Magento - Best way to build two catalogs and/or product types? - magento

We have 2 types of products....
Product Type 1: Will be purchased as a normal product
Product Type 2: Customers will have to contact us for more info.
What's the best way to build this in Magento? Two store views? Or should we write some logic to differentiate products? Any other advice, recommendations, or resources is much appreciated.

For products with type 2 , you can do following,
1.Make a product attribute, say, getinfo and make it as yes/no.
2.By default set it as no, for products of type 2 set as yes.
3.Keep type2 products Out of Stock , and for addtocart button replace with more info, click of which you could trigger a form to capture info and save it in ypur db


Magento - add common supplier information in product description (static block?)

I have a magento website (1.9.2) and I have various products from various suppliers. I want to add the information of the supplier on every product's description. That information will be a logo, some contact details etc.
Is it possible to generate a static block for each supplier and include it in each of his product's description?
Is there any more "automated" / "proper" way to do this? Like having a list of suppliers/manufacturers and have a field in the product that points there and their info is automatically included in the product's description?
Any hints & tips are welcome.
There are two possible way to achieve this:
Option 1: Create Suppliers attribute and assign to each products. Using suppliers name create static block for each supplier that contain the supplier Logo and contact details.
On the Product details page fetch the products assigned supplier and using the name as static block ID, include static block on product detail page like below:
Option 2: You can install shop by brands extension that provide complete separate module to manage brands. like below:
then using the extension function you need to fetch brand (supplier) information on product details page.
I prefer to use Option 1 if you don't provide Shop by brand option in frontend.

Can we map product category to Customer/Store in Magento

In Magento, We can able to map the customers to the website. Is it possible to map the customers to the product category or the particular store ?
Note: Each product category has to be mapped with certain group of customer. All the products should not be visible to all the customer.
How can we achieve this.
I have the same requirement on my current project ended up going with this
It seems like the solution is pretty heavy but, this was the most no fuss solution and it does the trick

Is it possible to add shipping tracking number for different product in magento?

I would like know
Suppose, A order consist of three product. When i submit this product to warehouse it ship the prodduct in different shipping method.
I would like to know how can i add these tracking number in magento either programmatic php or directly using mysql query
Thank you.
You can do this without having to run any code (i.e PHP or MySQL), simply partially invoice the order by navigating to the order itself, choosing the invoice tab & checking / unchecking the appropriate products. Then, when you choose to create a shipment, you can base it off of an invoice number and assign appropriate tracking information to it.

How to set Minimum Order Quantiy (MOQ) for a category in magento?

How to add Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart for a category.
In Magento (ver. backend, System > Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options tab, you can set the 'Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart' but for Customer Group; not for Category.
We have lots of categories having absolutely different kinds of items and need different MOQs for specified category.
How would I force a minimum of 6 products from the jewellery category and 7 dozen from the bra category?
Thanks, Shaman
What you describe would not be natively possible with Magento. Magento natively provides a 1:many relationship with categories and products,
Ie. A product can be in many categories
What you propose would induce a race condition for a product whereby there could be 2 possible critera for a product's inventory controls if the product exists in more than one category.
Eg. If you set Category A to have a MOQ of 6, and Category B to have a MOQ of 10 and Product C exists in both - which rule does it inherit (highest/lowest)?
As a result, this isn't going to be natively possible, but you could build a custom module to achieve it.
Either ...
Via a category->save() observer
You could create a custom attribute for the category - MOQ, then have your module 'listen' to the category save, and iterate through all products accordingly to set the MOQ for said products.
Advantages - More granular control per product, no speed impact/overheads for frontend
Disadvantages - Slow to save category
By modifying the isSaleable() function
You could rewrite the standard function which determines if a product is saleable. In your modified function, check categories of said product, obtain the MOQ (highest/lowest - whichever) then return true; or return false; accordingly.
Advantages - Less administration hanging around, stops having to continually update indexes at a product level needlessly
Disadvantages - Slower to check if product is saleable (frontend would seem slower)
Either way, you need to build a custom module, or seek a professional to make one for you.

Programmatically apply a discount price in product list

I would like to programmatically display a discounted price on the product list/page so that each customer as a personal price shown based on a customer attribute (like gender for instance, and of course let it be assigned as new price for the user session) but I can't see a viable option via the magento catalog price rules involving customer attributes other than the assigned group.
I'm using the group to do different kind of discounts and categorization of the customers, so the path of "split the customers on the gender" (or similar) is not an option unfortunately, since I can't assign more than 1 group per customer.
At the moment I was thinking about setting up a custom observer to check for calls to the price generation and then let it consider my customer attributes when calculating the price.
Is that possible? if so, any pointers about?
Would you suggest something different?
Thanks a lot to everyone for your time.
As I was thinking before, I solved my issue creating a custom module with an observer looking for catalog_product_get_final_price calls, getting the customer details from the current customer session.
It works great, I just need to let it display the correct price in the catalog product list, but is minimal, as the price seems to be calculated correctly inside the product page and the cart
