Migrating "bootstrap-touch-slider.js" to joomla - joomla

Hi I am migrating my html bootstrap site to joomla 3. So far things are looking good. I am using the bootstrap touch slider in my html version which works fine and I am stuck how to move it to Joomla. Is there any way to do this or do I need to use/buy a slider module extension?THANK YOU!

The best thing is to create your own module and embed slider js in, otherwise you can try to modify the present one. In both cases if you have never done one before you is suit buy the extension you found.


Joomla - Remove product image zoom function

I am relatively new here but am looking forward to the support and knowledge i can gain here.
I have recently taken over a Joomla site that has a custom shopping cart which as far as i can tell is called dnaCatalog. I have tried to Google it but came up nothing but the actual dna workings of Joomla and other such things.
What i would like to achieve is to remove the image zoom from the product images in the shopping cart. I have searched the admin back-end through the plugins and modules but cant find any reference to any form of image zoom so I am guessing its hardcoded into the theme or catalog.
I currently have the site on a testing server here... http://geekdimm.com/ragland-current.
I have just updated it to the current version of Joomla 3.6.5
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance.
The zoom function is coded as a JQuery add on, you will find it at templates/quasar/js/jquery.loupe.min.js. The optimal way to solve this is to find the calls to the script above and remove them (be careful what you remove, you should know what you doing when editing the core files).
Alternatively look for the class called loupe which are associated to your images, this gives your images the zoom functionality.
The easiest (but dirtiest) way to solve this is to go to your templates css file
templates/quasar/css/template.css and on line 7127 add the CSS display:none!important;

How can I optimize this Joomla site for iPhone/iPad?

I want to show this site on iPhone or iPad just acceptable: www.uaeolimp.com.
Please tell me where to edit.
get a responsive-ready template. there's no go-responsive-NOW!1!!1! button anywhere.
Unfortunately, you will have to use a new responsive-ready template. The alternative is to completely gut your current template which would take an in-depth knowledge of css, html, php, the Joomla Platform and a responsive framework like Bootstrap (and wold take more time in the long run).
Here are a few great Joomla template houses to get you started:

using a custom javascript code in joomla

I've been asked to write a custom javascript to create a tooltip. I've done this and the code works on my localhost and on my own online webhost but it refuses to work in joomla 2.5. I've heard this could be caused by the moo tools pluggin that comes with joomla itself? what plug in should I install to make my javascript work? I checked the code and it works all around. I apologize if this is an inappropriate question.
edit: The problem is it just won't run the code at all. it doesn't apply the CSS. which is loaded from another file, though it does apply the style for the rest of the site. When there's suppose to be a custom css for the title attribute in a img tag I just get a regular text window

Widget kit not working for joomla 1. 7

I have a joomla 1. 7 website and I have installed a widget kit for displaying a slider with buttons on it. It works fine in the backend, however it does not display on the site.
Is there a reason why widget kit is not compatible with Joomla 1. 7?
Without any details at all, I'd suggest a possible conflict with you chosen joomla template and javascript library(s) like jquery or mootools.
Try one of the simple templates that came with your joomla installation and see if the problem on the front end persists.
Widget Kit is compatible with Joomla 1.7, however as Grag P said, it might possibly be a conflict with another extension using Jquery.
Use Firebug and look at the scripts being loaded in the <head> tags and see if there are 2 Jquery libraries being loaded.
If so then the 2nd one is most likely coming from your template in which case go to your template manager and see if there is an option to turn off Jquery, else if its coming from another extension, try disabling it and seeing if this solves the problem.
Also make sure you have the most up-to-date version of widget kit as Yootheme have brought out a lot of updates in the last 2 months.

How can i integrate joomla media selector into a custom component

I'm writing a custom component for joomla 1.5 and i been searching for a way to integrate
com_media image selector into it.
All i want, is to have a functionality like, the image selection in the create article page.
Anyone knows how to do this?
Is there an API in joomla to do this, or do i have to see how is done in com_content an start
form there?
You can use a select box with image preview like the one used for the Sections and Categories thumbnails. This is much easier to integrate though images must come from single directory.
See the com_sections and com_content files in you Joomla Administrators components directory.
Also try posting this in the Joomla Forums.
