Configurable product options not showing the options on Frontend - magento

I am having problems with the configurable products not showing the options on the frontend. If I use the default theme that came with magento (rwd), all the options are there and working great. But if I select my custom theme, the dropdown options shows nothing but the default "choose an option..."
I have tried most of the troubleshooting but still the problem persist.
Console errors.
By the way, my custom theme is based on rwd built-in theme in magento. I only modified most of the styles and copied some phtml from the base folder.

This problem took me a day to figure out what was wrong and now I finally have an answer to my own problem.
Great Tip: Always check for jquery conflicts for this type of issue. thanks to #Chiragit007 for the hint.


Change custome theme magento in backoffice not working

I have installed new theme in magento , to change the default theme i did this in backoffice of magento, in Design onglet of configuration tab , but whene i saved this and clear the cache , this not working so have you any idea about the matter and what wrong thing i did , please help me to slove this?
First of all you have to know the fall back model of magento.According to which magento checks for the files in your theme in "app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme"if it doesnot find it there it will look in "app/design/frontend/default/default".If it doesnot find it there than it will search in "app/design/frontend/base/default/default".
You can learn more about theming in magento in magento knowledge base.The main thing is if you want to modify your theme you can easily do it from "app/design/frontend/default/yourtheme".
Hope this will help.
I have solved this by changing the name of theme so whene magento looking for this theme can't find it so it take the value setted in backoffice

Magento products show up in all categories

I have a problem with products on my category-pages.
I've got 2 sub-categories, both with products. When I call the category-page of the first category, products from both categories show up.
When i turn the theme back to the default magento theme, only the products from the correct category show up.
I have already looked in the list.phtml file, but that's not it.
Got any idea's where to look? Thanks.
First check if there is a local.xml in your theme folder. The local.xml is used to apply specific changes without affecting the fallback system. Check the loca.xml for any specific changes to <"catalog_category_default"> , <"catalog_category_layered"> or <"default">.
If there is no local.xml in your theme folder you should check the catalog.xml.
You could open the catalog.xml from the default folder and open it next to the one you use in your theme. Then step by step check the differences.
Hope it helps!
I found the problem. For me the problem was in the 2columns-left.phtml file of my theme.
I compared it to the base 2columns-left.phtml file and saw some differences. Then is was easy to see which one it was and to fix it.

Why wouldn't a category menu be displaying on a magento theme?

I'm trying to set up a dynamic menu in a Magento store (v1.7 community edition with the hellowired theme) and can't figure it out why on earth is not being displayed on my home page.
I don't know if there's a mistake in the call on the .phtml files of the theme or if I'm missing some configuration. I have already configured it as described in the theme's documentation and set several products and I'm still not seeing the menu displayed.
If I hard code the category call, it works fine, but it's just a workaround since I need it to be dynamic.
Turns Out for the theme I was using (The Hellowired one, but it appears to apply to several) it was required to set-up all categories under the Default Category. This question was answered to me by an admin of the theme site.
Make sure that the flag Is Active and Include in Navigation Menu set to "YES" from admin panel under General Information Tab in Catalog->Manage Categories.

magento page not display properly

I install magento on the server with default theme, then I put in a category and a product to see how it works, I found out the detail page doesnt layout right and no pictures on it only plain texts. I change to other themes and reindex / refresh coach and none of them helped, the magento is fresh install and nothing change beside adding some theme and product.
I would reinstall if it isn't a huge problem. Something must have gone wonky.

Showing Custom Options on Magento Product Page

I am having a problem displaying custom options on the product page in Magento. I'm using Modern as the base for my theme, and changing themes doesn't seem to have any effect. The catalog.xml is almost the stock one for the theme.
When viewing the page, I get the message "Please specify the product's required option(s)." but nothing shows up. Additional information that have been added to the attributes show, but no product specific custom options.
Looking with developer hints, I see that /catalog/product/view/options/wrapper.phtml is not appearing on the file. Could something be missing in one of the layout .xml files?
Any idea what might be going on? Thanks!
If you have tried enabling the default template and it still doesn't work, try creating a new product with some options and see if that works. If that still doesn't work, enable the logs and pop them open and see if there are any errors being recorded during rendering. Also, make sure that they aren't just being hidden using CSS or JavaScript (try turning off the latter, for the former use Firebug to inspect the page)
The problem I had was related to this:
The difference is that the attribute was set to container2 in my case when I need it set to container1.
Hope this helps someone else with this issue.
Compare your layout files to the default Magento layout files.
