.pak
setting "automatically publish after a build event" in server details

The post below looks to be on point, at least for the current version of Rapid Application Developer (9.1.1). The problems I was experiencing were
For my local server it seemed like it was still "semi" publishing. I suspect but have not yet verified that changing "Run server with resources within workspace" to "Run server with resources on server" in the Server Overview page will fix that.
For my remote server it seemed like it was publishing every morning when I connected. The post referred me to the setting in Preferences..Server..Launching..Automatically publish when starting servers.
Here is the post.


Clickonce App Doesn't start with Windows 1803

I have a Clickonce app from Visual Studio 2015 SP3 that is published to the network server and used in-house only. The program works just fine when launched from Visual Studio. It runs just fine on a Windows machine that does not have the 1803 update. But once a machine updates to 1803, the application no longer starts. I get the "Checking for updates..." window then nothing. On a fresh install, I usually get the Smartscreen telling me the program may be dangerous. It doesn't get that far.
I've created the Clickonce from a computer with the 1803 update and the problem still exists.
I've disconnected the machine from the network. The application starts but then has no database access and it needs the database. It's also written to hide buttons that would use the database to prevent users from trying to do things that require it.
I found a workaround (third paragraph) at When I start the application from the directory mentioned, I get the Smartscreen and can tell it to run anyway. Every time I click the desktop icon, it works just fine.
If a new release is published, the new release is downloaded and the program updated, but the Smartscreen no longer appears and the application never starts.
So somewhere between installing the latest update and the Smartscreen, this is failing. Anyone else experiencing this and have an idea as to why?
Yes, frustratingly I also experienced this today. Presumably a security update that they'll release another patch for given this is quite a pain for developers and users of small business apps.
Rather than disable Defender or SmartScreen I chose to add my deployment website to the Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer and that then re-instated the warning dialog and my app updated and ran as before.
Really annoying given the nature of the issue and how long it took to figure out, but at the same time I had to use IE today, which is a rare event nowadays.
This works for me...Warn doesnt warn anymore...
After running in the same problem, I just found that my application was going to halt after a stupid uncaught exception.
Despite the fact that the image below is in Portuguese, Event Viewer shows the right error cause.
In my case, was a corrupted settings file!
It appears as though some subsequent Windows Updates have fixed the issue on several of our PC's that were previously experiencing the issue.
Check for the updates listed here.
Running winver.exe will show you which build you have.

Where integration bots are stored?

Where does OSX Server store integration bots? Or is it my local Xcode who stores them? Server screwed my setup again, but this time I'm no longer able to see my bots.
Just want to express my deep frustration with Xcode CI:
OSX Server (or whatever it's called) is one of a kind piece of software, giving me incredible headaches lately with its' laginness, bugginess and poor performance. I think over the past week I experienced all possible errors Server has to offer:
"internal error updating bot" (please try again later);
"error reading service configuration" (or similar wording) - requires Xcode reset; continue to occur randomly again and again with no reasons;
"Xcode version is not supported" - only reboot seems to convince server to use Xcode which was already used previously
Randomly, fail integrations because "device is not connected", given that I test desktop application for OSX...
Finally, after yet another episode of screwing my setup, I no longer can see my bots on the server - they vanished. well done Server.
The bots and integrations are stored on the server.
The directory should look something like /Users/<xcode_server_tester_user_name>/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Bots
(OSX-Server 5.3 (16S4123), XCode 8.3.2 (8E2002))
I hate to say this but I found restarting the machine is a good way to resolve frustration No. 1 and 2.
device is not connected error often happens right after OS, OSX-Server or XCode is upgraded.
Usually reselecting devices from the XCode UI works for me.
Although sometimes it may require repeating multiple times and waiting for a long time for the device list to load.
On your OSX Server machine, deleting the simulator and re-adding it via Xcode->Devices sometimes helps too.
Another way is to delete all simulators from the linked Xcode on OSX Server machine and only keep the ones you want to test your project on. Config the bot to use All iOS Devices and Simulators.
Even though Xcode Server now runs as a specific user, the configuration files are kept in /Library/Developer/XcodeServer. You can also hit the Xcode Server API to get information about your bots.
In a Couchbase db.
I don't know how to access the contents though.
Enter this in Safari on your server

