I am unable to Find Configurable options on Product page Magento? - magento

I have customized pages in magento, it was working fine until I installed Extension MagiczoomPlus. Now When I create a Configurable Product as shown in this link. I am unable to find my Configuration options on product detail page. even the add to cart button is not visible. I tried to look with developers View but Conldn't find configration.phtml loaded on product page. Please help How to resolve this. Thanks in advance

Have a look at /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/magiczoomplus/media.phtml
or in the folder that it is in you will find other bits of code that magiczoom adds. I don't know what you have altered but if you have been altering the products page it may be worth checking out. Also if you have been adding any other javascripts, I would check that you have got jquery no conflict setup in the right place.


Swap Images is not working in Magento 1.9

i've uploaded an image to a single child product of a simple configurable product but it's not swapping when clicking on the swatch.
can anyone help please?
Have a look at this comprehensive tutorial on how to add swatches into your product website. Link to configurable swatches
There is also a YouTube tutorial on this, which uses the built in function of Magento 1.9
Lastly, I suggest you add the magento-1.9 tag to your question, or add more details regarding your code/structure so others can pinpoint the exact issue.
There are also paid options available, which you might want to consider if it's what you want: extensionmall link for Magento
Honestly I have not used this platform before. So again do add the tag and others can assist you.

Home Store View and Editing Home Link in Magento

I'm not a web designer/coder but a friend had a designer quit on him and is needing some help getting his website up and running.
Website is www.wilfrednewman.com
They are using magento 1.7, blanco theme.
I'm wondering a couple things:
1) How to edit the first item of the menu (Clothing that leads to coming-soon.html). In the CMS Static Blocks he has page-menu defined which is where the other links are generated(bespoke,wedding,about,press,store), but Clothing is not there. I just don't know where to edit Clothing.
I can go through the tutorial and see how to make nav_block1 for blanco ( http://www.techturn.com/TT/Blanco_Magento_Theme.pdf ), and I have successfully done that. It just adds a link to the end of the menu he already established. I think I could likely follow that to add all my links, but I just don't know how to edit the first link so it doesn't matter
2) How do I get a "storefront" view. Just some basic store-front that has the newest products listed? That's what I would want Clothing to link to.
Googling these problems generally brings me the wrong solutions, such as editing the Home button in the Magento Navigation, so I can't find the solution for what I need, so I'm sorry if this is common but I'm just not googling the right thing!
To Edit Clothing link,
app/design/frontend/default/blanco/template/catalog/navigation/top.phtml. I think he had added page-menu here. Kindly check.
If you want to display products in clothing link, Add the below line in CMS Page (coming-soon).
Please change the category_id as you want.
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="xx" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}

Virtuemart - Products are in source but are not visible in page

I am a newbie in Joomla and trying my luck in Virtuemart.
I published some products in http://anuskincare.com/anuskincare/ under 'products' but I see no products at all. However, I can see them inside page-source. I suspect its a template problem. Please share your valuable comments and opinions on how this can be fixed.
Thanks a ton
You definately have a problem loading jQuery. A very likely possibility is that your virtuemart configuration isn't specifying to load the jquery library. Try changing those settings and see if that then loads the library for you.
If that doesn't do it, you'll see that the first JS error is: jQuery is not defined - If you're not using Firebug, I'd start by getting that, then visiting the JED and seeing if any of the jQuery Plugins will assist with the problem.

Use Simple Product Pricing for Configurable Products

I installed the Simple Configurable Products extension for configurable products pricing.
In the description it says that we need to set-up: System->Configuration->SCP Products. However, in the back-end I can't see this section. Can someone help how to fix this problem?
I don't want to use tier price, so this extension seems perfect but I can't make it to work
Please go to the System ->Configuration. Look for the "SCP" tab on the left hand-side, where you will find "SCP Config", click on that it will show the "SCP Config" Page. The "SCP Product Page" tab has got various options, which will enable you to update the simple products details accordingly.
Let me know if you don't understand my explanation.
If Swapna's note about looking in the right place didn't do it, then consider:
When you install a new module you won't see the configuration pages until you log out and then back in to the admin panel. Give that a try.
Failing that, can you see the module in System->Configuration->Advanced?

Showing Custom Options on Magento Product Page

I am having a problem displaying custom options on the product page in Magento. I'm using Modern as the base for my theme, and changing themes doesn't seem to have any effect. The catalog.xml is almost the stock one for the theme.
When viewing the page, I get the message "Please specify the product's required option(s)." but nothing shows up. Additional information that have been added to the attributes show, but no product specific custom options.
Looking with developer hints, I see that /catalog/product/view/options/wrapper.phtml is not appearing on the file. Could something be missing in one of the layout .xml files?
Any idea what might be going on? Thanks!
If you have tried enabling the default template and it still doesn't work, try creating a new product with some options and see if that works. If that still doesn't work, enable the logs and pop them open and see if there are any errors being recorded during rendering. Also, make sure that they aren't just being hidden using CSS or JavaScript (try turning off the latter, for the former use Firebug to inspect the page)
The problem I had was related to this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/magmi/forums/forum/1228365/topic/4978977
The difference is that the attribute was set to container2 in my case when I need it set to container1.
Hope this helps someone else with this issue.
Compare your layout files to the default Magento layout files.
