All dropdown options are missing in magento 1.7 - magento

I am working on magento 1.7. I cant find why all options in missing whole configuration area other side like catalog grid, compliation process is showing correct only problem is here anyone have fix for this issue

These dropdowns are loaded from folder:
There should be, amonst others, a country.php file.


Products is not displaying in category page in Magento2.2.0?

After re-index process, products are not displaying in category page.I try many possibility to solve this but not get solution.
Check any modules you have installed. We experienced the same issue after upgrading to 2.2.2. After a lot of investigation, we found the issue was with Magestore Inventory Management. Disabling the module restored normal Magento behaviour.
Recommend you disable additional modules, starting with those that may impact products/categories (module:disable). Then setup:upgrade, setup:di:compile, indexer:reindex, cache:clean and see if listings are restored.
If after disabling a module the issue is resolved, re-enable it and see if it comes back (module:enable followed by the other commands).
I got the solution for this problem. Magento didn't get placeholder image.
I see that in /pub/media/catalog/product/, no path define for placeholder image. that's why the product is not displayed in category page in my case.
I put an image in /pub/media/catalog/product/images/placeholder/image.jpg
This is work for me properly.

Can't Add/ Edit Categories After Upgrading Magento to

After upgrading Magento from to we can't add/ edit categories.
When clicking Catalogue/ Manage Categories in the Admin Panel, the categories descriptions are showing for 1/10 of a second and then dissapear.
The categories descriptions are shown in the frontend, but not in the admin panel.
Also when clicking one of the tabs (manage categories), "#" is beiing added to url.
Does anybody know what could be causing this problem?
Check your php.ini settings by adding:
at the top of your index.php
You likely have your
set too low, likely at 128m.
Increase this to 256/512/1024/2048 until satisfied.
i had face same problem on Saturday and then i search in my db and delete this row then i am able to see my categories this problem is not for upgrading magento but it is because of ultimo theme extension
I had the same issue and tried everything. Finally I contacted my hosting company and this is what they found out. (which is weird because I have created many magento themes and never had an issue of this before even with the latest version) Thank you for contacting support. After looking into this for you I am seeing that there are some mod_security errors getting generated when you click on one of the categories. So we fix this on our end for you.
Hopefully this will help.
I had exactly the same issue and after about a months worth of testing I pinned it down to mod_security.
my hosting allows me to turn this off and after doing so, the categories worked as expected.
Same problem, disabling mod-security and re-enabling afterward fixed this for me

Configurable product options not showing the options on Frontend

I am having problems with the configurable products not showing the options on the frontend. If I use the default theme that came with magento (rwd), all the options are there and working great. But if I select my custom theme, the dropdown options shows nothing but the default "choose an option..."
I have tried most of the troubleshooting but still the problem persist.
Console errors.
By the way, my custom theme is based on rwd built-in theme in magento. I only modified most of the styles and copied some phtml from the base folder.
This problem took me a day to figure out what was wrong and now I finally have an answer to my own problem.
Great Tip: Always check for jquery conflicts for this type of issue. thanks to #Chiragit007 for the hint.

Magento catalog filter issue

I am using Magento and have set up a new store from scratch. (Have done this before with older versions)
I have been trying to get catalog product filters in my sidebar without any luck. I know this has been asked over and over and the simple answer is to set the 'Is Anchor' option to 'Yes' in the Category setup. I have also set 'Use in Layered Navigation' to 'Filterable (with results)' for all attributes I want to use as filters. Still, the filters do not show up in my sidebar.
When displaying the path hints in my other store, the filters are rendered in 'frontend/default/MY_THEME/template/catalog/layer/view.phtml' but in the new store it looks like this template does not show up at all when showing path hints.
If anyone could point me into the right direction of where to look or how to start finding out what is going on I would be very grateful as I have been stuck for two days now.
After quite some time of researching as well as trial and error I have found that in my case the issue was caused by disabling Flagbit_FactFinder in System > Configuration > Advanced > Disable Modules Output. So if you are having similar problems go to your magento admin panel and check the setting mentioned above.

I am unable to Find Configurable options on Product page Magento?

I have customized pages in magento, it was working fine until I installed Extension MagiczoomPlus. Now When I create a Configurable Product as shown in this link. I am unable to find my Configuration options on product detail page. even the add to cart button is not visible. I tried to look with developers View but Conldn't find configration.phtml loaded on product page. Please help How to resolve this. Thanks in advance
Have a look at /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/magiczoomplus/media.phtml
or in the folder that it is in you will find other bits of code that magiczoom adds. I don't know what you have altered but if you have been altering the products page it may be worth checking out. Also if you have been adding any other javascripts, I would check that you have got jquery no conflict setup in the right place.