CacheInstaller.exe has stopped working

I am having below mentioned issue when I am running Asp.Net MVC 2 project on windows Azure emulator (dev environment)
I have installed Windows Azure SDK for .NET - October 2012 version and I am using cache feature on my system.
With above error Below one is also comming.
How to get rid of this ?
Maybe I have an stupid solution, but that works with me.
When I begin to recieve the message "CacheInstaller.exe has stopped working", I do the following:
1) Stop the execution.
2) Go to the Role I'm using in the Azure project and open the corresponding Properties page.
3) Go to the "Caching" section and there I uncheck the "Enable Caching" checkbox. After that I checked again.
4) Save*, Run de application and never the warning appear again.
Is weird because nothing should change if you uncheck and check it again an option without save in the middle, but in this case when you do that the file changes (I can see it in the red icon that said something change there, :P)
I hope this helps. Cheers.
Do you have any error messages in the event log that may give more hint.
It could be an issue with missing dlls, do you have the windows server appFabric installed as well on this machine, which may be leading to a conflict with the dlls?
A procmon log might help you see what file paths its looking for.
I banged my head against the wall on this one as well. I finally figured out the problem after digging deep into the crash-dump logs located within: C:\Users\{YOU}\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\{GUID}\directory\DiagnosticStore\AzureCaching\
AzureCaching does not allow UNC paths.
As my primary .net dev is from a vm, my documents/projects drive is mapped to my native drive located at: \\psf\Home\Documents\... Once I moved the project to the vm c:/ drive, CacheInstaller worked as intended.
Might as well post my experience as I was unable to locate anything on this specific problem.
I found today that if my system time was more than about 10 minutes wrong then CacheInstaller.exe bailed out on starting the emulator.
That includes the combination of system time and timezone being wrong, presumably as it results in an inability to calculate the correct UTC time at which Azure operates. Fixing the system clock resolved the issue in my case.

How do I know why my Azure instance doesn't start?

I deployed my service package into Windows Azure. Management Portal has been showing "waiting for the role instance to start" for 30 minutes already so I assume something is wrong.
I know that there's Azure Diagnostics, but is there some easier way to find what's going on in my instance - like some console displaying some detailed output or something?
In these cases, it is probably the most expedient to simply RDP into the box and see what is going on. Event logs, hitting the site, etc., from inside the machine usually gives you a pretty good idea. If you have Intellitrace (Visual Studio Ultimate), you can also enable that and suck down the logs to see what is happening. That works very well also.
#dunnry The problem is that you can't open a RDP session to the server if your Azure Role is not running, so you don't know anything what is going on.
Most of the times there is something wrong in your Azure Configuration files. Try removing parts and redeploy afterwards. Pay triple attention to your ConnectionStrings. Make sure that the ServiceDefinition ConfigurationSettings are all defined in the ServiceConfiguration ConfigurationSettings File.
What we basically do is to deploy on a nightly build basis. We can check our ChangeSets of the day before after an instance is not reaching the running state.
If the Azure Diagnostics doesn't tell you anything then I don't think so - no. Somewhat annoyingly, one thing that frequently causes problems is Azure Diagnostics initialization - e.g. if the diagnostics connection string is wrong.
If the role instances start but the app has problems then the remote desktop might help.
If all else fails, try Azure support - it's still free right now.

Visual Studio 2010 Debug Server Not Recognizing My Changes

Using Visual Studio 2010 on Window 7 64bit. I'm trying to test a website project (not a web application project) using the built in dev server (cassini). The problem I'm having is that when I make a change, I now have to actually stop debugging, kill cassini, and restart before I can actually see my changes in the browser. I used to be able to edit and refresh. One of my fellow developers here is able to do this just fine with an identical setup (same project/vs version/os - and settings near as I can tell). I'm beginning to suspect some sort of permissions issue. I've been all over google trying to find an answer to no avail. Any ideas?
As it turns out, this was my fault... I had experienced the dreaded "network BIOS command limit has been reached" issue. I found a post that recommended doing a regedit hack "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\FCNMode = 1", well this basically turns off File Change Notifications. Changing this value to 2, and applying the changes recommended in knowledge base 810886 fixed both problems.
