How can I optimize this Joomla site for iPhone/iPad? - joomla

I want to show this site on iPhone or iPad just acceptable:
Please tell me where to edit.

get a responsive-ready template. there's no go-responsive-NOW!1!!1! button anywhere.

Unfortunately, you will have to use a new responsive-ready template. The alternative is to completely gut your current template which would take an in-depth knowledge of css, html, php, the Joomla Platform and a responsive framework like Bootstrap (and wold take more time in the long run).
Here are a few great Joomla template houses to get you started:


Migrating "bootstrap-touch-slider.js" to joomla

Hi I am migrating my html bootstrap site to joomla 3. So far things are looking good. I am using the bootstrap touch slider in my html version which works fine and I am stuck how to move it to Joomla. Is there any way to do this or do I need to use/buy a slider module extension?THANK YOU!
The best thing is to create your own module and embed slider js in, otherwise you can try to modify the present one. In both cases if you have never done one before you is suit buy the extension you found.

Joomla Template Selection

I am planning to build Auto responsive website in Joomla. I am looking for below features.
Must have :
Auto responsive (mobile friendly)
Static & Dynamic content management
Forms submission
Auto email on form submit
CRM entry on form submit using an API call to our CRM
Good to have :
Ticket Raising system
FAQ managment
Backup Of Site
Blog handing
Kindly advise, which template can be used to achieve above functions?
You could use Joomla 3's standard template as it's responsive, however there are so many sites using this so you go down another road.
If you're up for some design of your own, then you can get a pre-built master template such as Yootheme's Master Theme which is free or maybe ever Afterburner 2 by Rockettheme.
For forms, you can use an extension such as Chronoforms which allows you to build your own forms for multiple purposes and has a lot of features.
As for the "Good to have" points, simply have a search on the Joomla Extensions Directory and you will find everything you need.
Hope this helps
Only one of your requirements has anything to do with the template you choose, whether it is responsive or not.
Joomla templates do nothing more than provide styling for the output of Joomla core and any extensions you may add. Everything you list is functionality that would need to be added with 3rd-party extensions, with the exception of content management; Joomla is a Content Management System.

whick one is better fkeditor or ckeditor?

i am running through a problem to choose either fkeditor or ckeditor which one is better than the other in my project. and how can i get the tutorial regarding customization of any one of these editor in php.
Can you name some websites where i could get the help thanks.
CKEditor is formerly known as FCKEditor (the creator was unaware that FCKEditor didn't sound very... professional) - so you'll want CKEditor.
The CKEditor website has a wealth of information - check out the User Guide, Tutorials and How Tos. Also, when you have downloaded the CKEditor file, you'll find some example code in ckeditor/_samples/php which should help.

Widget kit not working for joomla 1. 7

I have a joomla 1. 7 website and I have installed a widget kit for displaying a slider with buttons on it. It works fine in the backend, however it does not display on the site.
Is there a reason why widget kit is not compatible with Joomla 1. 7?
Without any details at all, I'd suggest a possible conflict with you chosen joomla template and javascript library(s) like jquery or mootools.
Try one of the simple templates that came with your joomla installation and see if the problem on the front end persists.
Widget Kit is compatible with Joomla 1.7, however as Grag P said, it might possibly be a conflict with another extension using Jquery.
Use Firebug and look at the scripts being loaded in the <head> tags and see if there are 2 Jquery libraries being loaded.
If so then the 2nd one is most likely coming from your template in which case go to your template manager and see if there is an option to turn off Jquery, else if its coming from another extension, try disabling it and seeing if this solves the problem.
Also make sure you have the most up-to-date version of widget kit as Yootheme have brought out a lot of updates in the last 2 months.

Themes and editing pages in Sitefinity 4.4

When I edit content in the backend I would like to be able to see the page as like it is in sitefinity 3.7. Right now all I'm seeing are the contentplaceholders, I don't think this is will work for inexperienced users. Is this this possible to achieve? I've tried adding themes="theme" to the tag in the web config, but this applies it to the CMS elements as well.
Sitefinity version: 4.4
Thanks for your time!
To apply styles for particular elements only for the page editor (placeholders, widget headers etc.), put .sfPageContainer before every element. For example, if you want to change the color of the links in the page editor write .sfPageContainer a{color:blue} and this will apply only in the page editor, not in the whole system.
