How to set Minimum Order Quantiy (MOQ) for a category in magento? - magento

How to add Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart for a category.
In Magento (ver. backend, System > Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options tab, you can set the 'Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart' but for Customer Group; not for Category.
We have lots of categories having absolutely different kinds of items and need different MOQs for specified category.
How would I force a minimum of 6 products from the jewellery category and 7 dozen from the bra category?
Thanks, Shaman

What you describe would not be natively possible with Magento. Magento natively provides a 1:many relationship with categories and products,
Ie. A product can be in many categories
What you propose would induce a race condition for a product whereby there could be 2 possible critera for a product's inventory controls if the product exists in more than one category.
Eg. If you set Category A to have a MOQ of 6, and Category B to have a MOQ of 10 and Product C exists in both - which rule does it inherit (highest/lowest)?
As a result, this isn't going to be natively possible, but you could build a custom module to achieve it.
Either ...
Via a category->save() observer
You could create a custom attribute for the category - MOQ, then have your module 'listen' to the category save, and iterate through all products accordingly to set the MOQ for said products.
Advantages - More granular control per product, no speed impact/overheads for frontend
Disadvantages - Slow to save category
By modifying the isSaleable() function
You could rewrite the standard function which determines if a product is saleable. In your modified function, check categories of said product, obtain the MOQ (highest/lowest - whichever) then return true; or return false; accordingly.
Advantages - Less administration hanging around, stops having to continually update indexes at a product level needlessly
Disadvantages - Slower to check if product is saleable (frontend would seem slower)
Either way, you need to build a custom module, or seek a professional to make one for you.


Magento2 configurable product import quantity

I have followed all instruction of import configurable products given in
but when i import configurable product quantity sets to 0.
In Magento 2, the default configuration for Configurable Products would have to be changed in order to import inventory as a value other than 0 with that extension (most likely). It's not recommended to change that configuration either, however, and here's why:
Typical Example - A Configurable Product (Shirt with 3 color variations) is included in a Store Catalog. Each of the simple products assigned to that Configurable (a red shirt, a blue shirt, and a green shirt) all have different inventory that is constantly changing, because some colors sell more than others and therefore, some of those Simple Products are restocked more frequently than others. Even though the 3 products are all are assigned to the same Configurable Product in this scenario, tracking inventory for the Configurable (as a sum of all the Simple Product's quantities) wouldn't be especially useful in Sales Reports or in Restocking the Store Inventory. Sometimes there are exceptions (usually with Virtual products) but for the most part, Magento store administrators will leave the default configuration as-is here because otherwise, the Configurable Product's quantity (which is really just the combined sum of the Simple Product's inventory) isn't a valuable metric to track in the majority of business cases.
If there is a business case for tracking inventory at the Configurable level here, however, then I highly recommend uRapidflow Pro by Unirgy. That extension has worked well for bulk imports/exports since Magento 1 and most other similar products have been especially buggy from Magento 2.1.5-2.2.x.

How do I find a Magento products primary category

I am using Magento 1.6.2.
I need to find an easy way of checking which category is the "default" category for any given product, where multiple categories have been assigned to that product.
The reason for this is as follows:
I have different discount amounts available on different categories in my store.
Where a product falls into two categories with different discounts applied, the highest discount should be applied to that product, but if that product has been added to the system (created) with a default category that has a lower discount, and then afterwards added into the higher discount category as well, the higher discount level is not being applied when that product is purchased.
If, however, I add the product to the higher discount category first, and then to the lower discount category afterwards (so the product appears on my website in all the right places), the correct (higher) discount level applies to that product.
I can only assume, therefore, that the default (or primary, or first, however you want to label it) category is the one that determines the outcome of the discount level to be applied to it. If this is wrong, then I need a lesson in understanding the mechanics behind this to see where I have gone wrong in the overall setup of this system...
If my assumption is correct, then I need a way to determine which category any given product (using the SKU) has been assigned to first, to ensure that the correct discount can be applied to that product.
I hope I have explained that clearly enough!
Does anyone have any suggestions. I have been unable to find information on this regardless of guessing specific search terms. The only things I can find are related to general category retrieval, and not this very specific task I need.
Im afraid your assumption is incorrect. Magento has no concept of a 'primary' category for a product. It only knows the product is in category id(s);
1, 12, 234
etc. The id's are stored numercially with no idea of which category might be more important than another.
What you could do instead is create a custom attribute and enter the id of the category you want to treat as 'primary' and retreive this attribute value when working out whether to give more discount or not.

