Magento - add common supplier information in product description (static block?) - magento

I have a magento website (1.9.2) and I have various products from various suppliers. I want to add the information of the supplier on every product's description. That information will be a logo, some contact details etc.
Is it possible to generate a static block for each supplier and include it in each of his product's description?
Is there any more "automated" / "proper" way to do this? Like having a list of suppliers/manufacturers and have a field in the product that points there and their info is automatically included in the product's description?
Any hints & tips are welcome.

There are two possible way to achieve this:
Option 1: Create Suppliers attribute and assign to each products. Using suppliers name create static block for each supplier that contain the supplier Logo and contact details.
On the Product details page fetch the products assigned supplier and using the name as static block ID, include static block on product detail page like below:
Option 2: You can install shop by brands extension that provide complete separate module to manage brands. like below:
then using the extension function you need to fetch brand (supplier) information on product details page.
I prefer to use Option 1 if you don't provide Shop by brand option in frontend.


How to validate shipping address per product by city and restrict user?

I am using Magento 1.9. I want to create product and make available in only specific cities. And also I want to restrict users on checkout when they select product to ship in the city where the product is not available.
I am a beginner at Magento and don't know how to achieve this.
What I have in mind so far is, it will be good to create an attribute named 'city', make it multiselect and add cities as it's options. So now I can create product and assign multiple cities to it. and can be seen at the 'Additional Information tab' on frontend product's page.
But now I want to restrict user if he select orders product available in "New York" and he submitted shipping address with any other city. This should restrict the further process and display message.
In short, I want to restrict user on checkout and display message. "The product is not available in the specified address/city/location etc"

How do you query the category id or name in Opencart Joomla 3.3.0

So I am modifying a module and I've successfully queried the product ID. So if I am browsing products and go into the product details page, I can see my product ID using
but for some reason I cannot get the category ID. I've tried.
and it always comes out to zero no matter what category I go to. Anyone else experience this? I could get it from the nonSEF url but there's gotta be another way. My goal is to basically query the category ID when I am browsing that category or if I am in the product details of a product.
I assume, you're using some OpenCart component for Joomla. In this case, you have to look into controller and model files for OpenCart. It's not THAT easy to get certain values sometimes, because these are 2 different engines.
In short, you may have to use VQMod for OpenCart, add category_id to data array and only then JRequest it. Solely depends on task.

Magento - Best way to build two catalogs and/or product types?

We have 2 types of products....
Product Type 1: Will be purchased as a normal product
Product Type 2: Customers will have to contact us for more info.
What's the best way to build this in Magento? Two store views? Or should we write some logic to differentiate products? Any other advice, recommendations, or resources is much appreciated.
For products with type 2 , you can do following,
1.Make a product attribute, say, getinfo and make it as yes/no.
2.By default set it as no, for products of type 2 set as yes.
3.Keep type2 products Out of Stock , and for addtocart button replace with more info, click of which you could trigger a form to capture info and save it in ypur db

How to weave retail outlets info into Magento site

We are trying to do something interesting but challenging:
We have a couple thousand products listed on our B2C site (non-Magento), & are considering moving the site to Magento for a variety of reasons. The product pages provide detailed information about these products. Our user base would now like us to provide local information about retail stores where they can buy these products; the information required would be Retail outlet name, address, zip, phone, & a Google-map display (this last is optional).
In the front-end, each product detail page will display relevant retailers depending on the product AS WELL AS depending on the user's zip. Each user will see upto 5 nearby retailers.
My question is: how best can we set up this in Magento so that we can:
map products to retail_outlets, the way magento allows for mapping of products to categories. Products & outlets will have a many-to-many relationship, & we are looking for something that will be easy to maintain.
Map user's zips to the retailer info.
We are open to using magento 1.7, if that is a better fit.
Thanks in advance.
This is not the right place for this question as it is not related to programming and does not have code samples and is too general :( read the FAQ please
but in general you need:
add a product attribute (multiselect) with all your retail_outlets and add a possible retailers to a product
ask user to input a zip if he has not jet . you can get this from quote->getShippingAddress()->getPostcode(); if your user is
registered or something
on detail page query out your retailers by zip. This will need you to implement Geo/Spatial Search with MySQL.

Adding fields to backend customer create section

I would like to add three fields in customer creating section of magento backend.
Customer Card ID
Customer Store No
Customer Store Name
Those fields should save into magento database then can query/show in onepage checkout ( we would like to send automatic mail of related stores customer relationship department).
Could you please help me to make such a things in magento?
first you need to decide if those attributes are customer attributes or customer address attributes or both together. Then add the attributes to customer and/or billing/shipping address objects (preferable with setup script) and then add the fields to all templates you might need. You also might need to extend the user data validation class.
