Magento catalog filter issue - magento

I am using Magento and have set up a new store from scratch. (Have done this before with older versions)
I have been trying to get catalog product filters in my sidebar without any luck. I know this has been asked over and over and the simple answer is to set the 'Is Anchor' option to 'Yes' in the Category setup. I have also set 'Use in Layered Navigation' to 'Filterable (with results)' for all attributes I want to use as filters. Still, the filters do not show up in my sidebar.
When displaying the path hints in my other store, the filters are rendered in 'frontend/default/MY_THEME/template/catalog/layer/view.phtml' but in the new store it looks like this template does not show up at all when showing path hints.
If anyone could point me into the right direction of where to look or how to start finding out what is going on I would be very grateful as I have been stuck for two days now.

After quite some time of researching as well as trial and error I have found that in my case the issue was caused by disabling Flagbit_FactFinder in System > Configuration > Advanced > Disable Modules Output. So if you are having similar problems go to your magento admin panel and check the setting mentioned above.


Products is not displaying in category page in Magento2.2.0?

After re-index process, products are not displaying in category page.I try many possibility to solve this but not get solution.
Check any modules you have installed. We experienced the same issue after upgrading to 2.2.2. After a lot of investigation, we found the issue was with Magestore Inventory Management. Disabling the module restored normal Magento behaviour.
Recommend you disable additional modules, starting with those that may impact products/categories (module:disable). Then setup:upgrade, setup:di:compile, indexer:reindex, cache:clean and see if listings are restored.
If after disabling a module the issue is resolved, re-enable it and see if it comes back (module:enable followed by the other commands).
I got the solution for this problem. Magento didn't get placeholder image.
I see that in /pub/media/catalog/product/, no path define for placeholder image. that's why the product is not displayed in category page in my case.
I put an image in /pub/media/catalog/product/images/placeholder/image.jpg
This is work for me properly.

All dropdown options are missing in magento 1.7

I am working on magento 1.7. I cant find why all options in missing whole configuration area other side like catalog grid, compliation process is showing correct only problem is here anyone have fix for this issue
These dropdowns are loaded from folder:
There should be, amonst others, a country.php file.

Lost Pagination Toolbar in Magento 1.8.1

I have a live Magento 1.8.1 site where pagination was working on product list pages (such as category pages) but I’ve been adding and removing a number of extensions / plugins and I’ve lost all pagination. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the last time it was working so I can’t think precisely what extension might have caused the problem.
I’ve checked all the usual fixes such as here but my catalog.xml is fine (and all problems seem to only relate to 1.4 - 1.6). I am reluctant to upload new files which I actually think might fix it but I also know how temperamental Magento is! Everything else is working perfectly for the first time after a month of serious hard work including a couple of reinstalls!
The website is and although you can see a custom theme, there is also no pagination on the default magento theme which indicates to me it’s a core problem somewhere.
Any thoughts on any files I could check / change before I do a big overwrite?
Many thanks
Following things you can try in order to Cope-up with this situation :
1) Disable those modules which is overriding Catalog module and check once again.
2) Check whether Toolbar block is calling or not using Template and Block Path hints using Magento Admin.
3) If you are using any template, possibly there could be a setting in Admin section to Manage toolbar.

Subtotal, Shipping, Discount and Grand Total Missing in Magento

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. I am not a Magento developer but am having to fix my site after my "developer" left me with most of the work to do.
Currently in my checkout screen i'm not seeing any values other than that of the actual product item value - no subtotals, discounts, shipping or the grand total. They all appear ok on the emails that are sent though (luckily).
I'm not using the default Magento package but from what i can see all the .phtml files seem to be there in the base directories and are not in my new design directories - so i would have assumed all would work ok. But alas, no. Is there anywhere i should be looking/tweaking etc etc? Have googled about as much as i can but to no avail.
I'm sure it must be something simple (!?) if all appear on the emails ok. Any ideas would be great!
I realise this is fairly old now but just in case anyone else comes across this I had this problem and for me all I had to do some enable the Mage_Tax module in System > Configuration > Advanced
It is difficult to answer your question without more insight, but here is what can be a starting point:
Login to your shop's admin panel.
In System menu click on Configuration.
From the Current Configuration Scope box select your Website.
Now in the menu on left-hand side under Configuration > Advanced (almost to the bottom of the screen)
Click on Developer
Now in the main panel, click on Debug.
For the field Template Path Hints select Yes.
Now reload your website (front-end) and you will see from which template is each part of the page being loaded.
Also if Magento's cache is enabled, you will need to clear that. I would suggest that this cache be disabled during development and/or on non-production versions of your site.

Showing Custom Options on Magento Product Page

I am having a problem displaying custom options on the product page in Magento. I'm using Modern as the base for my theme, and changing themes doesn't seem to have any effect. The catalog.xml is almost the stock one for the theme.
When viewing the page, I get the message "Please specify the product's required option(s)." but nothing shows up. Additional information that have been added to the attributes show, but no product specific custom options.
Looking with developer hints, I see that /catalog/product/view/options/wrapper.phtml is not appearing on the file. Could something be missing in one of the layout .xml files?
Any idea what might be going on? Thanks!
If you have tried enabling the default template and it still doesn't work, try creating a new product with some options and see if that works. If that still doesn't work, enable the logs and pop them open and see if there are any errors being recorded during rendering. Also, make sure that they aren't just being hidden using CSS or JavaScript (try turning off the latter, for the former use Firebug to inspect the page)
The problem I had was related to this:
The difference is that the attribute was set to container2 in my case when I need it set to container1.
Hope this helps someone else with this issue.
Compare your layout files to the default Magento layout files.