Product combinations from two or more products

I am trying to make something like in the following link, using Magento:
You can see that product main images and all other details change.
Now I tried configuring a bundled product with combination of two or more simple products, but this will create too many products.
Suppose I configure the following:
1: 3 products of stones
2: 2 products of ring base
3: Than the total number of products that I will have to create will be 3(stones) + 2(stone base) +6(3*2 bundled product with all possible combinations) = 11 products
For more options, this will be to complicated to manage.
How can we use Magento to do this efficiently?
There are two ways to approach this scenario, depending on whether or not you need to manage inventory stock for each combination.
If you don't need to manage the inventory for each possible combination, then you can use a Simple Product type and use the Custom Options to provide the various options to customers. You can put in price adjustments as well as the SKU that is generated when various selections are shown.
If you do have to manage inventory stock for each combination, then you do have to create — in your example — 6 simple products. Then you can present them using the Configurable product type. In this way if one of the rings is out of stock, the remaining 5 possible combinations are still presented to the customer. Still allowing them to choose a stone and ring base, but not allowing the combination of the one out of stock to be chosen.
So, it really boils down to whether you need to manage stock or not. With Magento CE 1.9.1, there are also more robust swatch image functions that might be helpful with what you're trying achieve, as well.
If you want unique images for every permutation, you will need to create each simple product to achieve this. To make life easier, you could create all the products in a csv and them import with Magmi.
In order to achieve the image option links, check out the latest version of Magento (1.9.1) which now supports option swatches and will load the simple product's base image which would achieve the effect you are after.

How to set a rule for buying two products together to reduce the total price?

I am trying to make a block which shows two products in it with a rule that if a customer bought these two products together the total amount will be reduce by some extent.
e.g. if product A is of $100 and B is of $75, then both will be buy together for $150.
Can anyone has an idea how to apply these kind of promotion rules in magento. I really need to do this as the client need this kind of functionality on its product view page.
Magento provides a default functionality to create bundle products.
Use following url for reference:
There are two options that you could use:
1) Setting up a bundled product (with a Price Type = Fixed Price), setting product A and product B to be its children and setting $150 as its price.
However, there are few limitations to this solution:
The customer can't just add product A or product B to cart separately from the bundled product page, he can only add them together. That is the customer will need to go to a separate page to purchase product A (or product B) standalone.
Once the user added the bundled product to his cart, he can't just remove one child product from the cart (e.g product A) - he has to remove both.
2) You can use an extension for it. One of the extensions that implement this functionality is Bundled Discount. It allows you to set the product A and the product B and set the special price whenever they are purchased together (eg: $150).
It also allows you to create a separate page for the bundled promotion. This way, the user can select whether he wants to add only the product A for $100, the product B for $75, all both for $150.
The user can also remove one of the products from his cart and only pay for another product (eg: the user removes the product A from his cart and only pays $75 for the product B).
Disclaimer: I am the CEO of the company that developed the Bundled Discount extension.

Magento - Add configurable product option surcharge to tier pricing

When I set up configurable products and they have options that include surcharges (i.e. the 2XL costs +$2.00) and I select the option with the surcharge, the price itself updates, however, the tier pricing associated with that product does not. So, this is what my customer sees...
Product is $10, the 2XL is +$2.00. If they buy 10 or more, the product is $6. When they select the 2XL, the price updates from $10 to $12, but the tier pricing tells them they are still getting it for $6 each if ordering 10 or more. When they add 10 to their cart, they get the correct price of $8 (the $6 discounted price plus the $2 surcharge) but this is just a bad experience - they think they are getting a deal they were never intended to receive.
How can I add to it so that when the option with the surcharge is selected not only is the price updated, but so is the tier price that displays?
I would suggest looking at an extension called Simple Configurable Products:
It will allow you to make the product price dependent on the simple product that is related to the configurable product. You should be able to set up the tiered pricing on the simple product and have it reflected on the parent.
That extension is not 1.6 compatible out of the box, but the following addresses that issue:
Magento allows tier prices for products and prices for individual options. However, tier prices for individual options are not supported. Still there are three ways of realizing tier prices for custom options. The last option is the best, from my point of view:
1. Displaying the surcharges on basket price rules:
It is the most elegant option if the products are imported with an import interface from an erp-system. In this case you can generate basket price rules, during or at the end of the import, which deliver discounts on each position. However, there is a major drawback: The discounts on the products are shown as one sum in the checkout. Therefore this option will only be useful in rare cases.
2. Better Configurable Products:
For each variant of the product an additional simple product is added. Better Configurable Product makes sure that the tier price is taken from the simple product. However, with many products and many variants, it will quickly become confusing. All these simple products must be assigned to a configurable product. Furthermore, all products have their own stock. Additionally both of the extensions use numerous rewrites that change the very core of the Magento system.
3. Generating additional individual options with prices:
An individual option only allows one surcharge, when 5 are needed - one for each tier price. So you add 5 individual options with different prices. The advantages of using this solution are moderate changes to the system while displaying the prices for the products in a reasonable way. The solution works with two observers – and additional rewrites of blocks for better visual appearance. Once passed the checkout, Magento just works with standard custom options. Therefore, it is very unlikely to experience problems in the later steps – e.g. invoice, shipment, credit memo and export to an erp-system. The disadvantages are additional options in the backend that are somewhat disturbing when maintaining the products by hand.
There is also a module as a sample for your own development. It requires entering of tier prices and individual options, in the backend. Finally, the prices of the individual options for each tier price are entered in the newly generated options. You can request a copy at free of charge.
For more information about tier prices in Magento with custom options or about the use of the module just have a look at
